Taya nodded, she didn't mention why she retreated back to be vigilant, and said that on Shi Lei's side, the two of them stepped on the hard concrete floor with bare feet, fortunately they were wearing socks, so they didn't feel cold.

Shi Lei has always been thinking about the notebook that Mr. Zhou locked in the drawer, and walked towards the side of the long table according to what he saw in memory, while Mo Tingzhi started from the door and scanned every corner of the room little by little. something.

"Mo Tingzhi, come here quickly, take a look at this...fuck, I threw the wire away."

Shi Lei originally wanted to ask Mo Tingzhi to see if he could pick the lock, but in the middle of speaking, Shi Lei suddenly remembered that when he attacked Ayue earlier, he threw the wire out, and then he didn't take any other clips.

Mo Tingzhi quietly squatted beside Shi Lei, he observed the small round lock on the wooden cabinet, squinted his eyes, saw that Shi Lei was reaching out to touch it, and slapped Shi Lei's hand away unceremoniously .

"Don't touch it, it will leave fingerprints."

After being reminded by Mo Tingzhi, Shi Lei paid attention, he reached out and fumbled in his trouser pocket, and then took out a roll of bandages, which was torn apart and folded flat again.

Shi Lei tore it in half and handed it to Mo Tingzhi, "Here." Then he wrapped his right hand with a bandage, and Mo Tingzhi took out a few unopened clips.

"There's..." Shi Lei took advantage of Mo Tingzhi's opening the lock, told him what he saw just now, and then scanned the room, thinking about what to look for.

His eyes fell on a pile of neatly bound printing papers on the table, Shi Lei rolled his eyes, and walked over. After what happened just now, Shi Lei paid attention to it.

He first checked the top of the paper to see if there was anything stuck inside the page. It didn't matter. He found several short hairs. If he hadn't observed carefully, he would have missed them.

Shi Lei wrote down the appearance, and then flipped through the content, the more he looked at it, the more he frowned, and the expression on his face became more solemn.

At this moment, there was a slight and crisp sound of the lock being opened, Shi Lei turned his head to look at Mo Tingzhi, who knew that Mo Tingzhi also raised his head at the same time, and looked at the door.

What the hell!

Shi Lei cursed secretly, quickly put down the things, and returned to the original position as quickly as possible, while Mo Tingzhi pulled out the wire, stood up and searched for a place to hide in the room.

After Shi Lei was done, he hurried to Mo Tingzhi's side and dragged him into the gap inside the long table. Fortunately, both of them didn't wear shoes, and they ran lightly and made no sound when they ran.

Just after hiding, the door was opened, Shi Lei poked his head slightly sideways, looked at the situation at the door, and couldn't help muttering in his heart.

What about this woman, Taya?If they hadn't reacted quickly, they would have been discovered. Just as he was thinking, Shi Lei felt someone tugging at his arm.

As soon as Shi Lei turned his head, Mo Tingzhi pointed to his left side, and then wrote in Shi Lei's palm: There is a box at my feet.

"The box? Is there any secret inside?" Shi Lei thought of the materials on the table, rolled his eyes, and wrote a sentence on Mo Tingzhi's palm.

The two waited for the person who came in, and after going out with something on the table, they waited for a while before they got out, and Mo Tingzhi came out with the box in his arms.

Mo Tingzhi went to open the box, but Shi Lei said to himself: "The information on the table is about Taya's tribe, but many of the information are wrong."

The lock on the box is easy to open, and there are also some materials inside. Some papers look fresh, some are yellowed, and there are a few old photos.

Mo Tingzhi took a rough glance, then got up and walked towards the wooden cabinet, continuing with the unfinished work just now, "Shi Lei, you'd better take a look at the photo, does it look familiar?"

Shi Lei was checking the documents at a glance. Hearing this, he followed the method of placing documents in the box, closed the things, put them on the ground, then picked up the old photos at the bottom of the box, and looked at them carefully.

After a few seconds, Shi Lei couldn't help exclaiming: "This...isn't this the blood-sucking underground people suppressed by the tower tribe?"

Although the contents of the old black and white photos are somewhat blurred, Shi Lei also experienced life and death there at the beginning, and he still has a fresh memory of the creatures in it, so there is absolutely no mistake.

"Well, Group C may not be looking for treasures, but these things."


The blood-sucking underground people were all killed by them?Wouldn't the spies in their team tell their superiors?Shi Lei was a little speechless thinking, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times.

Mo Tingzhi opened the cabinet, reached out and took out the notebook inside, and after looking through it carefully for a few times, Mo Tingzhi handed the notebook to Shi Lei, with a serious expression on his face.

Shi Lei glanced at Mo Tingzhi strangely, then put the information in the wooden box back in its original position, Mo Tingzhi checked it, then locked it, and put it back again.

When he came out again, Shi Lei hastily read through the information in the notebook, the expression on his face was very strange, "People from C Group, are they probably sick?"

Mo Tingzhi nodded in deep agreement, and then searched other places in the room, but found nothing useful, "Come on, we'll talk about this matter later, let's go quickly."

After seeing the contents of the notebook, Shi Lei couldn't tell what he felt. Anyway, he felt very aggrieved and angry, because so many people died because of their selfish desires.

There are only a few hundred members in the light tower tribe, not to mention the friends Shi Lei met, because of this seemingly ridiculous idea, the people in Group C are chasing after them and trying their best.

Mo Tingzhi lowered his eyes and did not say a word. He put the notebook back and locked the wooden cabinet. When the two of them walked directly under the vent, they heard Taya shouting in a low voice: "Someone is coming, come up quickly!" .”

Shi Lei looked up, and saw that the vent was opened, Taya poked her head out, with an anxious expression on her face, Shi Lei nodded at her as a signal, and then moved a chair underneath.

Ask Mo Ting to go up first, after he cleaned up the traces, he climbed up according to the way he went up before, just as Shi Lei covered the vent, the door was opened.

Elder Zhou came in with two young men behind him. The young men put down the two stacks of printed things they were holding and left. Elder Zhou was reading something while writing down something in his notebook.

Shi Lei couldn't see clearly even if he wanted to, not to mention looking at Elder Zhou's posture, he had to study for a long time, and it was impossible to see, so Shi Lei had no choice but to push Mo Tingzhi in front, indicating to leave.

When they went back, because they had already passed one side, the speed was much faster, so they went up the stairs as before. When they reached the first floor, Shi Lei and the others originally thought that it would be the same trap door as when they came in.

Unexpectedly, he came across a dark tunnel where he couldn't see the situation ahead, Shi Lei looked at the situation in front of him in a daze, God knows how exhilarating he was crawling in the ventilation tunnel just now.

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