"I'll take you down." After Bai Mingxian stood firm, he turned to look at Shi Lei and said calmly, the corners of Shi Lei's mouth twitched and he hesitated.

Bai Mingxian noticed it, and explained a few words unhurriedly, "This height is no problem for me at all, don't worry, besides, do you have other ways?"

The sewer that seemed to be broken at any moment appeared in Shi Lei's mind, the corner of his eye twitched, he had no choice but to respond to Bai Mingxian, and followed Bai Mingxian to climb up the window sill.

There is not much room for the window sill to step on, but to Bai Mingxian, there is no problem at all. After grasping Shi Lei, he found a few jumping points, and jumped back and forth between the two floors After two clicks, it landed firmly on the ground.

"Phew, it finally came down. It took less than a minute. That's right, Bai Mingxian, you have the qualifications to be a courier." Shi Lei felt that he was stepping on the ground, and quickly patted Bai Mingxian's hand that was pulling his lapel.

He turned his head and looked at both sides vigilantly, raised his arm and patted Bai Mingxian's shoulder with relief, he didn't know what he thought of, he paused, and hurriedly asked: "By the way, you can still go back like this ?"

"No, you are too heavy to carry." Bai Mingxian answered unceremoniously, and after he finished speaking, he moved away along the bushes.

Shi Lei leaned against the wall to hide his figure, saw it, gritted his teeth for a while, and then chased after him, "...Get out!" The two of them moved with their waists bent, naturally they couldn't go faster.

They walked all the way towards the building they saw during the day, and when they got downstairs, Shi Lei felt back pain, he really wanted to sit down on the ground and never get up again.

Shi Lei glanced at the man in front of him who was on guard, feeling envious and jealous in his heart, why is there nothing wrong with this guy?Just as he was thinking, Bai Mingxian turned around, leaned over and asked in a low voice, "Where are you going?"

This building has quite a lot of floors. Shi Lei recalled what he saw from a distance during the day a few days ago, and he had an idea in his mind, "You can't go inside, there must be a warning."

Shi Lei raised his head to see the bright light coming out, and frowned slightly, "The electricity here is not cut off, without Mo Ting, the monitoring is not easy, let's stay away from it, go around and see what's going on behind here. "

Bai Mingxian didn't know anything about surveillance, but he knew that what Shi Lei said must be very important, so he didn't say anything. This time, Shi Lei led the way, and Bai Mingxian was guarding behind.

The two of them took a detour and were two meters away from the building. Fortunately, there are a lot of vegetation nearby, so they don't have to worry about the exposure of the flat park.

After bypassing the building, the scenery at the back was not as good as before, and looked extraordinarily desolate. Shi Lei and Bai Mingxian were in the bushes, observing the surrounding situation through the gap.

The two stayed in the bush for about 10 to [-] minutes. It wasn't that they didn't want to leave. The key point was that there was no place to hide in front of them.

Shi Lei squinted at the lights not far away, he could vaguely hear men's rude conversations, nothing more than bragging and dirty jokes.

A little bored, Shi Lei looked down at his watch, an hour had passed, Shi Lei turned his head and looked into the distance, it was pitch black, and he didn't know if there was an incoming call.

Shi Lei and Bai Mingxian were guarding back to back, he was wondering if he was going to retreat after the group left, when a soft voice suddenly came from his ears, Shi Lei's heart skipped a beat when he heard it.

"Ming Xian, did you hear the sound of the waves?" Shi Lei hurriedly leaned over and whispered, Bai Ming Xian listened, and gave an affirmative "Yes".

"Sea waves..." Shi Lei chewed these two words repeatedly, and words like "sea, seaside, beach" immediately came to mind.

Shi Lei can believe that his hearing is bad, but he will never doubt Bai Mingxian. In this way, Shi Lei's original doubts also become clear.

If it was what he thought, all this would make sense, although it was good news, Shi Lei's heart sank involuntarily.

"Let's go?" Bai Mingxian also heard someone coming, and hurriedly asked in Shi Lei's ear, Shi Lei shook his head slightly, "Look again."

He wanted to use the lights of this group of people to confirm whether his thoughts were correct, Bai Mingxian heard the words, but didn't say anything, he crouched motionless in the bushes, dutifully guarding Shi Lei.

And Shi Lei's gaze has been fixed on the place where the lights of the group of people who are getting closer and closer are reaching. At the beginning, that group of people has been shining on the road ahead without any change.

Then for some reason, the group of people suddenly cursed, stood in one place and did not leave. The bright light in their hands swept towards the dark place to their left.

Shi Lei took the opportunity to take a few glances, and immediately confirmed that the place they took was either an isolated island or the seaside, but the former was more likely.

After the patrolling group left, Shi Lei listened carefully for a while, then raised his hand and patted Bai Mingxian's shoulder, and said in a low voice, "Go back, let's go."

Bai Mingxian gave a faint "hmm", got up and headed back the same way, and when they got back downstairs, both of them were a little worried.

"You're not kidding me, are you? Can't you come down? Why can't you go up?" Shi Lei and Bai Mingxian were sticking to the bottom of the wall, arguing at the volume of only two people.

Well, to be more specific, it was Shi Lei who was so angry that he almost vomited blood, while Bai Mingxian on his left was as calm as ever, he emphasized again, "Because you are heavy."

Shi Lei looked at Bai Mingxian, who looked like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, and was so angry that he almost cursed. Before he opened his mouth again, Shi Lei suddenly noticed that what he saw became clear.

Um?Shi Lei looked up at the open space in front of him in a daze, and immediately noticed the light shining... a sound floating in mid-air.

Shi Lei's back stiffened instantly, what the hell?Could it be that it was discovered?When did you call?He didn't notice just now, and who is that guy behind?Neither of them noticed while standing.

Just as Shi Lei was talking incoherently to himself, Bai Mingxian's somewhat tangled voice suddenly sounded next to his ear, "Well, I'll go up first, and then I'll hang upside down with the gold hook to drag you up."

"Look at the back." Shi Lei gritted his teeth and squeezed out a sentence, thinking, Bai Mingxian couldn't have been bitten by a Gu worm, right?Why did you become dull all of a sudden.

"Back?" Bai Mingxian looked back with a puzzled face, and then said in a calm tone: "There are two clothes hanging out, what's wrong?"

"..." Shi Lei immediately petrified when he heard that, he turned his head and glanced stiffly, a crow flew over his head, and Bai Mingxian beside him was still asking him what's the matter.

Shi Lei just wanted to be quiet and didn't want to talk, Shi Lei didn't want to recall the embarrassing appearance just now, so he quickly blocked Bai Mingxian with one sentence, "Just do as you say."

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