Today is clouds covering the moon, all the lights are on, and the room is illuminated like daytime, but when you walk out of the place where the lights reach, it instantly becomes pitch black.

For Shi Lei and the others, this kind of weather is really a godsend. If the moonlight is bright, their whereabouts will be easily exposed.

After discussing the specific time, everyone returned to their rooms, looking down at the time from time to time, it was [-]:[-].

Shi Lei watched the minute hand cross 12, his nervous heart suddenly calmed down for some reason, no matter what, today is imperative.

Thinking, Shi Lei heaved a sigh of relief, turned his head to look at Mo Tingzhi who had just stood up from the sofa not far away, without speaking, he watched Mo Tingzhi come to the door.

Seeing Mo Tingzhi's hand covering the handle, he said in a slightly hoarse voice: "Mo Tingzhi, be careful."

Mo Tingzhi opened the door without looking back, and stepped out. When the door was about to close, Shi Lei heard him answer "Mmm", and then closed his eyes again.

Shi Lei sat on the bed with his chest folded. He heard the footsteps outside the door, and gradually walked away. He tapped his arms rhythmically, and the room became silent again.

Shi Lei could hear the sound of breathing and heartbeat clearly, but his attention was always on the watch. He listened to the sound of the second hand "clicking", silently counting the time in his heart.

After about 10 minutes, Shi Lei suddenly felt dark in front of his eyes, he opened his eyes, glanced at the light above his head, turned over and got off the bed.

"The power went out?" Shi Lei muttered to himself, walked to the door, pressed the switch twice, but the light didn't turn on, Mo Tingzhi and the others succeeded?
Shi Lei raised his eyebrows, stretched out his hand to open the door, walked to the corridor, turned his head to look at the sides, what was surprising was that except for Shi Lei and the others who came out to check the situation, no one came out from the other wards.


There was a rustling sound, especially loud in the silent corridor, Shi Lei had been standing in the darkness for a while, and now he could vaguely see the outlines of moving objects in the darkness.

Shi Lei stared at the place where the sound came from for a while, the sound got closer and closer, one of them walked up to Shi Lei, and said lightly: "Okay."

It was Mo Tingzhi who was speaking, Shi Lei recognized it instantly, he squinted his eyes, and stepped aside to let Mo Tingzhi out of the way, when the two passed each other, Shi Lei said to Mo Tingzhi with only two voices I said a few words.

Mo Tingzhi paused and returned to the room, while Shi Lei walked towards the place where Bai Mingxian lived. Bai Mingxian was already waiting at the door. Seeing Shi Lei coming, Bai Mingxian said in a low voice: "The end of the corridor is a short distance from here. distance, let's hurry up."

Shi Lei gave a low "hmm", raised his feet and stepped lightly, the two of them speeded up and walked towards the end in the direction of Guo Jingyi, which was the men's toilet.

In the past few days, they have already learned about this place, because they didn't dare to be blatant and wasted a lot of time, Shi Lei didn't forget to look around while walking.

The surroundings were a bit strangely quiet, for some reason, Shi Lei felt a strange feeling in his heart, and there was a trace of uneasiness in his heart.

The power was off, why didn't other people respond at all, and also, other people's rooms are too quiet, right?Shi Lei thought about it, his footsteps stopped, he was a little tangled, should he see what's going on in the other wards.

Although the second floor is not as crowded as the first floor, there are still a lot of patients, and it's not even nine o'clock now, so how could they not be aware of it.

"Why don't you leave?" Bai Mingxian took two steps, and when he heard no movement behind him, he hurriedly turned his head and saw Shi Lei standing motionless, so he couldn't help asking.

Shi Lei thought for a while and made up his mind. He looked up and looked at the rooms on both sides. At this time, they were only two rooms away from the men's toilet.

"You didn't think there was anything wrong?" Shi Lei moved closer to Bai Mingxian, whispered a few words, and expressed his doubts.

Bai Mingxian thought for a while, then said in a low voice: "I'll go and have a look, you are on the alert." Seeing this, Shi Lei hurriedly said: "I'll go." Bai Mingxian's skills are good, but he thinks it's better for Bai Mingxian to be on the alert.

Hearing this, Bai Mingxian paused, he turned his head and spread his palms in front of Shi Lei, Shi Lei vaguely saw a dumpling, and only heard Bai Mingxian's cold voice said: "I can use him to confirm the situation inside."

It's Gu worms!
Damn, I remember that when he was taking things back then, Bai Mingxian didn't take Gu worms?Where did that guy come from?Shi Lei watched in astonishment as Bai Mingxian approached the door, knelt down and didn't know what he was doing, and couldn't help complaining in his heart.

With his back against the wall, Shi Lei glanced to both sides from time to time, after confirming that no one was coming, he couldn't help but start guessing in his mind, how did Bai Mingxian get the Gu worms, after thinking about it, there is only one possibility, think carefully Terrible.

"There is no life in the room. There is no one in these rooms."

Shi Lei was trying to divert his attention, not wanting to hear Bai Mingxian walking over and saying coldly when Bai Mingxian left a psychological shadow.


How can it be!These few days they strolled here, they could meet a few people from time to time, Shi Lei would chat with them occasionally, Shi Lei watched everyone walk into the room, how could...

Thinking about it, Shi Lei turned his head and looked towards the door beside him. He hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and leaned over, his face pressed against the transparent glass, and looked towards the dark room.

The curtains of the room were not drawn, the moon was covered by clouds before, now the moonlight shone into the room again, Shi Lei stared at the bed for a few seconds.

He could vaguely see the figure in the quilt, Shi Lei quickly pushed Bai Mingxian beside him, motioning him to look, Bai Mingxian said with certainty: "It's not a living person, nor a corpse."

"What?" Then... what the hell is that?

The corner of Shi Lei's mouth twitched, and just as he opened his mouth to speak, he subconsciously lowered his head and glanced at the watch on his wrist, and saw that they had wasted more than ten minutes here.

"Bai Mingxian, let's go, don't worry about this for now."

While talking, Shi Lei raised his arms, motioning for Bai Mingxian to look at it, he straightened up hurriedly, and walked towards the men's toilet, followed closely by Bai Mingxian.

After the two of them entered the men's toilet, Bai Mingxian first searched inside with Gu worms, and after confirming that there were no living people... Cough cough, this is just in case, just in case.

"I'll go, can this sewer hold the two of us?"

Shi Lei pushed open the window, first glanced into the distance, and then observed the surrounding situation, then reached out and shook the sewer, trembling, it seemed particularly unsafe.

Bai Mingxian pushed Shi Lei, Shi Lei quickly retracted his head, and dodged to make room for him, Bai Mingxian poked his head out and looked towards the ground, then he didn't say anything, he quickly climbed up the window sill.

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