"Shi Lei, where do you think we are now?"

Xi Chuyu was sitting in the middle of the kayak, speaking in a weak voice, Xi Chuyu pulled the clothes covering her body towards the top of her head to block the sun.

They had been floating on the sea for three days in kayaks. Fortunately, there was still a little food left. Although they could not fill their stomachs, they would not starve to death.

After leaving that day, after Shi Lei and the others paddled out for a while, the thunder and strong wind stopped, and the sea returned to calm, allowing them to survive.

But now, even if he didn't die before, he might be trapped to death by despair now, let alone a sip of food, not even a sip of water. Hearing this, Shi Lei didn't want to waste his energy by talking, so he just lazily responded.

He leaned against the side of the kayak and put his hands in front of his eyes to block the glare of the sun. After a while, Shi Lei slowly got up.

Shi Lei was worried that the kayak would be overturned if he moved too hard, he didn't want to fall into the sea water at this time, otherwise he would lose control after taking a sip of sea water, the sea water has high salinity, and he was the one who was unlucky in the end.

"No, Jingyi's wound is inflamed!" Shi Lei had just sat down, and before he could do anything, he heard Lan Mei rushing to say in the last boat.

Shi Lei was startled, and quickly turned his head to look. He inserted two oars into the inner handles on both sides of the kayak, and then put on a piece of clothing to make a simple awning.

Guo Jingyi suffered a gunshot wound, which was different from the others. Anti-inflammatory drugs had to be used, but they didn't have any. Lan Mei had to take out the bullet first and put on ordinary wound medicine.

There was nothing wrong with the inspection two days ago, Shi Lei was still grateful in his heart, fortunately nothing happened, who knew it would be like this today, Shi Lei couldn't help cursing, moved to the tail of the kayak, stretched out his hand to grab the rope, and pulled the last kayak pull over.

After getting closer, Shi Lei moved over, Guo Jingyi needed to lie down because of her injury, Lan Mei was the only one on the kayak who took care of her.

"Lan Mei, don't move, I'll take a look."

Seeing that Lan Mei was about to get up, Shi Lei hurriedly stopped him. He got into the awning, put his hands on the sides of Guo Jingyi who was lying down, and looked at the woman's exposed wound with his head.

Shi Lei has seen the inflamed wound several times, and now he only needs to glance at it to understand what's going on. After staring at Guo Jingyi's white wound for a few seconds, Shi Lei sat back on the bow of the kayak, drooping his eyes in thought moment.

"Lan Mei, if you stay any longer, Jingyi's wound will start to rot within two days."

The temperature difference between day and night on the sea surface is relatively large. Shi Lei is conservative when he said this. In fact, depending on Guo Jingyi's severity, it wouldn't take so long.

"Well, Shi Lei, I can treat this injury. I used to be a doctor stationed in Group C. I encountered many kinds of gunshot wounds, but I have no medicine."

Just like a good woman can't cook without rice, this is a truth, Lan Mei looked at Shi Lei wanting to cry without tears, she said sincerely, her status is embarrassing.

To be honest, with the current situation, it is easy for people to think that she is deliberately eliminating people for C Group, and Lan Mei is also very helpless, she can only explain to Shi Lei, but she is very disturbed.

She was worried that Shi Lei and everyone would think she was a waste, so she didn't want to take her with her. If Shi Lei got angry now, she wouldn't even have a place to go.

"The medicines we have now can only treat common traumas and more serious ones, they won't work at all. If, if in the forest, I might be able to find the right herbal medicine."

As Lan Mei spoke, she smiled wryly, looked at Shi Lei guiltily, and said dejectedly, "But... I'm sorry, I really can't do anything, Shi Lei, let everyone think of a way, maybe..."

This sounded nice, but everyone knew in their hearts that there was no other way, Shi Lei saw Lan Mei's uneasiness and felt a little helpless, Lan Mei liked to think about it, how could he not know who she was after getting along for so long.

"Lan Mei, don't blame yourself too much." Shi Lei said, forced a smile, and comforted in a soft voice: "Take care of Jingyi first, and you should also pay attention, I'll discuss it with everyone."

He didn't intend to accuse Lan Mei of anything, it's none of her business, if something happened to Jing Yi, then the culprit would also be C Group!

Shi Lei thought, a flash of killing intent flashed in his eyes, then he lowered his eyes and closed them. After returning to the kayak in the middle, Shi Lei sat down and thought for a while, then swallowed, moistened his dry throat, and told everyone about the situation. Said a bit.

In fact, Lan Mei's shout just now was not small, even if Shi Lei didn't say it, everyone would have heard it, but even if there are many people, there is no good way.

"Why don't you dig out the inflamed area? Then apply medicine?" Everyone looked at each other for a while, and Xi Chuyu suddenly said hesitantly.

As soon as the words came out, Mo Tingzhi vetoed them. He turned his head and glanced at Xi Chuyu, and reminded in a cold voice: "This is a gunshot wound." You are a policeman, and you still don't understand this?
Xi Chuyu felt a little embarrassed by being seen, she took a peek at Shi Lei, her cheeks were flushed, afraid that Shi Lei would look down on her, so she couldn't help but whispered, "I'm a civil servant, how do I know this?"

Seeing that a dispute was about to start, Shi Lei bumped his forehead a few times, coughed lightly, then glanced at the woman with his eyes, and signaled Xi Chuyu to stop talking, there was no water in the first place, and if he talked so much, he would soon be thirsty .

Everyone fell silent again, the kayak was drifting towards an unknown place with the current on the sea surface, and everyone didn't bother to care about it, Shi Lei lowered his head and stared at the bottomless water, his mind was a little confused.

He tried his best not to let himself imagine the consequences of losing Guo Jingyi, but he had to face the reality. After a long silence, Shi Lei said hoarsely. "If there is really no other way, we can only do our best and obey the destiny."

It was too difficult to say this, every word was squeezed out between teeth, Shi Lei said, taking a deep breath, in order not to waste saliva, Shi Lei's lips only moved slightly.

Everyone felt uncomfortable after hearing this, the atmosphere became very depressed, Shi Lei gritted his teeth, and raised the volume seriously, "Tingzhi, everyone, from now on, everyone will take turns to use binoculars to look around and look for the island."

Shi Lei's meaning was very clear, he would not give up on Guo Jingyi until the last moment, since meeting Xiaodao was so easy before, he did not believe that he could not find it.

Everyone didn't say anything, and they all agreed. It's not easy to observe the distance regularly. After a moment of silence, Luffy suddenly said, "But now we must find food and water sources."

Without water, according to the current situation, they will get sick within two days, but this food is so easy to find.

Shi Lei didn't say a word, raised his head and scanned the surrounding area from far to near, but found nothing, he rubbed his temples with some headache, worried.

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