
A subtle sound of blood splattering was covered up by the sound of the sea waves that suddenly became more teeth and claws due to the strong wind.

This kind of weather also covered up the bloody killings that took place here, on this sea surface, on this humble boat.

Shi Lei rinsed the blood-stained saber in the sea water, then raised his head to look at the bodyguard who was already spraying blood, and raised his eyebrows.

"Ahem, you...you didn't look back, why did you..."

The bodyguard looked down at the saber stuck in his chest in disbelief. Except for the handle, the entire blade was wiped out of his chest.

Shi Lei twitched the corner of his mouth, he glanced at the bodyguard's arm that was about to be raised but couldn't even get out of the water, and reached out to snatch the saber from his hand.

With a gloomy tone, he said: "I'll give you a ride." As he said that, with a wave of his hand, Shi Lei unceremoniously cut off the man's blood vessel and air tube.

Shi Lei turned his head towards the two bodyguards who wanted to sneak away, and with a flick of his hand, he threw the saber of the bodyguard who had just died, hitting one of the bodyguards in the back, and Taya finished the other.

Looking at the sea that was still churning but there were no people in the way, Shi Lei was really relieved, as for the smell of blood in the air, he directly ignored it.

"Taya, turn the kayak over with me."

Shi Lei turned his head, he heard the sound of bows and arrows approaching, he wanted to check the situation, but he just happened to see the kayak overturned on the sea surface, constantly rolling with the waves, he rolled his eyes, his heart moved slightly.

Since the kayak is not broken, why waste it, Shi Lei thought, reached out his hand and groped for a handle with his right hand, seeing that Taya hadn't come yet, when he turned around, he was really startled.

Holy crap, on the surface of the water illuminated by the light not far away, there are actually several triangular objects swimming towards this side.Fortunately, the speed is not fast.

"Taya, come here, there are sharks!"

Shi Lei was really taken aback, he quickly yelled at Taya, and then he didn't care if he could turn over by himself, he tried his best to turn over the kayak.

To Shi Lei's surprise, he turned the kayak over by himself, and Shi Lei hurriedly climbed up, not disliking the little water that was brought inside.

Turning around to look at Taya, she just happened to swim to the side of the kayak, Shi Lei quickly stretched out his hand, and shouted: "Give me Taya's hand, I'll pull you up!"

Taya also replied loudly "Yes" at the same time, and then, under Shi Lei's desperate tugging, finally climbed onto the kayak at the fastest speed. Taya just turned over and retracted her outstretched arms , the owners of those triangles swam over.

There were three sharks in total, they didn't rush towards Shi Lei, the triangle gradually sank into the water, Shi Lei sniffed the thicker smell of blood in the air, and knew that those sharks must be eating the corpse.

Shi Lei's heart was racing, and the kayak smelled bloody, and he didn't know if those sharks would be full, so he prayed now, and left as soon as possible.

"Shi Lei, Chu Yu and the others are here."

At this moment, Shi Lei suddenly felt someone pushing his arm, he suddenly regained his senses, and heard Taya leaning towards his ear and saying.

Since the crossing just now, Taya's behavior towards him has become more and more intimate. Even if Shi Lei wants to be on guard, he can't keep his attention on Taya, can he?
The corners of his eyes twitched, he pulled Taya's arm off calmly, and then turned his head to look around the corner, but he suddenly noticed that the angle of the boat behind him was a bit wrong.

Shi Lei quickly clenched the handles around the kayak, turned around with difficulty and looked, he was immediately stunned, "What's going on? Why did the boat sink?"

Taya on the side didn't hear clearly what Shi Lei said, but only knew that he muttered, "What?" Shi Lei raised his finger and pointed in the direction of the boat, motioning for Taya to look.

Taya tilted her head and found the problem. Although she didn't know anything about the ship, she could tell that the ship was about to sink into the sea, just like the dead body just now.

The boat that had been staying safely on the sea surface suddenly sank towards the sea at the end of the stern for some reason. It must have been flooded, otherwise it would not have happened.

And those people on the boat didn't have any desires for Shi Lei and the others at this time, goddamn dollars, if their lives are gone, what's the point of asking for money.

Everything on the boat was a mess, but no one dared to jump down, and this was thanks to Chu Yu and the others who were slowly drifting this way.

After the two kayaks merged into one place, Shi Lei glanced casually and saw that they had oars, he quickly asked for one, and looked back, Mo Tingzhi's boat was already driven by the waves, and he was heading towards this place. Float over.

Seeing this, Shi Lei and the others swiped their oars at the same time, moved towards Mo Tingzhi, and waited for the three kayaks to converge.

Shi Lei glanced left and right, seeing the three kayaks being blown apart from time to time, couldn't help but frowned, "Lu Fei, give me the rope that tied Fei's claw."

Lu Fei responded, lowered his head and groped in the backpack, reached out and handed the rope to Bai Xuefeng who was closer to Shi Lei, when Bai Xuefeng handed the rope to Shi Lei, Lu Fei couldn't help asking: "Shi Lei, do you want What is the rope for?"

Shi Lei said that he would know in a while, and then by the light of the boat not far away, he untied the bundled rope and cut it into two pieces from the middle with a saber.

The end of the rope was tied between the two kayaks, leaving a certain distance between them. Shi Lei handed the rope to Taya and Mo Tingzhi respectively, so he understood what he meant without saying anything.

After finishing it, Shi Lei turned his head to look again, and saw that there were more than a dozen people flopping about on the sea surface, and some people, for some reason, noticed Shi Lei who was hiding in the darkness and they were heading this way Swim over.

One or two doesn't matter, the key is that there are too many of them, and now it's a desperate situation, if they don't keep them together, they will do something crazy. Seeing this, Shi Lei didn't want to stay any longer, so he quickly looked back, and said in a deep voice, "Hurry up and row the boat, let's go!" people!"

Even if the front is dark and dangerous, and the sea is rough, they have to move forward, they can't stay here!

"Here's another oar."

Just as Shi Lei picked up the oar, when he was thinking about it, he heard Lu Fei suddenly say, Shi Lei quickly motioned for Taya to take it, and then he handed it to Mo Tingzhi.

Mo Tingzhi, Guo Jingyi, and Lan Mei are on the last kayak, and the two kayaks in front are Lu Fei, Bai Xuefeng, Bai Mingxian, Xi Chuyu, Taya, and Shi Lei, respectively at the front and in the middle.

The speed of rowing alone may not be fast, but if three boats row together, the sound will disappear in the endless darkness after a while, leaving only a group of people who are still struggling.

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