"I have a solution!" Before Shi Lei finished speaking, he heard Mo Tingzhi and Guo Jingyi asking back.

"Do you want to use large-area objects to spread the weight of your body?"

"Shi Lei, do you want to use wood and vines to get there?"

Shi Lei was not surprised either, why did the two of them think of it, he nodded at the two of them, pursed his lips and said: "Yes!"

Just do it, Shi Lei asked Xi Chuyu and Lan Mei to take care of Ji Lanlan, and the others all went to collect sticks, vines, and large plant leaves.

However, Xi Chuyu stood up from the ground, chased after her, and ran two steps. She paused, turned her head to look at Lan Mei who was a little surprised, and warned fiercely: "Take care of Sister Lanlan, otherwise! Hmph!"

Lan Mei nodded earnestly, and smiled from the bottom of her dirty little face. Shi Lei looked at Xi Chuyu who was walking over, and asked with a half-smile, "Aren't you worried about Lan Mei?"

"Although I don't like her tone." Xi Chuyu curled her lips, and said with some disgust, she paused and said, "But, Lan Mei's medical skills are good, I believe her in that."

Shi Lei raised his eyebrows and didn't say anything else. He quickened his movements and chopped a dozen vines in a short while. Shi Lei handed the saber to Xi Chuyu and asked her to cut branches.

Then he picked up the vines on the ground and dragged them towards the open space where Lan Mei and the two women were staying. When he had the materials, Shi Lei didn't cut any more, but directly used the vines to weave a vine net.

After Guo Jingyi carried the branch back, Shi Lei stopped Guo Jingyi who was about to cut the branch, and asked her to cross the branch with him and put it into the vine net for shaping and strengthening.

Mo Tingzhi made another kind, which was very fast and denser than Shi Lei's. Xi Chuyu helped on one side, and Taya was responsible for supplementing materials.

After everyone finished it thoroughly, Shi Lei looked down at his watch, only to realize that it was already 15 minutes later, and he had made three planks.

Although it sounds unbelievably fast, everyone knows that time is life, if you stay a little longer, Ji Lanlan will be in more danger, and no one dares to delay.

"Lu Fei, hold Lan Lan's arm with me, Chu Yu and Jing Yi, please pay attention to push Lan Lan, Mo Tingzhi will lead the way, and Taya will be at the back."

Shi Lei quickly arranged the positions of everyone, and then together with Mo Ting, they put the plank on the swamp, they couldn't walk upright, they could only climb over safely.

Although it's a bit embarrassing, when it comes to the choice between life and death, face is nothing, maybe it is to others, but Shi Lei and the others want to get out alive and let Ji Lanlan survive.

Shi Lei deliberately arranged the women at the back, which also has another meaning. Except for Xi Chuyu, the other women are all wearing skirts of different lengths and various styles, so it is easy to get rid of them.

To be honest, in fact, he would like to take this opportunity to have a glimpse of the spring, but if he is found out... Shi Lei doesn't want to be misunderstood as a pervert.

"When two people are climbing together, the rhythm should be the same. Jingyi, Chu Yu, please adjust."

The swamp here is quite large. Shi Lei and the others climbed on it for about 10 minutes, and the boards have been rotated several times.

At the beginning, the plank was quite flat, but after a while, Shi Lei felt the second plank on his feet began to shake violently, and couldn't help it.

Xi Chuyu responded embarrassingly, and Guo Jingyi said to Xi Chuyu in a low voice: "I'll call one two one, one with my left hand and right leg, and the other with the other way around, okay?"

"Well, I'll listen to Miss Jingyi." Xi Chuyu nodded, and turned to look at Taya at the back, "Taya, pass me the board later."

Listening to the conversation behind him, Shi Lei reached out and hooked Ji Lanlan's arm with his arm. He raised his head and glanced forward. He glanced roughly, but couldn't tell the difference between the solid ground and the swamp.

"Lu Fei, are your arms tired? Don't you need to take a break?" After a piece of wood was handed to the front, Guo Jingyi turned to look at Lu Fei on the other side, and asked casually.

Lu Fei snorted, gritted his teeth and said forcefully: "No need! Master's strength is good!" Shi Lei glanced at Lu Fei's legs that were moving more and more slowly, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and said nothing.

Shi Lei moved his sore knee a little, and crawled forward for another 10 minutes, Shi Lei heard Mo Ting's way in front of him: "We're on the ground."

Then he saw Mo Tingzhi climb up quickly, stood up from the ground, turned around, stretched out his hand and said to Shi Lei: "Give me Ji Lanlan, or you won't be able to come up."

Shi Lei took a deep breath, feeling a little dizzy, he shook his head slightly, and glanced in Luffy's direction, just in line with Luffy's gaze.

Lu Fei nodded, and the two of them pulled Ji Lanlan forward with their arms together. Ji Lanlan's upper body was hanging in the air, her knees were half kneeling on the ground, and her head was slightly drooping.

Mo Tingzhi hooked Ji Lanlan's armpit, dragged her up to the ground, and laid her flat on the ground, while Lu Fei and Shi Lei walked off the plank in neat movements.

With his feet firmly on the ground, Shi Lei breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and saw that the three women, Guo Jingyi, had also come up, and the wooden planks were placed on the swamp without any intention of doing so.

"Taya, Mo Tingzhi, you two should go find something to eat." Shi Lei panted for a while, and then his breathing calmed down. As he spoke, Shi Lei felt his lips were wrapped in a layer of calluses. It's hard to do.

As soon as he spoke, his throat was dry and tingling. He had used up the last bit of strength in his body just now to balance his body. Let alone looking for things, he didn't even want to move. Going out would be a waste of time.

The most suitable people are Mo Tingzhi, who leads the way, and Taya, who is at the end of the team. They don't need to balance, and they have better physical strength than the rest of them.

Mo Tingzhi and Taya responded, looked around, discussed a few words, Shi Lei watched the two leave, and waited for their figures to disappear behind the big tree.

Only then did Shi Lei turn around, and said to everyone: "Let's stay here." Shi Lei gathered everyone's backpacks together, and then took out a simple water purification tool from his own backpack.

Leaning his back against his backpack, Shi Lei sat on the ground for a while, feeling that his physical strength had recovered a lot. He turned his head and looked around, searching the treetops, bushes and ground above his head, looking for something.

At this moment, Shi Lei suddenly heard Lu Fei's hysterical screams, Shi Lei frowned slightly, and looked at Lu Fei with some disgust, but when he turned his head, he saw Lu Fei's snow-white... Flying a man, why are his legs whiter than girls.

On the two legs, there were a few black spots scattered here and there, not mud. Shi Lei got up and walked over, took a closer look, and found that it was actually a leech, that is, a leech, a creature that sucks blood.

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