Quickly tied it up with vines, Mo Tingzhi dragged the wooden frame, pushed it towards Lu Fei, and placed it flat in front of Lu Fei, Lu Fei quickly got down and grabbed the wooden frame with both hands. The thighs are already sunk in half.

"Taya, don't worry, let's twist all the vines together, make a thick rope, make a loop, and pull Luffy up, quick!"

As Shi Lei said, he grabbed a vine head and pulled it back towards the open space behind him. After a few steps, he just stepped on the ground with his right foot, and he felt that the ground was not right.

Quickly retracting his feet, Shi Lei turned his head and saw traces of muddy water oozing from the small hole just stepped on the ground, Shi Lei swallowed and forced himself to look away.

After finishing the thick rope, Shi Lei quickly threw it over to Luffy, letting Luffy put his body in the trap, while Taya, Luffy, and Mo Tingzhi were behind, already making a tug-of-war gesture.

Seeing Lu Fei nodded, Shi Lei clenched the rope tightly with both hands, turned his head and shouted at the three of them, "Pull!"

In the swamp, it is easy to sink in, but difficult to get out. Take what happened before the founding of China. During the Long March, many martyrs died because of the swamp. No one dared to be careless. They all used all their strength to pull with rope.

Fortunately, Shi Lei twisted the vines together in advance, otherwise the vines, no matter how strong they were, would have broken if they pulled them like this. Shi Lei was very happy to see Lu Fei's legs protruding from the swamp.

He quickly yelled at Luffy, encouraging him: "Luffy, climb up! You'll be out soon." Then he turned his head and said to the people behind him: "Mo Tingzhi, go and pull that wooden frame, let's pull it together! "

"En." Mo Tingzhi responded lightly, immediately let go of his hand, and walked towards the edge of the swamp. The place where Luffy sank was a distance away from the solid land.

Otherwise, Shi Lei and the others wouldn't be able to use tools, just drag Luffy directly, the ghost knows what happened to Luffy, he walked in the swamp for a while before getting stuck.

Shi Lei stared at the situation of Lu Fei's legs intently. Luffy lay on the shelf, blocking Shi Lei's sight. Shi Lei could only keep asking about Lu Fei's situation.

"To the knee!"

After a while, Shi Lei gritted his teeth and blushed, all the strength in his body was concentrated on his arms, and when he was about to lose his strength, he suddenly heard Luffy shout happily.

Hearing this, Shi Lei's originally relaxed state of mind immediately tensed up. He took two deep breaths, let go of his tingling hand holding the rope, rubbed it, and turned his ankle a few times. Stabilizing his lower body, Shi Lei grabbed the rope again and pulled it hard towards the back, his body gradually leaned towards the back, after a while, Shi Lei suddenly felt loose, he wanted to stabilize, It's too late to get in shape.

"Hmm!" Shi Lei closed his eyes subconsciously and let out a muffled grunt. After a few seconds, Shi Lei slowly opened his eyes, but the pain did not come.

Shi Lei felt strange, raised his arm and twisted his shoulder blades twice, and then felt two lumps of soft lumps on his back, which was quite comfortable to lean on.

Just when Shi Lei wondered that there should be no sofa here, he heard a soft moan from under him. Hearing this voice, Shi Lei suddenly remembered that it was Taya!

Taya is alone behind him now, instead of several people as he thought, Tian Mier and Tatu have already left, na na, two people left suddenly, I really feel a little uncomfortable.

Shi Lei pulled a wry smile from the corner of his mouth, turned over, got up from the ground, stretched out his hand towards Taya who was blushing, and pulled Taya up from the ground with all his strength.

"Sorry, didn't hurt you just now, did you?" Shi Lei smiled awkwardly at Taya, scratched his head for a moment, and then asked hesitantly.

"It hurts." When Taya heard this, she couldn't help curling her lips, and said in a sullen voice, she knew that Shi Lei didn't want her to misunderstand, and Taya was also unhappy because of this, as she said, Taya couldn't help it He complained in a low voice: "You are so hard, it hurts when you hit it."

Shi Lei only felt his head explode with a "buzz," and his mind went blank. Although he knew in his heart that Taya had no other intentions, Shi Lei thought it was wrong.

"Ahem!" Just when Shi Lei was so embarrassed that he didn't know how to answer, Lu Fei suddenly coughed twice, and complained: "Hey, you two, do you still remember me as a dying old man? Don't be there Abusing the dog, okay?"

Shi Lei rolled his eyes, the ambiguous atmosphere disappeared without a trace in an instant, turned around, Shi Lei walked towards Luffy, no wonder he fell down suddenly, emotional Luffy was dragged up.

"Take off your pants quickly and get the mud off." Shi Lei said, stretching out his hand to pull Luffy up from the ground, glanced at Luffy's muddy legs, and reminded: "There is so much mud, at least you have to Increase the weight by half a catty."

Not seeing Mo Tingzhi, Shi Lei felt a little strange, looked in the direction of Guo Jingyi and the three women, and saw that Ji Lanlan had already woken up.

Shi Lei looked at the bushes on both sides again, and saw that Mo Tingzhi was poking the ground with a branch, Mo Tingzhi acted cautiously, nothing would happen, Shi Lei was relieved, told Lu Fei, and moved towards Guo Jingyi walked over.

"Lanlan, how do you feel?" Shi Lei asked concerned, squatting down, seeing Ji Lanlan's pale face, chapped lips, and dark circles around her eyes, she couldn't help but encourage her, "You must hold on , there will be water to drink soon."

Ji Lanlan nodded slowly, and said slowly: "I know, Shi Lei, I won't fall down easily, I still have to go out, I still have to... go home."

As she said that, Ji Lanlan's voice became lower and lower. When she arrived, she could only see Ji Lanlan's lips moving slightly, but could not hear a sound. Ji Lanlan tilted her head, and Shi Lei was startled.

Seeing this, Lan Mei at the side hurried forward to check on Ji Lanlan. Xi Chuyu glared at Lan Mei angrily, gritted her teeth and said, "Didn't you say that Lanlan is fine? What's going on with her now?"

"Shi Lei, Ji Lanlan must replenish water quickly. If it takes more than an hour and a half, under this environment, Ji Lanlan will...will..." Lan Mei didn't have time to reply to Xi Chuyu, she turned her head and said anxiously to Shi Lei.

Shi Lei thought for a while, then stood up abruptly from the ground, just as he turned around, he saw Mo Tingzhi approaching, "Behind the bushes on both sides, there is also a swamp, if you want to get out, you can only go through the place that Lu Fei just sank into." place to go."

"What?" Don't they have nowhere to go?Shi Lei's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, he originally wanted to take a detour and find some plants in the forest.

Shi Lei didn't have time to think about other things, he raised his head and looked towards the opposite side, raised his hand and stroked his chin, thought for a while, his eyes slowly fell on the wooden frame and ropes beside the swamp, and a flash of light flashed in his mind.

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