Everyone's eyes were focused on Shi Lei, Shi Lei cleared his throat, said in a calm voice, and asked them to line up and walk inside.

Everyone distributes light sticks. If they are missing, remember to use this to mark the route so that others can find him, and tell everyone not to fall behind and not to leave Yunyun privately.

Shi Lei rambled a lot, waited for Ji Lanlan and the women to bring the meal, and then Shi Lei concluded with "Okay, that's all for now, let's eat."

After listening to the words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, they personally experienced the embarrassment of Tang Monk's long-windedness, it was too uncomfortable, but Shi Lei did it out of kindness, so they couldn't say anything.

After a quick lunch, Shi Lei was also worried about what might happen, so he greeted everyone and quickly entered the cave.

Taya walked in the innermost, with a few women in the middle who didn't know martial arts, and Tatu at the end of the line. The cave was wide enough for three people to walk side by side, but for safety reasons, they walked in a single line.

The lamps on both sides of the inner wall were lit by something, and they became brighter and brighter. The key is that they didn't light a torch, and everyone had an unused torch in their hands.

"Shi Lei, look at those white things on the top of your head, what are they?"

After walking not far, Shi Lei heard a female voice behind him, it was Xi Chuyu. Hearing this description, Shi Lei had a bad premonition in his heart, glanced at it, and quickly lowered his head.

"It's nothing, let's go quickly." Shi Lei didn't have any interest in causing confusion, so he said something vaguely, and Xi Chuyu said "oh", and didn't ask any more.

Shi Lei looked down at the step count display on the watch, as well as the direction of the compass, and calculated in his mind that they had walked about 200 meters.

In this short distance, they turned several corners. When they looked up, they couldn't feel it clearly. Shi Lei looked at the scenery on both sides, but felt that it was no different from when he just came in.

"Taya, what's the matter?" After walking about [-] steps, Shi Lei saw Taya leading the way with two people separated, and suddenly stopped.

Shi Lei hastily raised his arms high and clenched them into fists, signaling everyone to stop. The distance between him and Taya is the buffer zone.

Walking to Taya's side, Shi Lei saw clearly that there were two intersections ahead, one on the left and one on the right. Seeing this situation, Shi Lei was only slightly depressed, and then began to worry.

What he was worried about finally happened, Shi Lei thought, and turned to look at Taya: "Which way do you think it is better to go?" After asking, Shi Lei continued to look at the situation at the fork in the road.

Careful and careful, even the lines on the inner wall can be seen clearly, and nothing can be found, Shi Lei couldn't help feeling frustrated, he recalled the route on the map in his mind.

Shi Lei's impression of the route was very clear, but he couldn't find anything after comparing the location. In the end, he could only sigh, and looked at Taya weakly.

Turning his head, he told everyone about the situation, and everyone immediately exploded. Some supported the right side, some felt that the left side was safe, and Mo Tingzhi said that the troops were divided into two groups, so they all went to have a look.

"Go left."

Hearing the commotion behind him, Shi Lei felt a throbbing pain on his forehead, and vaguely heard Taya say something, but Shi Lei turned his head to tell everyone to stop talking.

Then he looked at Taya again, Taya repeated his words, Shi Lei thought for a while and wanted to ask the reason, only to hear Taya explain: "Our tribe has always been, the left side is good, and the right side is bad."

When Tatu at the end heard it, he quickly agreed, Shi Lei glanced at Luffy, and saw Luffy nodded, indicating that there is indeed such a rule.

The corners of Shi Lei's eyes twitched, he glanced at everyone, and asked, "What do you think?"

Several women said one after another that after listening to Shi Lei's opinion, Mo Tingzhi bypassed Shi Lei and walked towards the fork in the road. Before taking two steps, Shi Lei saw a black shadow rushing out from the right, the target... was... Mo Tingzhi.

Shi Lei was startled, and quickly exclaimed: "Mo Tingzhi, come back quickly!" Taya, who was beside him, took a step faster than Shi Lei, ran to Mo Tingzhi's side, and waved his left hand towards the shadow.

Then Shi Lei and his group saw the black shadow slowly receding inside, they were all stunned, Shi Lei had seen it once before, and he was already calm.

"This thing recognizes blood?" Shi Lei, who was still in shock, raised his head when he heard Mo Tingzhi startled saying, the hole was very empty, and the sound of the needle falling would be amplified.

Taya responded slightly, Shi Lei thought about just now, glanced at her left hand hanging by her side, just in time to see the blood dripping on the ground.

"Taya, you..." Shi Lei didn't know what to say, he blamed himself, he said so much, but he didn't tell everyone about the blood relationship.

Taya waved his hand, indicating to continue on the way. After this incident, even if Taya didn't say anything, everyone knew that they should go to the left. The cave on the left is a slope. Shi Lei just entered, and almost fell to the ground.

It was pitch black inside, and there were no more lights on. Shi Lei took out the flashlight from his backpack, opened the map and handed it to Taya to light it up. The people behind him used the light from the last tower map to use the fire they brought in, Light the torches.

After lighting two torches, Shi Lei put away the flashlight. Except for the black shadow just now, there was no accident at all. Shi Lei felt a little weird and uneasy.

The slope of the road under your feet is getting bigger and bigger, and the width on both sides is getting smaller and smaller. In the end, it can only accommodate one person to pass, and it is still the kind of walking against the inner wall, and the torch can only be held high above the head.

After walking for a while, Shi Lei felt out of breath, raised his head and glanced at the torch, his expression changed uncontrollably, the flames started to dance, so the oxygen here started to drop...

"Tatu, put out the torches on your side." The oxygen here is not enough, just leave a handful to illuminate the road. After walking for a while, Shi Lei felt that it was getting more and more difficult to breathe, and he had to take a big breath to keep calm. feel oppressed.

At this moment, Taya in front suddenly stopped, and Shi Lei bumped into Taya's back without paying attention, Shi Lei covered the bridge of his nose, and asked in a muffled voice: "Taya, what's wrong? "

I accidentally hit Taya on the back of the head just now, it hurts!
Taya lowered her arms, turned her body slightly, and motioned Shi Lei to look ahead.

"There is no way out." Taya said indifferently, one word, but it was like a thunderstorm, causing the people behind to panic, and before the words fell, Shi Lei heard someone behind him shouting: "There is no way out."

When Shi Lei heard this, he quickly turned his head to look, and then felt something was wrong, who is talking?Feeling terrified, Shi Lei counted the heads with the light of the fire in Taya's palm.

One two...ten, eleven...

"Eleven? There are only ten of them!" Thinking of this, Shi Lei's heart rose in his throat, but everyone didn't seem to notice this matter, they kept discussing what to do.

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