A bad premonition rose in Shi Lei's heart, he turned around and ran away, listening to the sound of the wind behind him, Shi Lei felt a chill down his back, and a creepy feeling hit his whole body.

Shi Lei's heart was in his throat, every cell in his body was screaming for danger, he vaguely heard the roar of the two women at the entrance of the cave.

"Shi Lei, come here!"

"Run, there is danger behind you!"

The voices of Taya and Guo Jingyi were getting closer, Shi Lei ran towards the direction of the voice with all his strength, and the light at the entrance of the cave was getting closer and closer.

Shi Lei felt two forces in his arms dragging him out of the cave, Shi Lei staggered one by one, and fell to the ground without paying attention to the other.

"Hiss—it hurts!" Shi Lei slowly got up from the ground, and when he raised his head, he felt his nose was hot. He stretched out his hand to touch it, and muttered wanting to cry, "Fuck, why am I so unlucky..."

He looked up at the two women with dissatisfaction, and asked with a little grievance in his heart: "Hey, you two women, what's the matter, I was not bitten to death by something, but almost fell to death."

Taya and Guo Jingyi shrugged innocently, and said in unison: "You are too heavy, I can't lift it." Shi Lei heard a hash mark appear on his forehead.

Getting up from the ground, Shi Lei looked into the cave, but saw nothing, Shi Lei said to himself in a daze: "Fuck, I was dreaming just now?"

Before the words fell, he heard Taya say guiltily: "I'm sorry Shi Lei, I don't know, what's going on, I was fine just now..."

Shi Lei raised his forehead, feeling a bit of a headache, what the hell is going on, he was happy for a while, then something went wrong again, if he didn't run away just now, he might not know what will happen now.

"... Is it possible that it is because of Taya's blood and the aborigines' sake. After all, this is their village, the place where they established it, and foreigners will definitely not be welcome to enter."

When Shi Lei was struggling with Taya, he suddenly heard Guo Jingyi's thoughtful voice. When Shi Lei heard this, Mao Sai suddenly realized, and he said in a daze, "Could it be that only Taya and Tatu can go in among our group of people?" ?That……"

Then there is no way to help?Would it be dangerous for the two of them to go in alone?Will we still see you in the future?Shi Lei was thinking wildly in a mess.

Then I heard Guo Jingyi say again: "What if Taya and Shi Lei go in together?"

"You can try it." Before Shi Lei could answer, Taya nodded in agreement.

Shi Lei swallowed his saliva, wanted to refuse, and was afraid of embarrassing himself in front of the two women, so he finally said stiffly: "Okay! Let's try now."

Taya walked in front, and Shi Lei followed behind, although it sounded a bit embarrassing, but there was nothing to do, the two walked a distance into the cave one after the other, and when they reached the place where Shi Lei dropped the torch, something happened That didn't happen either.

Shi Lei held his breath in his heart, feeling very awkward, he came out of the hole with a bad face, walked aside, secretly sulking.

Guo Jingyi looked at it and thought it was a little funny, walked over and patted Shi Lei on the shoulder, snickered twice and said, "Don't be depressed, Luffy and the others are back."

Shi Lei snorted and argued forcefully: "I have nothing to be depressed about!"

"I won't laugh at you because of what happened just now, don't worry." Guo Jingyi said with a smile.

When Shi Lei heard this, he stood up from the ground and walked towards the camp, "I'll go over and see, you and Taya are fine, come here too."

Taya and Tatu messed around for a while, and after confirming that there was no danger, Shi Lei shared the good news with everyone while eating.

The three of Ji Lanlan made quite a lot of things, and they didn't have time to eat at noon. Everyone was so hungry that their chests were sticking to their backs. They had been busy before, so they didn't feel it.

"Lan Lan, is there any more? I'm only [-]% full after eating." Tian Mier ate food from the wooden bowl very fast, and finished a big bowl in a short while.

She wiped her mouth, patted her belly, looked up at Ji Lanlan, and asked a little embarrassedly, seeing Ji Lanlan nodding, she handed over the bowl.

The four of Luffy brought back a lot of things. Everyone was busy for three or four hours, and they ate much more than usual. Fortunately, Ji Lanlan thought of this and made a lot of things.

After everyone put down their bowls, it was already an hour later. Guo Jingyi was the last one to put down their bowls. She ate slowly, but the speed was not slower than everyone else's. The amount of food she ate was twice as much as before. .

"Tonight, everyone, take a good rest and recharge your batteries. Tomorrow afternoon, we will go into the cave." Seeing that everyone was sitting and resting, Shi Lei said loudly.

As he said that, Shi Lei thought about thinking about Ichiro Ono, and his originally relaxed expression became gloomy. He gritted his teeth and said in a serious voice: "What happened before must never happen again, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

As Shi Lei said, his eyes turned cold, and he glanced coldly at everyone, Lu Fei also lost his old hippie smile, and he was dejected and did not speak.

Tian Mier lowered her head with a guilty expression, she was very embarrassed, when she heard Shi Lei's words, Tian Mier blushed and wished she could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

"What about tomorrow morning?" Taya suddenly asked, since the mechanism has been unlocked, why wait until the afternoon?Taya was anxious, afraid of making another mistake.

Shi Lei pointed at the things Tian Mier and the others brought back, and said quietly: "Prepare food and water, after we go in, we don't have time to get these."

Upon hearing this, Taya nodded a little depressed, and didn't say anything more. After packing up the things, everyone dispersed and went to work.

Shi Lei asked Jingyi, Tian Mier and Mo Tingzhi to go and sift through the previously seized items, take out all the useless items, and throw them away.

Although it is very rare to obtain a piece of equipment here, but there are too many things to bring, it is inconvenient to travel, and no one knows what is going on inside.

"Alas—" Shi Lei sighed, and placed the cut plants one by one in the empty bamboo tube. After a while, the water inside dripped down.

There was nothing to say all night. In the early morning of the next day, people who took turns to guard collected water sources. In the early morning of the next day, they collected two bamboo tubes and they were full.

The fruit is processed, concentrated and divided, and each is packed in its own backpack. The water source is filtered with a distiller, and then boiled. After everything is ready, it will be noon.

"After lunch, let's leave immediately. Let me talk about the precautions first." Everyone gathered together, Shi Lei counted, and they all came. He then stood up from the ground and said loudly.

In the first half of the night last night, apart from being on guard, Shi Lei spent the rest of the time thinking about what needs to be paid attention to, and only fell asleep in a daze in the second half of the night.

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