Seeing that Chang Jieqiu dodged the darts easily, it was strange that Chang Jieqiu had been hiding behind Deng Hong, and Deng Hong somehow shot Taya and the others with a crossbow arrow, and then while hiding.

Shi Lei looked at the situation, always felt that there was something wrong with it, shook his head, Shi Lei put aside his doubts, walked around calmly, came to the back of Chang Jieqiu and Deng Hong, raised his arm and shot two arrows .

Chang Jieqiu didn't know if he had eyes behind his back, so he dodged again to avoid Shi Lei's bow and arrow. Although Chang Jieqiu was a little fat, but his figure was very flexible, Shi Lei was sure that Chang Jieqiu knew kung fu, and he was not low .

As for Deng Hong, he was not as lucky as Chang Jieqiu. He should have heard the sound of the bow and arrow piercing through the air, and he tilted his body to one side, successfully avoiding the bow and arrow.

However, he had never practiced before, and his movements were too slow. The bow and arrow pierced Deng Hong's shoulder and pierced through the arrow. Deng Hong screamed and stretched out his hand to cover his arm. Suppressing everyone can't come forward.

Seeing this, Shi Lei quietly approached Lu Fei, Taya was a little ahead, what Shi Lei didn't expect was that Ta Mo was also ahead.

"Shi Lei, how are you?" Lu Fei shot a bow and arrow in Deng Hong's direction, then turned his head and asked concerned.

Shi Lei shook his head, then leaned into Lu Fei's ear and whispered: "Luffy, go tell everyone, find a way to sneak attack, they have crossbows, that kind of thing has short range, fast speed and strong lethality, so you can't fight recklessly."

Lu Fei said "OK", got up and left, Shi Lei turned his head to look in Guo Jingyi's direction, seeing no one, he was relieved, just turned around, Shi Lei took advantage of the situation to look in Deng Hong's direction.

Seeing that the bow and arrow on Deng Hong's shoulder was gone, he continued to cut the arrow towards them. What Shi Lei was concerned about was that Chang Jieqiu hid behind Deng Hong again.

Shi Lei felt something was wrong, he stood up and wanted to walk forward, at this moment, Shi Lei saw Chang Jieqiu's gaze, looked towards him, and then raised his crossbow.


Thinking about it, Shi Lei tensed up all over his body, looking into Chang Jieqiu's eyes, Shi Lei felt that something was wrong, the direction he was looking at seemed to be not himself, but the side...

Shi Lei turned his head and looked, his face changed suddenly, beside him was... "Taya! Be careful!" Shi Lei roared, stretched out his hand and ran towards Taya.

However, when Shi Lei reacted, there was already a delay. When Shi Lei just stretched out his hand, the crossbow arrow had already flown in front of Taya, and it was too late for Taya to raise her hand to block it. out.

"No!" Shi Lei yelled in disbelief with his eyes wide open, before he could finish his words, he felt a blur in front of his eyes, and then his body was pushed away suddenly?

Subconsciously, his body fell backwards, his back hit the ground firmly, but Shi Lei was not in the mood to care about the pain, he struggled to get up from the ground, Shi Lei couldn't feel his right arm, and stretched out his hand to pinch his shoulder, "Oh, so It was unloaded."

As soon as Shi Lei looked up, he saw a person standing in front of Taya, it was Ta Mo, her chest was at the position of her lungs, and a crossbow bolt was stuck in it, the crossbow bolt sank into Ta Mo's body, leaving only a tail.

"Ta Mo was injured?" Shi Lei's head exploded with a "buzz", he blinked, and looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief, feeling so unreal.

Ta Mo's body fell backwards, Taya hugged Ta Mo's waist, squatted on the ground, Ta Mo's body was limp on the ground, opened his mouth, blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and in the blink of an eye, it was stained red Tamer's chest.

Shi Lei walked mechanically to the opposite side of Taya, stopped, and when he heard Ta Mo coughing in pain, Shi Lei suddenly came back to his senses.

He turned his head and looked in the direction of Chang Jieqiu, Chang Jieqiu was gone, only Deng Hong was left, stubbornly resisting to the end.

Shi Lei withdrew his gaze and gathered his thoughts, only to hear Ta Mo's voice intermittently saying: "Princess...Your Highness, I'm sorry..." Shi Lei looked down at Ta Mo, and squatted down stiffly.

He stretched out his hand to press the wound on Tam's chest, but all this was in vain. Even if he went to the hospital for emergency treatment, the chance of surviving the wound was not high.

Shi Lei felt his wrist being grabbed by a wet hand, looked down, it turned out to be Ta Mo, Shi Lei realized that his hands were covered in blood.

"Shi Lei, thank you..." Thank you for giving me warmth, giving me hope, and allowing me to live. However, I owe my life to the people and I have to pay it back. I will die as an apology.

"Shi Lei, I'm sorry..." I can't protect you anymore, I didn't even have time to say that I like you, and I just left like this, I really don't want to be reconciled.

Ta Mo stared blankly at Shi Lei, her left hand tightly clutched Shi Lei's wrist, she wanted to hold him like this for the rest of her life, and never let go, but a wry smile appeared on the corner of Ta Mo's mouth, tears ran across her cheeks and dripped onto her chest .

Shi Lei opened his mouth, for a moment, he didn't know what to say, he understood the meaning in Ta Mo's eyes, and what he didn't say, in the end, thousands of words turned into a smile.

Ta Mo's eyes gradually became hollow, and finally she let go of her hand and slid to the ground. Cold tears dripped on the back of Shi Lei's hand. Shi Lei's expression gradually turned cold, and the murderous intent in his eyes became stronger and stronger.

"Tamo! You idiot, I don't blame you for a long time. Before, you said that after the matter is over, you will let me handle it. I just want to tell you to live well." Taya said in a daze, hooking Ta Ya The hands on Mo's shoulders gradually tightened.

In the end, Taya put Tamo flat on the ground, then stood up, saluted Tamo, and said in a serious tone: "Tamo, tribal warrior, may the gods bless you."

"Tatu, Deng Hong, I want to live." Taya let out a cold air all over her body, and said coldly: "I want him to be buried with Tamo!"

Shi Lei really couldn't accept Ta Mo's death, there were only two of them, how could it be like this?Thinking about it, Shi Lei raised his bow and arrow, aimed at Deng Hong's three vital points, and shot.

At the same time, two crossbow arrows suddenly shot out from a bush, one in front and the other in the back, shooting towards Shi Lei's vitals.

Shi Lei watched the bow and arrow shot at Deng Hong, was knocked down by Tatu, then Deng Hong was captured alive by Tatu who rushed up desperately, at this moment, Shi Lei heard a loud shout: "Shi Lei be careful!"

It was Guo Jingyi who came from behind, Shi Lei turned his head, and before turning his head, he saw two crossbow arrows flying towards him.

The speed was very fast, seeing that he was approaching, Shi Lei's expression changed suddenly, he was thinking quickly in his heart, how to knock down the two bows and arrows at the same time.

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