Shi Lei didn't wander around the camp anymore. He went back to the tent and sat for a while, then lay down and closed his eyes to rest. During the meal just now, they had already discussed how to be on guard. Shi Lei felt that his body had almost recovered, so he also participated in it. alert.

His alert time is in the middle of the night, and the three of them will be on alert in the early morning when sleepiness is most likely to occur. What Shi Lei has to do now is to recharge his batteries.

As for Guo Jingyi who was in the camp, she had just helped Tian Mier and the other three to pack up their things. Guo Jingyi moved her arms while walking towards the tent. Ji Lanlan was still busy putting plants to fetch water, Have to wait a while to come back.

Guo Jingyi walked slowly, walking and walking, when passing by Shi Lei's tent, Guo Jingyi tilted her head, seeing that Shi Lei was already lying down to rest, the corner of her mouth twitched, she quickened her pace.

As soon as she reached the entrance of the tent, Guo Jingyi stopped in her tracks. She took off her backpack, which contained her and Ji Lanlan's tableware and food for the past few days. Seeing that Ji Lanlan was busy, Guo Jingyi helped She got it back.

As soon as she took off a brace with her hand in her hand, she heard a slight rustling sound from the bushes behind the tent. Guo Jingyi paused, and her heart suddenly became vigilant.

"Gada—" There was a crisp sound, the sound of charcoal being trampled, Guo Jingyi subconsciously took two steps back, let go of her shoulder strap, then reached into her pocket, and grabbed the bottle of anti-wolf spray.

Looking up, Guo Jingyi clearly saw a black shadow flashing through the bushes, getting closer and closer, walking towards her. The person came to the edge of the camp, and the fire light hit this person vaguely. Only then did I see clearly that it was Deng Hong.

"Why is he alone?" Guo Jingyi muttered a little strangely, looking around calmly, at this moment, Guo Jingyi heard the sound of dead leaves being crushed,

The dry leaves in the tent were all just changed today, Guo Jingyi rolled her eyes and guessed that Chang Jieqiu was in the tent.

Guo Jingyi took out the anti-wolf spray, and walked back slowly. At the same time, a person emerged from the tent where Guo Jingyi was. Guo Jingyi took a closer look, and it was Chang Jieqiu.

"You are finally here."

Seeing this, Guo Jingyi squinted her eyes, and calmly pressed her finger on the button, preparing to hit the two men a few times. At the same time, she calmly stopped, talking to distract the two men.

"Smelly bitch, you better be honest, or don't blame me for being rude!" What Guo Jingyi didn't expect was that the first person to speak was Deng Hong, who had always been silent. , and at the same time raised his hand, aiming at Guo Jingyi.

Guo Jingyi took advantage of the opportunity to look at Deng Hong's hand, her face was still expressionless, she looked very calm, but a look of shock quickly flashed across her eyes.

No wonder the two of them dared to come. It turned out that there were weapons. Guo Jingyi had never seen a crossbow, but her intuition told her that the weapon in Deng Hong's hand was very dangerous.

"Since you're gone, why did you come back? Shi Lei doesn't plan to argue with you anymore, how dare you..." Guo Jingyi said, looking at Chang Jieqiu behind him with a strange look, only to realize that in Chang Jieqiu's hands, There is also a crossbow.

At this moment, there was a burst of noise from the direction of the camp, and Guo Jingyi could only hear clearly "Chang Jieqiu and Deng Hong are back! Get your weapons!" Then she heard a burst of footsteps, all heading towards this side ran over.

Seeing this, Deng Hong quickly ran towards Guo Jingyi, stretched out his hand to pull Guo Jingyi, aimed at Guo Jingyi's crossbow, and changed the direction.

Seeing this, Guo Jingyi twitched the corner of her mouth slightly, thinking, this is what I've been waiting for!Thinking about it, Guo Jingyi raised her hand and aimed the anti-wolf spray at Deng Hong's eyes, just twice.

Deng Hong screamed in pain, then raised his knee and kicked Deng Hong's crotch, took advantage of the situation and pushed Deng Hong hard, pushing him towards Chang Jieqiu, then turned and ran.

Guo Jingyi used the tent on one side to hide her figure. When she tilted her head, Guo Jingyi saw everyone running towards Chang Jieqiu and shouted, "Be careful! They have bows and arrows!"

Before she finished speaking, Guo Jingyi heard a piercing sound, followed by the second and third, and Guo Jingyi's expression changed instantly.

At this moment, Guo Jingyi heard the sound of dead leaves being smashed in the tent beside her. When she turned her head, she came face to face with Shi Lei who had just stretched out her head. The distance between the two was only Three centimeters away, each other's breathing can be heard clearly.

Guo Jingyi's cheeks were slightly hot, and she quickly turned her head to look in everyone's direction, and saw Tatu and Taya swiping their spears twice, knocking down the flying crossbow arrows to the ground.

"Jingyi, go find Ji Lanlan and hide aside, no matter what happens, don't come out!" Shi Lei glanced around the battlefield, while carefully admonishing Guo Jingyi.

As he said that, Shi Lei stretched out his hand, took out a folded military shovel from his backpack, pulled Guo Jingyi's hand, opened the multifunctional military shovel, fixed it, and placed it in Guo Jingyi's hand.

"Jingyi, take it, if someone comes, or something else, do you know if you hit it on the head?" Guo Jingyi nodded, Shi Lei patted Guo Jingyi's shoulder, and handed the backpack to Guo Jingyi, "There are other weapons inside, Take it."

Shi Lei picked up the bow and arrow that had been prepared a long time ago. After leaving the tent, he dodged and hid behind the tent. The speed of shooting shot at Chang Jieqiu's back.

Chang Jieqiu is no longer a vegetarian, he turned around and knocked down the bow and arrow with the wooden stick in his hand, then waved his hand towards Shi Lei's direction, and shot a crossbow arrow, Shi Lei lowered his head, the crossbow arrow went along the top of Shi Lei's head, and nailed to Shi Lei's back on the tent.

Shi Lei turned his head, stretched out his hand to pull out the crossbow arrow, looked up and down, subconsciously glanced at Guo Jingyi's direction, Guo Jingyi was walking along the bushes.

Quietly walking towards the opposite side of the camp, Shi Lei looked over and saw Ji Lanlan's figure, mainly her clothes, long skirts, which no one else wore.

"Crossbow bow, Chang Jieqiu is not an easy man, he can make all these." Shi Lei turned the crossbow arrow in his hand, and heard the sound of the bow and arrow piercing the air from time to time.

There was a self-deprecating smile on the corner of his mouth, and he murmured in a hoarse voice: "Oh, it seems that he was chased by the snake before, it should be on purpose."

Saying that, Shi Lei turned his head, took out a bone dart, flung his hand and threw it in Chang Jieqiu's direction, then Shi Lei looked up from another direction.

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