The camp Shi Lei chose was at the junction of two forests, with a gap in the middle, no big trees, just some low vegetation.

Shi Lei had his own considerations in choosing this place as a campsite, so he didn't have to worry about lighting a fire to make dry firewood for tents.

Secondly, there is no need to worry about the lush trees on both sides of the fire, and the sparks splashing will cause forest fires. Finally, this place is close to the beach, but the location is high.

Shi Lei's camp was not too far from the place where the woman was lying, and he arrived in a short while. Shi Lei held a torch in his right hand, and the fire light illuminated the road ahead of Shi Lei.

From a distance, Shi Lei could see a place in front of him, and he could see a lying figure vaguely, presumably it was that woman, Shi Lei quickened his pace, walked to the woman's side, stopped and bent over.

By the light of the fire, Shi Lei saw that the woman was still lying on the original position with her eyes closed, Shi Lei turned to the other side, facing the direction Shi Lei came from.

While squatting down, Shi Lei reached out and inserted the torch above the woman's head, and raised his hand to untie the package on his back. Shi Lei held a small fruit, brought it to the woman's lips, and used his index finger and thumb to squeeze a fresh and plump fruit. crumbled raspberries.

The juice fell on the woman's chapped lips, watching the juice gradually flow into the woman's mouth, the woman's throat moved slightly, Shi Lei breathed a sigh of relief.

"As long as you can eat something, it's a pity for these pulps."

As long as the woman can swallow water, the situation is not too serious, Shi Lei squeezed out the juice from the raspberry pulp and gave it to the woman to drink, the juice from each fruit is not much, it's the pulp, Shi Lei hesitated.

Throw it away, I can't bear it, he spent a lot of effort to collect it, eat it?Forgive him, I really have no appetite now, after thinking about it, Shi Lei's eyes brightened.

Even if the woman is not awake, she can subconsciously drink water, maybe eat, anyway, even if she is awake, she can't directly eat fish, why not try?

"Whoever said that when a person is in a coma, he may hear voices from the outside world. If you can hear me, then listen."

Thinking about it, Shi Lei coughed lightly, bent down and leaned closer to the woman's ear, and muttered a few words, after finishing speaking, Shi Lei raised his eyes to observe the woman's expression.

"I'll put this fruit pulp by your mouth. You probably haven't eaten for several days. If you want to survive, just swallow it for me. Do you understand?"

Shi Lei paused for a moment and then said, as he spoke, he pinched the flesh that had been broken into small granules, gently placed it on the woman's lips, and looked at it intently.

At first, the woman didn't move at all, Shi Lei looked at it for a long time, feeling disappointed, thinking he should eat it by himself, but when Shi Lei just stretched out his hand and said to remove the flesh from the woman's lips, the woman's lips parted slightly, and the flesh Slowly into the woman's mouth.

Shi Lei was overjoyed, and watched the woman's lips twitch slightly, and then... spat out the flesh again, frowning slightly, Shi Lei stared at the woman's face, seeing a hint of disgust .

"Eh..." Shi Lei was silent for a moment, snorted, and glared at the woman awkwardly. Seeing the beauty's face, Shi Lei was about to blurt out the disgust, but it got stuck in his throat. In the end, he could only cough twice, and muttered: "I like to eat or not."

Although he said that he dislikes women and doesn't show face, Shi Lei didn't feed the woman's fruit anymore. This guy is lying down now, what if he chokes, Shi Lei will take care of it.

Shi Lei pinched more than a dozen raspberry juices for the woman, and the woman's brows relaxed, and Shi Lei stopped his movements when he saw this.

Stretching out his hands to hold the woman's shoulders, Shi Lei helped her to sit up straight, stretched out his hand to touch the place where the woman was lying, and couldn't help frowning slightly, "It's too humid here, if you lie here all the time, you'll catch a cold."

Thinking about it, Shi Lei put his hands on the woman's shoulder with his right hand, put his left hand through the woman's leg, and with both arms, he hugged the woman up, and Shi Lei walked towards the bushes on one side.

Shi Lei didn't go far, and under the light of the fire, Shi Lei stepped on the sand on the ground until it was soft and didn't feel like the wet sand, then Shi Lei bent down and put the woman down.

Pull out all the wooden sticks stuck in the ground, and dig out the fish buried in the sand, Shi Lei moved everything to the edge of the beach and put them away, then lit a fire with wooden sticks.

"There's no firewood here either." What's the use of just building a fire, you have to keep adding dry firewood to ensure that the fire won't go out, Shi Lei murmured with some reluctance in his heart, "I need to go into the forest to get it. .”

Standing up slowly, holding the torch stuck on the ground, Shi Lei glanced at the woman on the ground, walked towards the forest, passed through the bushes, and almost bumped into a pine tree when he entered.

Shi Lei's eyes swept across the gap between the pine trees, and carefully stretched out the torch, Shi Lei then took a detour to avoid the big tree in front of him.

The ground is full of pine leaves, there are various types of pine leaves, Shi Lei had some difficulty walking, the torch in his hand, the flames are very strong, if he accidentally touches a pine tree, he can't extinguish it with a big fire.

Because he was worried about the woman on the beach, and it was dark at night, Shi Lei was not sure that he would not get lost when walking in this forest where he could not see his fingers. After all, apart from the light from the torch, looking into the distance, it was pitch black all around.

"This kind of branch should be fine, right?"

Shi Lei looked at the few small pine trees in front of him, muttered to himself, he thought about it uncertainly, decided to cut down all the small trees, and went back to try.

None of the pine trees here are dry, and the dry ground is full of pine leaves, Shi Lei thought, after dragging the small tree back, he can come back to get the pine leaves again.

Burning evergreen plants can create the appearance of billowing smoke, starting from the bottom of a tree. Shi Lei originally intended to burn a fire, but he didn't think of this at the beginning. After seeing the white smoke, he suddenly I remembered.

"When will this woman wake up?" Shi Lei added some pine leaves to the fire, and looked sideways at the still unconscious woman.

Shi Lei was not in the mood this time, to pay attention to the woman's appearance, he suddenly thought that the few times he was kind, it was the unlucky farmer among the farmer and the snake.

It's not that Shi Lei is timid, there are too many problems with this woman. To put it simply, this woman definitely didn't fall out of a plane crash.

In this small island, there is no change of clothes, no modern tools, the clothes on women, except for the chiffon clothes that were accidentally torn by themselves, the camouflage army pants are genuine products, and the army boots are only available inside.

"By the way, isn't this outfit too weird?" Shi Lei sneered, thinking to himself, if he saved another person from Group C, it would be wonderful.

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