"Mmm - it's delicious!"

Shi Lei took half of the grilled fish from the wooden rack, and cut off the layer of fish skin under the ground with a saber, Shi Lei opened his mouth and just took a bite, just after chewing, the juice in the fish burst out between his lips and teeth.

The scalding juice made Shi Lei's tongue numb, Shi Lei opened his mouth and exhaled, but he couldn't bear to spit out the fish in his mouth, he chewed it twice, without biting the fishbone, Shi Lei swallowed it.

Shi Lei hadn't eaten for at least a day and a half, and when he took a bite, he couldn't stop, he opened his mouth and took another bite, Shi Lei wasn't afraid of the heat.

Thinking of the fruit in the bag, Shi Lei handed the wooden frame to his left hand, stretched out his hand to unwrap, picked up a raspberry, Shi Lei swallowed the fish whole, and stuffed one into his mouth.

Delicious!Shi Lei squinted his eyes and sighed, after a while Shi Lei finished eating half of the fish, and also ate a handful of fruit, Shi Lei felt [-]% full after eating.

Although he was still a little hungry, Shi Lei didn't eat any more, he picked up the wooden frame from the fire and put it aside, the fish on it didn't move any more, Shi Lei got up and walked back and forth a few steps, his stomach was no longer empty Yes, it feels so comfortable.

Shi Lei thought, thinking of the woman he had forgotten to go to outer space, he walked towards the beach, turned around and looked in the direction of the woman.

After staring at it for a while, there was no light from the fire, probably he hadn't woken up yet, Shi Lei thought about it, turned around and wanted to go back to the camp, but he accidentally glanced at the side of the cliff, and vaguely saw the swaying fire.

Shi Lei's heart was beating violently, he held his breath, and carefully observed the cliff for a moment, making sure that he was not dazzled, Shi Lei suddenly clenched his hands hanging by his side.

I quickly thought about the countermeasures in my heart, and I was a little entangled. Was the fire light from Jingyi and the others, or from someone else, or from Group C?
After thinking about it, Shi Lei felt a sense of uneasiness. He looked towards the cliff. Although he was looking at it from a distance, it was already night. In this forest without a gleam of light, even a little bit of fire would be extraordinarily dazzling. .

Shi Lei watched carefully, observing the position of the fire in the distance. After watching for a while, Shi Lei couldn't help muttering in confusion, "Huh? Why didn't you move?"

If you look carefully, you can vaguely see three or four lights in the sky above the cliff, constantly beating, but if you look carefully, you will find that the fire has no trace of movement.

Ever since Shi Lei discovered the fire, the light has remained in the same position without changing, which is very strange. Shi Lei guessed that it must be what this group of people are doing with the torches, and the second is that this group of people purposely stood in a place where there is no obstruction, so that the The people here are passing the signal.

Following the direction of the torch, Shi Lei turned around and looked towards the opposite side. This is the end of the pine forest. He scanned around from far to near, but found nothing.

"Do you want to take a risk and send a signal to this group of people?" Shi Lei muttered to himself.

For a moment, he hesitated, it was too difficult to make a decision, if he sent the signal, if it was the enemy, Shi Lei would be throwing himself into the trap, if he didn't pass it, if it was Jingyi and the others, he would have missed a good opportunity.

Shi Lei believed that Jingyi and the others would never wait in place or leave him alone, they must be very anxious now, and Shi Lei was no exception, and he didn't know if Jingyi and the others had eliminated Fatty and the others.

Thinking about it, Shi Lei pondered and then observed. When he raised his head, Shi Lei found that the light of the fire in the distance had changed. The time of light, darkness, and light could be long or short, very similar to Morse code, but not picture.

Shi Lei's heart beat violently several times, he stared at the source of the fire without blinking, Shi Lei followed the change of fire light, silently recited the length.

After a while, Shi Lei found the pattern, the other party kept repeating a sentence, Shi Lei kept the pattern in his heart, turned around and walked back to the camp where the fire was burning.

"Long, short, long, empty..."

Shi Lei silently recited the law of the change of firelight, stretched out his hand in the pile of dry firewood, took out a wooden stick the size of chopsticks, broke off the branch, held a pen in his right hand, and wrote it down on the ground.

To be honest, he doesn't know anything about Morse code, he has heard of it before, and even went to check the information, but this Morse code is not easy to learn, so Shi Lei gave up.

Right now, Shi Lei feels regret in his heart, secretly hating himself for not learning more, and now he can't find a place to cry. Look in the direction.

Unexpectedly, the original signal turned into a huge light, the fire flickered, Shi Lei frowned, the other party was so persistent, he must be looking for someone.

"Don't worry about it, it's just dark right now. Send a signal to Jingyi and the others, there's a 50.00% chance that Jingyi and the others will see it. Today I'm going all out, give it a go!"

Shi Lei gritted his teeth, turned around and walked to the fire, looked left and right, picked out a half-burnt wooden stick, picked it up, there was a blazing flame on it, it happened that there was no need to regenerate the fire.

Holding the burning stick in his right hand, Shi Lei bent down and picked up a bundle of dry branches with his left hand, turned around and walked towards the beach, muttering to comfort himself, "At worst, after the signal is delivered, I will run away."

The beach next to the sea has a lot of moisture. Even if the surface is dry, just dig a small hole in any place, and the seawater will seep out in a short time.

Throwing the dry branches on the ground, the branches spread apart, Shi Lei kicked them to gather them together, Shi Lei put the wooden stick on top of it, the flames on the wooden stick gradually became smaller, it seemed that there was means to be extinguished.

Not long after Shi Lei put it on, the flames came up and became bigger and bigger. Shi Lei nodded in satisfaction, and looked at the cliff for a while with his hips on his hips. There was still a big ball of light without any change.

"Whatever he does, I'll go and see that woman." Shi Lei stared at her for two or three minutes, seeing that there was no reaction from the other side, he muttered uninterestedly, turned and left.

Shi Lei walked to the edge of the pine forest, cut off some pine branches with a saber, and then collected a lot of dry branches on the ground, until he couldn't take any more, Shi Lei used his clothes to support the ground, and came back with a pile of branches .

In the fire, I chose a wooden stick that was only about [-] to [-] centimeters from the fire. This was discovered by Shi Lei when he was looking for dry branches. suitable.

"It seems that tonight, I have to sleep in the open air."

Shi Lei lit the torch, put the fruit on the ground, put it in his clothes again, made it into a bag and carried it on his back, reached out to pick up the grilled fish, Shi Lei walked out of the camp, and walked towards the woman.

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