Fortunately, as the sky turned white, the sun's dazzling light also penetrated through the gaps between the towering tree crowns, bringing warmth to Shi Lei and his party.

The three tents were all around the fire, so it was quite warm to sleep on. Shi Lei moved his arms and legs that were a little stiff from being curled up all night, and looked at the surrounding environment with his eyes.

The reason why Shi Lei woke up so early was because he and Luffy were the ones who were on guard in the early hours of the morning. Luffy kept yawning, so Shi Lei asked him to catch up on sleep.

He was more energetic, but it was too cold outside, so Shi Lei went back to the tent and stayed there. The forest in the early morning is the quietest time of the day, and he could hear a little movement. When it was just dawn, he heard the birdsong , he came out.

Waking up in the morning, breathing in the fresh air and looking at the surrounding scenery, Shi Lei's mood improved a lot. As time passed, the temperature began to rise, and other people also got out of the tent one after another.

This time, everyone moved very quickly. After breakfast, they packed up everything and put out the fire without leaving any sparks.

It was Tatu who led the way. Luffy and Shi Lei took turns to form after the break today. Because the low plants in the forest were too lush, it was too difficult for two people to walk side by side, so they simply lined up.

Shi Lei gave the saber to Tatu, they have been together for so long, they naturally trust each other, the weapons of the others, in addition to the bow and arrow on their backs, they also have a spear in their hands.

Spears can not only be used as weapons, but also can be used as pathfinding sticks or trekking poles when the road is difficult to walk, or when you don't know whether there is danger ahead.

Shi Lei and his group headed towards the intended direction. What they didn't know was that the Tashi tribe was carrying out a brutal massacre at this moment.

Not one day after Shi Lei and the others left, a group of people from the tribe came, and the natives inside were surrounded by this group without weapons.

The aborigines were tied to a wooden frame by the gang, and one of them asked the aborigines in the aboriginal language where their leader had gone. The aborigines were very united and would rather die than surrender.

Not to mention the use of torture, even if this group of people took the child out, even if the child didn't say anything, this group got nothing, and the one who seemed to be the leader was very angry.

The group searched inside the tribe, and then someone ran outside the tribe to a burly man with a Chinese character face, thick eyebrows, big eyes and a somewhat rough and tough man, and whispered something.

The man stretched out a hand wearing a skull ring and drew a hand knife on his neck, his thin lips moved slightly, and he said a word in a cold voice: "Kill!"

Xiao Luo got the order and went back. Unlike Lin Haining and his group, they had no intolerance or desire in the face of beautiful women, old people and children among the indigenous people.

Xiao Luo told his subordinates about the man's order, the natives have been with Shi Lei and the others for so long, they can already understand Mandarin.

Hearing this, everyone wanted to resist, but this group of people did not panic. Facing the swarming natives, they all drew their sabers from their waists and cut their throats like cutting cabbage with well-trained movements. up.

None of the aborigines in the tower tribe survived. The bodies of the aborigines were lying crookedly in front of the big tent. The tribe that used to laugh and laugh was now eerily quiet.

Shi Lei and the others stopped for a break at noon, and after lunch, they continued on their way. They were in a hurry, and Taya was very anxious. He looked at the direction of the target every day, eager to see through it, wishing to fly there immediately.

In this way, they hurried on the road for three days. Taya was fine, and the others couldn't bear it. The key is that they walked so much every day, and no one could bear it.

It’s okay for Taya and the others to grow up here since they were young. Some of the others often climbed mountains since they were young. Let alone this, they usually have cars when they go out.

They all refrained from saying this. Shi Lei noticed this. During his lunch break that day, he walked up to Taya and sat down. After a moment of silence, he said, "Taya, I know you're in a hurry. But look at them... we must move slowly, otherwise they won't be able to bear it."

Shi Lei's words were not euphemistic, Taya pursed her lips, turned her head and glanced at the women, Guo Jingyi sat on the animal skin, bent over to rest with her stomach covered.

Xi Chuyu and Tian Mier kneaded each other's calves and grinned. Tamo was fine and went to help Lu Fei and Tatu light the fire.

"I see." After a while, Taya said in a low voice, feeling a little lost and uncomfortable in her heart, and she didn't even know the reason.

Seeing this, Shi Lei guessed in his heart that Taya was thinking about her relatives, so she felt uncomfortable, and her tone eased, "Taya, don't stretch yourself too tightly, come over to eat later, and make vegetable soup today."

He didn't know how to comfort Taya, after all, he didn't experience it personally, so Shi Lei got up and patted Taya's shoulder.

Taya looked at the back of Shi Lei leaving, regardless of whether Shi Lei could hear it or not, she hummed softly, and a warm current passed through her heart.

When they were on their way, they would see some edible plants and fruits from time to time. Shi Lei and the others would collect them and use them as food. They didn't bring much meat these days.

I always get tired of eating broth, so I only drink broth at night to keep warm. In the morning and at noon, I eat fruit and vegetable soup, and occasionally I can dig rhizomes.

Shi Lei stared blankly at the small bowl in his hands. For the convenience of eating, they also brought a very light small wooden bowl and other utensils.

He subconsciously raised his hand and took a bite of the fruit, chewing, Shi Lei didn't pay attention to the taste, for the past two days, Shi Lei has been in a daze.

It's not because of anything else. Before Xi Chupeng gave him a piece of cloth with last words on it, Shi Lei never told them. He was very conflicted, whether to say it or not.

Shi Lei thought about it, and took another bite of the fruit in his hand, but he felt a sharp pain in the finger holding the fruit, and the pain brought Shi Lei back to his senses.

He looked down, only to find that the fruit had been eaten by himself, and there was only one core left. Shi Lei threw the core into the deep pit dug aside, which was specially used to dispose of the food residue they ate. Will dig one.

Shi Lei withdrew his gaze, raised his hand to gulp down the soup that was no longer hot in the wooden bowl, then put the wooden bowl down, and continued to stare at the ground in a daze.

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