After entering the forest, the road became difficult to walk, and the speed of travel slowed down. Acceleration is not impossible, but in that case, too much water will be consumed, and there is not much fresh water on their bodies. Before encountering the current, they must save it.

All afternoon, the people's footsteps never stopped. When it was dusk, Shi Lei looked at the dim sunlight shining down from the top of the trees, and felt warm on his body. At this time, the temperature of the forest also dropped.

The climate here is too strange. They were on their way yesterday, but they didn't feel this way yet. The forest area they are walking now should be on the east side of the island. After all, the speed is not fast.

Although just a little distance away, the temperature has changed obviously, it must be cold here at night, Shi Lei thought, and looked at the clothes on the people, his heart sank suddenly.

They wear too little clothes. According to the solar terms of modern society, it is already the end of summer. This is a tropical area, so the climate change is not obvious.

The current coldness, Shi Lei dare to say, this is the first time since he fell from the plane crash, he felt the cold wind blowing through his body, his body trembled subconsciously, and a layer of goose bumps appeared.

"Let's find a place to camp, and it'll be dark in a while." Traveling through the forest at night was not a wise choice, and they must not venture unless they have no other choice.

Shi Lei's words were unanimously agreed by everyone, Lu Fei rubbed his bare arms outside, and tremblingly said: "Shi Lei, do you feel that it's so cold here?"

"C'mon, Guo Jingyi didn't say it was cold, you big man, are you sorry?" Tian Mier snorted, and glanced at Lu Fei who was rubbing his arms with disgust, but she didn't mean anything malicious.

Lu Fei snorted, and retorted not to be outdone, and the two of them bickered without mentioning it. This remark reminded Shi Lei that among their group, Guo Jingyi, who was wearing professional attire, was the one who wore professional attire, and Taya and Ta In the picture, they are wearing thin animal skin jackets and skirts.

Shi Lei raised his hand, unwrapped his body, took out a pre-processed animal skin from inside, shook it away, walked in front of Guo Jingyi, and put the animal skin on her.

"Take it well, don't drop it, I'll make a fire, and it won't be cold in a while." Shi Lei used the two animal skin strips left on the top of the animal skin as ropes, and tied them to Guo Jingyi's chest, forming a cloak. While doing it, he exhorted worriedly.

Guo Jingyi pursed her lips, looked at Shi Lei busy for herself, and listened to his concern, she replied warmly in her heart: "Understood."

The animal skin is warm, but it is heavy. Shi Lei is specialized in carrying animal skins. There are three animal skins in total, all of which were hunted by the natives when they were in the camp.

Shi Lei handed one to Taya, and then handed another to Xi Chuyu, asking her to cover it with Ta Mo and Tian Mier. The three of them were all wearing long clothes and trousers, so it was warm to use together.

Lu Fei and Tatu went to chop firewood, while Shi Lei went to light the fire. Guo Jingyi's face was a little pale, even though she was wrapped in animal skins, her body was still trembling, even her lips were a little pale.

Xi Chuyu was worried about her, so she talked to Ta Mo and Tian Mier, the three women went over to keep warm with Guo Jingyi, seeing Shi Lei busy, spread the animal skins on the ground for Guo Jingyi, let her keep warm, and went to help.

Guo Jingyi originally wanted to go there, but was held down by Xi Chuyu. She looked at Guo Jingyi with some dissatisfaction and said, "Don't move if you feel uncomfortable. I will accompany you to change later." Xi Chuyu made a "you know" to Guo Jingyi Guo Jingyi's cheeks flushed slightly, and she nodded in embarrassment.

When Xi Chuyu said this, the other women also understood what was going on, once a month, yes, Taya didn't say anything, raised the animal skin to cover Guo Jingyi, and walked away.

Guo Jingyi was wrapped into a rice dumpling, but her heart was warm. At this moment, with so many people caring about her, how could Guo Jingyi be unhappy or moved.

As the sun slowly set, the temperature became more and more touching, but the dry branches here were not bad, Shi Lei was sweating profusely, and it took a lot of effort to light the fire.

As soon as Shi Lei turned his head, he saw Guo Jingyi huddled into a ball. Seeing that her expression was a bit uneasy, Shi Lei was startled, thinking that Guo Jingyi was sick, or afraid of the cold.

"Jingyi, what's the matter with you?" Shi Lei walked over, and when he got closer, he realized that Guo Jingyi had a painful expression on his face, his brows were tightly frowned, and he quickly said, "Come on, I'll carry you over there, the fire is warm."

It was quite warm beside the fire, but suddenly felt cold, Shi Lei also felt a little uncomfortable, he watched Guo Jingyi's expression change with concern, seeing that she was still uncomfortable, Shi Lei became anxious.

It was Guo Jingyi who stretched out her hand, grabbed Shi Lei who was going to get the medicine, and whispered about her situation. Shi Lei's figure immediately froze in place. After a while, he said quickly: "I'll go It's called Chu Yu."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Guo Jingyi to answer, she hurriedly walked away, looking at her back, it seemed that she was running away, Guo Jingyi pursed her lips and smiled, idiot.

Luffy and Tatu dragged back a large pile of branches. Luffy made a fire, and Tatu made a tent. They did it twice.

The weather here is so cold, Shi Lei thought, they can't build small tents like before, they have to take advantage of the large number of people, cuddling up to keep warm, men and women are different, then build two, the tents don't need to be too big, It's enough to make people curl up and sleep.

Thinking about it, Shi Lei told Lu Fei and Shi Lei about his idea. Although Tatu had never done it before, the method of building this kind of shelter is simple. After Shi Lei said it, Tatu understood.

Since it is for heating, dry leaves and twigs are indispensable. Except for Guo Jingyi, who is keeping warm by the fire, the other three women went around to collect materials together.

The tent Shi Lei and the others built is semicircular, it doesn't look too big from the outside, but it can accommodate two or three people inside, the big tent that Shi Lei mentioned before, there is no time to find a strong support, that's all.

First build it with thick branches to support the shape of the tent, and then cover it with small branches to prevent the dry leaves used to keep warm from falling into the tent. In order to keep warm, a thick layer of leaves should be spread on the ground.

Soup was cooked for dinner, and Shi Lei hung the bamboo tube on the bracket with a rope drilled with a saber, scalding his stomach, and after a while Shi Lei felt his body warm up.

After Guo Jingyi drank, her face also recovered a little blood. Three tents were set up. Three men were in one tent. The women chose their own outfits, and the animal skins were used as quilts to keep warm.

Same as yesterday, everyone took turns guarding in groups of two, and spent their first night in the forest like this. By the time Shi Lei came out of the tent, the fire had already burned, leaving only ashes and stars Little flames, it's too cold, and the twigs for the fire are used up for the night.

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