The figures of the old and young aborigines who were in the village before also appeared in the village, and they were probably brought here by the aborigines when Shi Lei and the others were out.

More than a dozen tents have been set up, but there are so many aborigines that these are simply not enough, so now the camp is full of busy aborigines.

Use a stone as a hammer, use a wooden wedge as a nail, cut the wood in half with a bone knife, each has its own division of labor, quiet and orderly, cut out a few dark cards from the wood, and beat several pieces of wood together. The bark is tied even stronger.

Around the camp, the aborigines used one-meter-long logs, cut them into four pieces, inserted them into the ground one by one, and tied them together with vines to form a simple wall.

The corpses of the giant python and the brown bear were placed by the natives in the open space on the side of the camp, and no one took care of them. Shi Lei looked at the brand new camp, but didn't pay attention to it.

"Taya, you guys go and deal with the brown bear, dig a hole and bury the blood, and leave that giant python to me, I'll be useful." Shi Lei turned his head and said to Taya.

Taya nodded, "Don't worry." Turning around, out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of the bamboo tube holding the water, thought for a while and said to Shi Lei, "You don't have to worry about finding water, I will send my people there."

Shi Lei nodded, he didn't say anything about Taya's words, the aborigines have lived here for so long, they are better than him at finding water sources.

The natives followed Taya into the stockade and joined the busy sequence. The water source was placed on the construction site beside the prey, "Chu Peng, you go to make a fire, boil the bandages to sterilize them, and stretch them..." Shi Lei couldn't help frowning , what should I use as a bandage?It stands to reason that in the absence of medical bandages, the material of the shirts worn is most suitable for bandages.

But the clothes they were wearing were all summer clothes, as the only warm clothes, Shi Lei was also a little embarrassed, so he had to be silent for a while, drooping his eyes in thought.

Shi Lei only spoke half of what he said, and Xi Chupeng was still a little puzzled at first. Xi Chupeng had also learned medical knowledge, and after thinking about what Shi Lei said in his heart, Xi Chupeng understood.

"Okay, okay, look at your expression of bitterness and hatred, I don't know what you think," Xi Chupeng saw that Shi Lei was still thinking, so he had no choice but to interrupt Shi Lei's thoughts with a helpless expression.

He teased Shi Lei for a moment, and then said seriously: "Just use my shirt sleeves, don't mess with yours, your coat has become a vest, do you still want to wear a vest?"

Shi Lei coughed lightly, raised his eyes and glanced at Xi Chupeng, wanted to say something, but finally turned into a "hmm", thinking: It feels like a teammate, so fucking cool!

Hearing what Xi Chupeng said, Lu Fei also knew what was going on, and quickly interjected: "And me, my young master wears more clothes than you, and all my shirts can be made into bandages. It took time."

Xi Chupeng went to make a fire. The dry branches here are easier to find. The humidity in the north of the island is much lower than that in the east of the island. The humidity in the north of the island is much lower than that in the east of the island. The previous land was a bit humid, but here it is very dry.

The two useless bamboo tubes are all four-section thick bamboo tubes that have not been opened. Before, Xi Chupeng felt troublesome one by one, but now he is really thankful. At that time, he was resourceful, otherwise he could have made two bamboo tubes at most. Still the one with no cover.

The shirt was slashed with a bone knife, which was very easy to tear. Luffy was tearing the cloth strips aside. At the beginning, he still had a painful expression on his face. Afterwards, it became more and more smooth, and the rhythm was ripped out.

Shi Lei went to wash the broad-leaved cattail with clear water, because of the injury on his arm, his movements were a little slow, feeling the pain from his shoulder, Shi Lei had no choice but to hold the broad-leaved cattail with one hand.

Suddenly, a pair of wheat-colored hands stretched out from Shi Lei's side, and took the herbal medicine from Shi Lei's hands. Shi Lei took advantage of the situation and saw that it was Ta Mo.

"Shi Lei, what are you going to do? Wash it? Let me do it." Ta Mo smiled at Shi Lei, and asked several questions in a series of quick tones.

Shi Lei nodded, glanced at his wound, and said in his heart: This is the first time I have experienced the feeling of being a sick patient, and I really feel that I am a bit of a waste.

But Ta Mo was kind enough to help, Shi Lei couldn't just stand still, he quickly smiled and said, "Thanks."

After washing the herbs, Ta Mo put the broad-leaved cattails in the four-shaped plate that Shi Lei had just woven with chopstick-thick branches, shook off the water stains on his hands, and asked casually, "What should I say next?"

"Hmm... let's go find two stones, one should be flat or slightly sunken, and the other should be firm and handy." Seeing this, Shi Lei was not polite, the feeling of being scratched by a bear is really uncomfortable, Just like the disabled.

That being the case, Shi Lei was not interested in trying to be brave, so he said his request, Ta Mo tilted his head and thought for a while, his eyes lit up, he turned to look at Shi Lei, and said excitedly: "Yes! I was thrown by the tribe just now. In the pile of stones, I saw a few pieces, let’s go.”

Saying that, without giving Shi Lei a chance to react, he raised his hand and dragged Shi Lei towards the gate of the camp in a hurry. When he turned a corner, Shi Lei saw a pile of stones.

He knelt down, reached out to Ta Mo and said: "Give me a longer wooden stick." Shi Lei was cautious, he did not turn over the pile of stones rashly, although these piles of stones were just piled up.

In this hot climate, not only people want to enjoy the shade, but even scorpions, centipedes, snakes, spiders, etc. will also find cool places. Although they have been wandering around the two small islands for so long, they have not found these species, but it does not mean that they does not exist.

Ta Mo looked around and saw the gate of the camp, the clansman picked up firewood and dropped branches, walked over and bent down to pick them up, broke off the sharp end, then came back and put it in Shi Lei's palm.

Looking through it, Shi Lei really found several usable stones, stabbed them with a wooden stick for a long time, but he didn't see a single bug, Shi Lei also felt relieved, he raised his hand to get the stones.

Ta Mo, who was standing beside him, picked up a stone one step ahead of him, but just as he pinched it, Ta Mo exclaimed, dropped the stone in his hand, and pulled his hand back suddenly.

Seeing this, Shi Lei's expression changed, he raised his hand and pulled down Ta Mo's raised hand, and pulled his fingers in front of him. He took a closer look, and there was a hole in the top. He turned his head subconsciously, and glanced at the pile of stones. It went dark.

A centipede hurriedly crawled over the stone, it was not big, probably not yet grown up, Shi Lei didn't have time to think about it, he squeezed Ta Mo's wrist with his right hand, and pinched Ta Mo's finger that was bitten by the centipede with his left hand .

The index finger and thumb pinched the wound and squeezed out the venom vigorously. It stands to reason that one cannot squeeze out the bite.

One is that the situation is urgent and there is no medicine around, Shi Lei can only rely on blocking the blood flow to prevent the venom from spreading, and the other is that this is a small centipede, the venom is not as powerful as an adult centipede.

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