Both Luffy and Taya were carrying weapons, and Tamo broke a thick branch from a nearby tree to use as a tool. The soil here is different from the ant nest where Shi Lei was looking for water. It is relatively hard, and it takes a lot of effort to dig. of.

The herb that Taya said is called broad-leaf cattail, which is a plant specially used to treat wounds, sores and burns, and can also be used as a food source. The root of this plant can be mashed and directly covered on the wound. Green shoots or twigs are edible.

Seeing that the three of them were busy, Shi Lei didn't continue talking, but wandered around. Logically speaking, this kind of broad-leaved cattails usually grow near water sources. It's strange that Shi Lei didn't see the water flow .

"Ah! Shi Lei, I tore it off." Ta Mo exclaimed suddenly, she looked at the tightly clenched branches and leaves in her hands, the ground that had been dug up around the ground was still bare and only the roots remained Broadleaf cattail.

Ta Mo carefully glanced at Shi Lei, with an apologetic and embarrassing expression on her face. Seeing that Shi Lei didn't speak, she thought Shi Lei was angry, and lowered her head guiltily, "I'm so stupid, I can't do this well."

Seeing this, Shi Lei chuckled twice, broke off a thick branch from the side, walked to Ta Mo's side, loosened all the soil around the rhizome of Cattail broadleaf with his left hand, and then pulled the root out with one hand.

"Ta Mo, the branch you chose is too brittle and easy to break, so you can't use your strength," Shi Lei said, handing the branch in his hand to Ta Mo, and comfortingly said with a smile: "It's easy to use this."

Ta Mo nodded heavily, and said "hmm", the disappointment on her face instantly turned into happiness, she tightly clutched the branch in her hand, her heart thumped, she heard the sound of elation.

Taya glanced at Ta Mo coldly, a flash of anger flashed in her eyes, and then glanced at Shi Lei who stood up as usual without knowing it, feeling very dissatisfied in her heart.

There are not many broad-leaved cattails here, the three of them finished all the mature ones, Shi Lei counted, and there were only five, Guo Jingyi and him both had injuries, so these are not enough.

But Shi Lei couldn't care less now, seeing that Lu Fei wrapped all the cattails in the coat he took off, he said quickly: "Let's go back quickly, Jingyi's injury can't be delayed any longer."

The others could also see the anxiety in Shi Lei's brows and the worry in his eyes, no one was delayed, first he went back to the place where the water was fetched, and the few people left got up from the ground when they saw Shi Lei and the others coming back.

Seeing Shi Lei approaching, Xi Chupeng said with a smile on his face, "Shi Lei, we collected another bamboo tube of water," then thought of something, and sighed in disappointment, "I got three more bamboo tubes, but after waiting for a long time, the water It just didn't come out."

Shi Lei nodded, seeing Xi Chupeng shaking his head and muttering, he glanced at the location of the big pit with a half-smile and said, "I guess the groundwater was scared away by your eager eyes, or you are too ugly, people don't want to see you?"

"Get out, you're ugly, and you can give me another orchid finger." Xi Chupeng's face darkened, and he snorted disgustedly.

Shi Lei spread his hands, he raised his head, followed the gap between the branches of the big tree, and glanced at the sky, it was already noon, "Okay, get your things, let's go, today I have to take care of all the meat of the prey, so as not to cause trouble The beast is coming."

Xi Chupeng nodded, turned around and came to the place where the bamboo tubes were placed. He and Tatu hugged all the bamboo tubes filled with water and empty ones, and the group walked back to the place where the brown bears and giant pythons were killed. , leaving only the blood that has seeped into the ground, without a single figure.

"I asked the tribe to bring the prey back to the camp first." Seeing that Shi Lei was puzzled, Taya quickly explained, "Chu Peng told me about the encounter with the pack of wolves before."

Shi Lei nodded when he heard the words, he glanced at the blood on the ground, and stopped, Shi Lei and Ta Mo were walking at the front of the line, Ta Mo saw Shi Lei stop, thinking he had found something.

Taya followed Shi Lei's line of sight, and Taya glanced at Shi Lei with a puzzled face, with puzzled eyes, "Shi Lei, what's wrong there?"

"Lu Fei, Chu Peng, dig a hole and bury all the blood-stained soil. Bury it deeper. Remember to put a huge rock on top of the hole, and don't let the beasts dig it up." Shi Lei shook his head, but did not answer Taya's question , but turned his head and frowned at the people behind him.

Both Xi Chupeng and Lu Fei knew Shi Lei's intentions, took the weapons from Tatu and another person, walked towards the bloodstained place, started to get busy, and finished it in a short while.

The group set off again and walked towards the camp. Tatu scouted the road one meter ahead in order to find out if there was any danger in time.

Walking, Taya turned to look at Shi Lei, and asked with a confused look: "Shi Lei, is there any special significance to doing this?"

"Taya, you hunted before, will the prey appear in the place where you hunted before?" Shi Lei asked without answering.

Taya shook her head and said without thinking: "No, after each hunting, the position where the prey reappears will be far away from the last hunting position."

Shi Lei raised his hand and snapped his fingers, looked at Taya with a smile and said: "You are right, it is precisely because of this reason, I don't know the specific principle, whether it is unnecessary, the next time I hunt, I will know. "

"Shi Lei, have you ever eaten snake meat?" At this moment, Xi Chupeng who was behind him spoke up, and he frowned and said with a troubled face: "How can you eat such a big python? This guy has eaten people before, right? "

Luffy on the side interjected: "I have eaten snake meat. Once I traveled across the country and took a group to the south. When the food was first served, I thought it was chicken neck."

While thinking about it, Luffy said with a vivid expression: "After I finished eating, I remembered that the chicken's neck is so long. For a long time, I have had a psychological shadow on the snake and the chicken's neck."

"But to be honest, the taste is really delicious when I think about it now," said Lu Fei, smacking his mouth, and said with a look of aftertaste and nostalgia: "But I usually live in the north, and I have never eaten it again. " Luffy sighed.

"You own all the giant pythons, and I will never snatch them from you." Xi Chupeng's face was a little weird, and when he heard Lu Fei's last recollection, he quickly swore to the sky with a serious expression.

While talking, Shi Lei and his group returned to the camp. When they were busy, they didn't notice the time passing by. Once they were free, Shi Lei realized that they had already been busy all morning.

The camp has already grown to a considerable scale, and the surrounding bushes have also been cleared away. In the open space, with the help of the big trees that were already growing, the aborigines built sturdy tents one by one, not big in size.

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