"I want revenge."

Shi Lei raised his head and looked at Ta Mo who had calmed down in front of him. He was not happy, but looked at Ta Mo quietly, and asked in a deep voice: "Are you sure?"

Ta Mo nodded, she turned her head to look at Taya, saluted again, gritted her teeth and said, "Your Highness, I don't ask you to forgive me, this incident happened because of me, wait for me to kill their leader and avenge the clansmen After the revenge, I, Tamo, will be at your mercy, the princess."

Taya glanced at Ta Mo, and Ta Mo's temperament had completely changed. The cowardice between her brows and the resentment in her eyes had turned into a silent coldness, like the water in a deep pool that has remained unchanged for thousands of years, biting to the bone.

"Okay." Taya said blankly.

"Ta Mo, I have a question." Shi Lei thought for a while, then said hesitantly, "How did you meet them?"

Ta Mo sat down opposite to Shi Lei, gritted her teeth, thought for a moment and said: "That time because the patriarch wanted to drive me out, I was so angry that I ran to the seaside, but I met someone, he was the third brother just now. "

Speaking of this, Ta Mo's face was a little ferocious, and then calmed down again, her voice was calm as if she was talking about other people's affairs: "I was very angry at the time, so I said it to him, I thought he couldn't understand, Who would have thought that he would comfort me instead."

"Later, as we gradually got acquainted, he began to reveal intentionally or unintentionally that he was powerful, and then I thought of cooperating with them. I gave them the map of the tribe, and I have been planning until today when the accident happened."

As Ta Mo said, she fell silent, Shi Lei thought for a while and said: "They must be approaching you on purpose, the aboriginal language is a very remote language, so it seems that they have already set their sights on the tribe."

Thinking of this, Shi Lei suddenly thought of the treasure that that person said before he died at noon today, could it be?Shi Lei got up, walked to Xi Chupeng's side, and said softly: "Untie the rope, don't take it off, if someone comes in, just pretend."

Shi Lei, Guo Jingyi, Ta Mo, Taya, and Tatu gathered together, while Lu Fei, Xi Chupeng, and Xi Chuyu gathered around the wooden door to listen to the movement, and the other natives stood guard on three sides.

"We have to run away quickly, if we can't do it here, just throw it away." Shi Lei spoke first.

Taya frowned, and obviously disagreed with Shi Lei's opinion, "After being arrested, Tatu and I inspected the wooden house, and it was very solidly built. Except for going out through the main entrance, other things are not feasible." Tatu nodded in agreement .

"Shi Lei, we don't have any weapons." Guo Jingyi also felt that something was wrong, as soon as she was arrested, all the weapons on her body were taken away.

Shi Lei chuckled, and under the gaze of several people, he put his hand into his trousers, took out a bone knife from an indescribable place, and said triumphantly: "With this, piercing the eyes is enough."

"Hey, what kind of eyes are you looking at?" Shi Lei saw that everyone didn't speak, but they all looked at him strangely, and explained very dissatisfied: "I tied a cloth strip around my waist, and there is a scabbard inside, don't think too much about it. "

After finishing speaking, Shi Lei vaguely heard the voice of everyone sighing in relief.

Ta Mo looked at the four of them, hesitated for a moment, then hesitated, and said in a low voice, "Well... the guards outside are not strict. There are only four people who watch the night every day. Two people take turns. I saw you before." Let them change the guard."

Seeing Shi Lei looking at her, Ta Mo nodded affirmatively, Shi Lei raised his hand and stroked his chin, thought for a moment and said: "Then let's do it at dawn when people sleep the most and are the most sleepy... ..."

Before Shi Lei could finish speaking, Lu Fei trotted to the side of the five of them, and whispered, "Someone is here, don't talk about it."

The five of Shi Lei quickly got up from the ground, sat back to their original positions, hid the rope behind their backs, and even looked at each other just to be on the safe side, in case a section of the rope was exposed and was discovered.

"Third brother, those three girls are so punctual, why don't you let me have some sex? Especially that princess, thinking that I can be a princess, it's worth dying for."

"Fuck off, this is the person appointed by the boss. If you want to find the treasure, you have to rely on her. Don't be crazy, don't make bad ideas. If Taya loses a hair, I will kill you."

"Hey hey, don't dare, then..."

"Tomorrow, get the two new women out and let you play."

"Hahaha, thank you third brother!" When the younger brothers heard what third brother said, they all laughed obscenely happily.

Hearing their voices, Ta Mo bit her wrist tightly, without saying a word, while Shi Lei looked at Guo Jingyi and Xi Chuyu beside him, his heart sank suddenly, it seemed that he had to do something tonight.

Taya's complexion is also not good, the footsteps of the group of people outside are getting farther and farther away, and only two people are left talking at the door, talking about playing a lot of hot girls before.

Shi Lei waved his hands at everyone, everyone went back to where they were standing, and continued to be vigilant, while Shi Lei said to the four of them with a sinking face, "We will do it tonight." He must not let the two women, because his The decision was ruined.

Tamer lowered her head and drew lines on the ground with her fingers. Her nails were scratched by small stones, but she didn't even frown. After she finished the drawing, she said, "This is the place where the outside has been transformed."

Shi Lei noticed the blood on the ground as soon as he lowered his eyes, quickly untied the cloth strips on his body, tore off a small strip, grabbed Ta Mo's right hand, and gently wrapped his bleeding fingers.

"If you don't take care of your body, if you get infected, no one can replace you." Shi Lei glared at Ta Mo angrily, and said dissatisfied.

Ta Mo withdrew her fingers and clenched them tightly, a warm current gushed out of her cold heart, she looked at Shi Lei in a daze, and after a while, she smiled lightly and said, "Thank you." She thought: Is this the taste of happiness?The long-lost feeling.

Shi Lei thought about the method, pondered for a moment and said: "Let's recharge our batteries first, take turns to be vigilant, sleep until dawn, and then act, um... Chu Peng and I will go out first, and you will follow."

After thinking about it, Shi Lei was worried, and said pointedly: "The most important thing now is to run for your life. Only by being alive can you take revenge." Taya glanced at Shi Lei and licked the corner of her mouth.

No one expected to have food, even if there was, they would not dare to eat it, who knows if there is any poison in it, the five people who talked, conveyed their meaning to the vigilant people.

At night, at the beginning, no one could fall asleep, tossing and turning, the stomach was empty, really uncomfortable, Shi Lei was on alert when it was almost dawn, three people at a time, because one or two people fell asleep and delayed the formal .

The tribe in the early morning was extremely quiet, Shi Lei estimated the time in his mind through the skylight, and raised his hand to signal to Luffy and another native to wake everyone up.

The rope that bound them was also a weapon. When necessary, they could strangle the enemy. Xi Chupeng used a bone knife to pry open the door. It took some time to make no noise.

The door opened quietly, Xi Chupeng stepped out first, followed by Shi Lei.

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