"Woo! Why did this happen? What did I do wrong? It turns out they are lying to me too, Tal, I'm so dirty... Will you despise me? Of course you will, woo!"

Hearing Ta Mo's desperate words, Shi Lei sighed silently, and said to himself: If I knew today, why bother.

Shi Lei broke free from the rope on his hands, stretched it out in front of him, and moved his arms slowly, because he had been pressing the rope hard just now, and the force was too long, his arms had lost all feeling.

Shi Lei and everyone in the house heard Ta Mo's screams outside very clearly. I don't know how much time has passed. Anyway, just as Shi Lei broke the rope, Ta Mo was dragged by two men and thrown back. up the cabin.

The clothes had been torn to pieces, revealing streaks of bloody skin that had been beaten. Her hair was disheveled, her eyes were dull and empty, her body was dripping with blood, and her body was bruised and purple, showing how horrible torture she had suffered.

After a long while, Tamer's body started to move. She crawled into a corner and curled herself up into a ball. Talk to yourself.

Ta Mo clutched the skirt of her clothes tightly, and her eyes became more and more desperate. She suddenly thought of something, turned her head to look at Taya, and her eyes became fierce and resentful again: "It's all because of you! Why are you still alive? Why? Not you? I'm going to kill you!"

As she said that, Tamo suddenly stood up from the corner, and flew towards Taya. Taya raised her leg suddenly, kicked Tamo in the stomach, and kicked her to the ground. Slow down.

Tamo supported her body with both hands, sat up straight with difficulty, and still did not give up, Taya said at this time: "Tamo, you hate me so much? Because of this, you let the whole tribe be invaded by the enemy? All the tribesmen who killed Dead, are you still not satisfied?"

"Why don't you die!" Ta Mo roared angrily, her ferocious face was like a ghost crawling out of hell.

Taya pursed her lips, frowned and looked at what Ta Mo was thinking about, her eyes flicked for a moment of forbearance, Shi Lei noticed it sharply, and felt that there must be something hidden here.

Tatu on the side couldn't stand it anymore. He jumped up from the ground, walked to Ta Mo's side, and sat down in an open space some distance away, "Ta Mo, if you want to know the truth, then I will tell you!"

Tatu recalled the original scene, thought for a while and summed it up silently in his heart, and made a long story short: "Tal didn't save Her Royal Highness to die at all! Her Royal Highness specially let all the hunting clansmen die in order to let you have a subsidy from the tribe. Unified caliber, in fact, Tal was bitten to death by wild wolves because of greed for meritorious deeds."

What Tatu said was straightforward, but Tamo's struggling body was completely frozen in place. She murmured every word Tatu said, and screamed in denial: "Impossible!"

"Hehe, if you don't believe me, you can ask them." Tatu sneered twice, pointed to a few indigenous people not far from him with his chin, and said coldly: "In the hunting team, here There are several heads."

Ta Mo looked hopefully at the aborigines, but saw them nodding together, the flames in her eyes gradually extinguished, she suddenly thought that the corpses in that place were all tribesmen, her compatriots.

what was she doingOh yes, she is happy, she can finally take revenge, Ta Mo thought, as she stepped over the corpses of her clansmen, all the clansmen tied up on the stakes stared at her with disgust and resentment.

"Ah——" Ta Mo hugged her head violently and screamed. She didn't believe what a person said, but she also understood that at this moment, there was no need for those people to lie to her. Thinking of this, tears flowed from her eyes. Eye socket overflow.

Ta Mo couldn't feel the pain from the wound across her face, she stared blankly at her legs, her nose smelled the strong smell of love and desire, her stomach churned, more disgusted.

She glanced at the aborigines and Taya, slowly stood up from the ground, stretched out her mind, and rushed towards the wall, but the severe pain did not come, but Tamo heard the sound coming from the top of her head One, the man's scream.

"Aww!!! Damn it, why are you such a strong woman? Damn, do it again, I just broke my ribs."

Shi Lei pushed Ta Mo away violently, covered his chest with his hands, suddenly thought of something, Shi Lei quickly grabbed Ta Mo, rushed to his seat, sat down quickly, put the rope around his neck to pretend.

Ta Mo was caught off guard by being pulled, she sat down on the ground, she stared at Shi Lei in a daze, a little at a loss, when Shi Lei was done, when he raised his head, his eyes met with Ta Mo's.

Ta Mo seemed to recognize Shi Lei, her face turned black, but Shi Lei didn't notice this, only heard the wooden house "creak", was pushed away by the guards outside, leaned into the upper body to look at everyone, Seeing nothing, he closed the wooden door again.

Shi Lei heaved a sigh of relief, turned his head to look at Ta Mo, his expression was a little bad, and he said angrily: "Ta Mo, you want to commit suicide? After doing these things, do you want to die? You died cleanly."

"I..." Ta Mo was not convinced, and wanted to say something, after thinking about it, her eyes turned red, and she hung her head in silence.

"Ta Mo, calm down and think about it, is Taya the kind of person who must report her flaws? Why do you insist on killing her?" Shi Lei softened his tone when he saw Ta Mo like this, and looked at Ta Mo with a serious expression. Mo asked seriously.

When Ta Mo heard this, she tilted her head and thought for a while, bit her lip and shook her head, but did not speak, tears running down her face.

"Want to take revenge? For your compatriots? To make up for your mistakes, Ta Mo, death is easy, but are you sure, Taal will forgive you?" Shi Lei said calmly, with a gentle and majestic tone.

Ta Mo cried even more fiercely, Shi Lei took off the coat tied around his waist, gently draped it on Ta Mo's body, and patted her shoulder comfortingly, "Cry, after you calm down, think about me If you still want to die, I won't stop you."

Shi Lei watched Ta Mo get up and go to sit down on the open space diagonally opposite, he couldn't help sighing, should he say that poor people must have something to hate?
Xi Chuyu turned to look at Shi Lei, and said with a puzzled expression: "Shi Lei, why did you help her? A person like her who killed hundreds of people in the tribe will deserve death. Even if you really persuaded her to come down, Ta Ya and other natives will not let her go."

Shi Lei shook his head with a smile and said: "Chu Yu, Ta Mo can make the tribe like this by herself, although it is not ruled out that it is because someone helped her, but she does have her talent. Well, it will do no harm to us."

Guo Jingyi was sitting next to Xi Chuyu. Although Shi Lei's voice was low, she could hear clearly. Guo Jingyi looked at Shi Lei with a smile, and felt a sense of accomplishment in her heart. Shi Lei had really matured.

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