Passing through the winding hole, I soon came to the ground at the bottom of the tiankeng, and I saw a thick white fog.

I glanced at the traces on the ground, that was the direction the giant scorpion was heading.

Then, I ran in the opposite direction without looking back.

I only have a gun in my hand now, and I am also carrying a wounded person who is unconscious. I am absolutely unable to pass through the scorpions and reach the central mining area of ​​the sinkhole under such circumstances.

We can only avoid it temporarily, and make plans after the scorpions return to their lairs.

The exit of Juxie Cave is already at the edge of the bottom of the tiankeng, so it didn't take me long to reach the side wall of the tiankeng.

Although the ground is a bit uneven, relatively speaking, it is considered safe here.

But after the bumpy road, the wounded man I rescued finally woke up leisurely.

"Out, out?"

He looked at the white mist around him in a daze, and after a long time in a daze, tears suddenly filled his eyes with excitement. Although his body was still very weak, he still managed to stand up.

"I came out alive!"

I just sat aside and remained silent.

Yes, he came out of the giant scorpion's lair alive.

But what can be done?
He and I are alone in this only world, and if we want to leave this place, there are still countless people in danger.

Entering anyone, I am afraid there is no guarantee that I can leave here safely.

At seven o'clock in the evening, I reckoned that almost all the giant scorpions had returned to their nests, and then quickly headed to the center of the tiankeng with the wounded.

"There is a situation!"

A few hours later, human roars were suddenly heard in the thick fog ahead.

"it's me!"

In order to prevent them from looking for me to shoot, I opened my mouth in time, and then quickly accelerated my pace.

One minute later, light gradually appeared in the thick fog in front of me, and I also saw a tight defense line composed of more than 1 people.

However, when these people saw that it was me, their faces all became very ugly.

Some saints looked at me defensively, as if I was more terrifying than those giant scorpions.

They stopped me one by one, preventing me from entering the line of defense. Dozens of guns were aimed at me and the wounded around me.

"It's you!"

It didn't take long before the person in charge of the mining area rushed over, and when he saw me, he gritted his teeth with hatred, "You bastard, you still have the face to come back!"

"Why did I come back with no face?"

I had expected such a result, and retorted with a sneer.

The wounded man next to me looked at me puzzled, then at the person in charge, puzzled but dared not speak.

"You traitor, I will execute you now!"

With that said, the person in charge drew a pistol from his waist.

I said boldly, "If you dare to shoot, I can guarantee that you will be the one Dick falls down! Don't forget that I am the team leader here, and I have the final say here."


The person in charge's face froze, but then he laughed a few times, "You traitor, the people who deliberately caused us to die tragically at the hands of the giant scorpion, it would be good if you didn't dismember your body, but you still think you are the team leader here? "

Looking at his proud face, I pretended to be confused.

In fact, I knew very well in my heart that among those ten people, one escaped back, and he must have truthfully reported everything he saw to the upper echelons.

After the upper management found out, they must have dismissed me from my position.

"Now, I am the leader of everyone here!"

The person in charge said with a smile.

"is it?"

I pretended to be puzzled, and clicked a few times on the communicator on my left arm.

After coming out of the giant scorpion's cave, the communicator has a signal.

But I haven't connected with the company's superior until now, just to solve the current situation.

After a few seconds, the commander's face appeared on the screen.

The person in charge looked at what I was doing, smiled disdainfully, and lowered his head to play with the pistol in his hand.

"You are still alive?"

The moment he saw me, the commander's face was pulled down, "Do you know what you have done?"


I nodded seriously, "Let me guess what that deserter told you."

"Did he say that I deliberately used a few of them as bait to let the scorpions target them, and then I rushed into the scorpion's lair alone?"

Hearing this, a smile appeared on the corner of the commander's mouth, and then he nodded approvingly.

The people in charge in front of me all raised their heads and whispered to the few people around them.

The commander's reaction told me that he didn't really believe that set of rhetoric.

After all, from the perspective of a normal person, the only one who can rush into the giant scorpion's lair alone is probably a psychopath, right?

I smiled lightly and said leisurely, "Actually, I'm here to save people."

"You, how could you come back alive!"

As soon as I finished speaking, I saw only one surviving member of the ten team members running over. His arm was tightly bound with gauze, and he looked at me as if he had seen a ghost.

It came just fine.

I glanced at the person in charge, who had called this guy over, presumably to confront me.

"He's just a deserter. His words are unbelievable."

I turned my wrist so that the camera on the communicator was facing the guy who survived.

"At that time, I wanted to go in and save people, but they were afraid of death and didn't dare to go, so they left me alone."

"It's just that my strength alone is too weak, and I managed to save only one person. If you don't believe me, the person I saved is here. You can ask him."

As I said that, I pointed the camera at the wounded man's face.

Seeing this, the wounded looked at me gratefully, and then said in a hoarse voice, "It was him, he saved me! I am very grateful to him. If I can go back alive this time, I will repay him with half of my commission!" "

"Is that Vijay?"

After listening, the commander paused, and then said, "Your name is on the dead person. It seems that what you said is true. He was indeed the one who saved you."

"So that means, someone reported false news in order to hide his cowardly whereabouts!"

As soon as these words came out, not only the person in charge, but also the faces of everyone around him changed.

Especially the team member who survived by luck, with cold sweat pouring down his forehead like raindrops, his knees fell to the ground with a soft plop.

"I... I didn't lie, what I said was true! He betrayed us..."

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