As he spoke, his body couldn't stop shaking. If I hadn't held him down firmly, he would have squeezed both of us out of this small space.

"Calm down, you're safe now!"

I grabbed his shoulder and reminded him sharply.

"Yes, yes! I'm safe..."

After gasping for a few breaths, he raised his head tremblingly, and grinned bitterly, "Is it really safe?"

Why does this person have so many things?
Does he not know his current status?
Considering that he still has some value, I could only be patient and said softly, "If you don't believe me, you can go to fend for yourself now."

Hearing this, he fell silent and calmed down.

His head was stuck on the ground, paralyzed next to me like a dead snake, and soon, he fell asleep due to excessive loss and exhaustion.

And I, in such an environment, can't sleep even if I want to.

Maintain a high degree of concentrated vigilance at all times to prevent any accidents from happening, and look at the cocoons on the arched stalactite from time to time.

The corpses brought back by the scorpions were also made into containers for raising young and hung on them.


After a period of time like this, suddenly, one of the cocoons hanging on the arched stalactites suddenly heard a sound similar to cloth being torn.

Immediately afterwards, I saw an arm-wide opening cracked on the surface of the huge cocoon, and then a dozen giant scorpion cubs the size of a basketball drilled out of it.

Through that crack, I could clearly see that there was only a white bone left inside.


My right eyelid couldn't stop twitching, wondering if the fire monkey was in one of them.

If he is inside, then I must act quickly, otherwise once the giant scorpion cubs hatch, the people inside will be eaten up!


I glanced at the hundreds of giant scorpions in the cave. If I rushed out now, it would be like throwing myself into a dead end.

No matter how fast I am, I'm afraid I will be torn to pieces before I reach the edge of the arched stalactite.

It seems that they can only repeat the old tricks and create another riot...

After selecting an area where giant scorpions gather densely, I untied a grenade and threw it out.

Three, two, one!

I counted down the time of the explosion in my heart, and when the explosion sounded, I used the shock wave of the explosion to explode at my fastest speed and head towards the arched stalactite.

The riot and turmoil caused by the explosion lasted for several minutes, and the shoes in the cave were crawling around.

This also gave me enough time to climb above the arched stalactites.

I held my breath, tried my best to calm down my emotions, and then lifted one of the giant cocoons up as before.

Separated, the people inside are already dead, and the corpses have become stiff and stiff.

But this man is not a fire monkey.

I was relieved and nervous at the same time. It was hard to imagine, what would happen if I cut open a cocoon and found that the person inside was a fire monkey?

At this time, my mood was extremely complicated, but I didn't dare to stop for a moment.

After cutting open several cocoons one after another, the people inside were all dead, but fortunately, I didn't see the fire monkey.

Except for the nine cocoons that were hung up recently, there is only one that has not been cut.


I took a deep breath, and the hand holding the knife trembled slightly, just as the cocoon that violated the law was raised.


not good!Has hatched!

I thought to myself that I was a step late, so I quickly withdrew my hand and stared quietly at the crack on the cocoon.

Numerous young scorpions crawled out of it, and similarly, the people inside had been devoured by giant scorpion cubs, leaving only a bone, and it was impossible to identify who the bone's former owner was.

Damn, things have developed to the point where I have already had a lot of guesses in my mind, but most of them have a common result.

The fire monkey may have been sacrificed.

In an instant, I felt as if the strength of my body was being drained, and I lay tiredly on the main stone, panting heavily.

Hope has been wiped out, and the only thing to do now is bide time.

Living in this airtight cave, without seeing the sun, I checked my address book from time to time, almost a day has passed, and there are still a few 10 minutes before it will reach three o'clock in the afternoon.

The giant scorpions here should almost come out and launch an attack.

Now, I am still above the stalactite.

And the armed man I rescued was still lying beside the mother scorpion. A whole day had passed since he fell asleep, but I never saw him wake up.

If it weren't for his chest still heaving slightly, I would even think he was dead.


Finally, as soon as three o'clock came, the scorpions in the cave began to grow restless.

Immediately afterwards, one by one, they crawled in from the many openings in the cave.

Great, they are finally leaving!
My mood will also become a little excited, and the time to leave is finally coming, although after going out, we will most likely be behind those giant scorpions, and it is difficult to reach the central mining area.

But as long as you go out, there are many ways.

In the next half an hour, all the giant scorpions in the cave had almost left, leaving only a few lying lazily on the spot.

"time to go!"

I muttered silently, quickly climbed down from the stalactite, and then came to the person in ancient costume I rescued.

I tried to pat his face, trying to wake him up.

After all, to me, he still has great value.

But no matter what method I used, his eyes were still tightly closed, and his face was flushed strangely.

I touched his forehead, it was really hot.

As early as when I rescued him, his body was already scarred. There were countless large and small wounds, and none of them had been treated. Coupled with the warm and humid environment here, wound infection and inflammation are very serious. normal thing.

Passed out with a fever...

However, this made me a little confused. He is still useful to me. If I leave him here, I'm afraid I won't be able to explain it clearly when I go out to meet the people in the company.

But if I take such a wounded person and want to escape from this dangerous place...

How to do?
I know I can't linger here for too long, or I may stay here for another day, and I don't have so much time to waste.

"It's your fate!"

After hesitating for a moment, I set my sights on his flushed face, cursed annoyedly, and picked him up.

Then, he immediately ran in the direction of the exit.

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