At the beginning, I actually planned to take advantage of the chaos to get rid of these people, and then go to the small island in the middle of the lake alone.

In this way, I don't have to be restrained anymore, and it is also convenient for me to search for news and find fire monkeys, but now, when I come to this area where mutated creatures gather, I realize that it is not as simple as I imagined .

Because the number of mutated creatures gathered here is really too much.

They swarmed and killed batch after batch, as if the number was endless.

If I am alone, I am afraid that the chance of getting out of here alive is zero.

So, I changed the plan and chose to act together with these people, and with the help of a large number of people, I killed them directly from here.

"I can't stand it anymore! There are too many of them!"

"Request support!"

However, there are only two hundred of us, and it is hard to imagine how difficult it is to break through in this environment.

Just defending against these constantly rushing mutant creatures is enough to give us a headache, let alone move forward and open the way.


Fortunately, the people in the company are also very considerate. A few bombs fly overhead from time to time, falling into the mutated biological group in front of us.

Greatly relieved our pressure to break through.


All I could hear were roars and gunshots. While shooting, I led the advance team to break out of the encirclement.

It has to be said that more people are easier to handle. Coupled with the firepower from the rear support, after we killed or injured more than a dozen people, we finally reached the lake.

The wooden fence that had fallen here had been trampled into slag, and there were corroded and mutated biological bones everywhere in the lake, probably caused by accidentally falling into the water.

Nothing has changed, except for the stone path above the water, which is still the same.


At this moment, the communicator on my arm suddenly vibrated, and I turned my head to see that it was the commander who gave the order.

keep going!Protect the mining task and complete it successfully!

When this command disappeared, a route was displayed on the communicator. According to my memory, the last place this route leads to is the camp on the small island in the middle of the lake.

When I left before, the company personnel gathered at the small island camp in the middle of the lake were using explosives to open the mountain.

I don't know what's going on there now.

"set off!"

When I came back to my senses, I saw that the other team members looked at me, obviously they also received this order.

At this point, I stopped hesitating and was the first to step on the stone path out of the water.

Soon, our advance team set foot on the island. It took about two hours from the time we broke out to the present.

The casualty situation is far better than what I have encountered, and more than [-]% of the people survived.

But the fly in the ointment is that I still have to accept the restrictions brought by my identity, and I can't move freely.

The island is still the same as when I came here before, the ground is full of bomb craters, but many traces of trampling are more obvious than when I came before.

Without the bright lights, our sight range becomes very short.

However, compared to the situation we were in just now, it is much safer now, which can be regarded as a relief for me.

The size of this small island is very large, and the terrain is very complex. Just relying on our walking speed, it takes at least a whole day to walk.

After experiencing the fierce battle just now, the whole team was exhausted.

After walking some distance, we rested for six hours before continuing on the road.

Along the way, the only sounds we could hear were our own breathing and footsteps.

The restriction of physical senses has evolved into an unspeakable fear and depression in our hearts. However, I have long been accustomed to this feeling, which is much better than those players who came here for the first time.

When I came to a downhill road, I knew that the camp I had been to was under the slope.

I just experienced what happened last time, so I don't know what kind of scene it will be below now.

As we gradually approached the bottom of the slope, we gradually saw bright lights.

As I continued to approach, I saw layers of iron nets covering the entire camp airtight, including the top, which was also covered with iron nets.

There is only one exit in the entire camp for entry and exit.

"Go over there and stand by."

At the gate, a few guards looked at me leading the team, frowned and pointed to an empty corner of the camp.

I nodded indifferently, and walked in with the team members.

This is different from what I remember before, except for some barbed wire, every tent has been reinforced.

And there are guards outside each camp, which looks heavily guarded.

I couldn't help laughing, I'm afraid it's because I caused an explosion here last time, so they are so vigilant now.

Looking around, I saw the tents where the medical staff were staying.

This reminded me of the doctor I met here before.

There was a deal between me and him at the beginning, and the result was pretty good, we both got what we wanted.

If he is still here, I think I should be able to ask some valuable clues from him. Perhaps, he may have seen a fire monkey...

After thinking about it for a while, I glanced at the team of previous players, and finally locked my eyes on a seriously injured player. Half of his arm was gone, and the wound was just wrapped casually with cloth.

At the end of the day, blood loss made his face extremely pale, and the wound was at risk of getting infected and getting worse.

Bringing him into the medical camp, shouldn't it attract attention?
I did what I said, and I immediately walked to the team member and waved to him.

After he glanced at me, he got up with difficulty and followed me to the medical camp.

The guard at the door just glanced at me, and then moved away after his eyes stayed on the wounded behind me for a moment.

I raised my eyebrows slightly, and walked into the tent with the wounded.

There is an operating table, a cabinet, and a chair inside. There are medical equipment piled up in other places. Although there are many, they don't look messy.

And beside the operating table, stood a man with an unshaven beard, wearing glasses, and dark circles under his eyes, which looked a little scary.

"Broken arm? Sit over and let me check."

The doctor said plainly, he must have been used to this level of injury by now.

I smiled slightly, and when the injured player was about to walk over, I punched him on the back of the head.

Then, facing the defensive doctor, I took off my goggles and mask.

"Still remember me?"

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