He died without much pain.

It's just that I have to bear this kind of psychological pressure at least six times...

I turned around and opened my eyes. The expressions of the remaining six people I saw had changed from panic to numbness to indifference.

Witnessing the scene of the tragic death of my companions, they have all accepted the fact that they are about to die, which makes me feel less uneasy, but my mood is really indescribable.

Even if there is really only a dead end left for them, even if I shoot them, I will feel much better if I kill them with one shot.

this punishment...

I know that in my current situation, I have no choice at all, so I can only repeat the same thing six times numbly.

Each time the burden on me is doubled compared to the previous one. If the mental capacity is weak, I am afraid that it will collapse on the spot.

"Very good, you are doing well."

After completing this extremely inhuman task, the commander smiled at me and said, "I never thought you would have such great courage. It just so happens that our advance team is short of a leader, so I will leave this task to you." .”

Advance team?

I took a deep look at him, and I knew that with the temper of these people in the company, this matter would definitely not end so easily.

Although on the surface, no punishment was imposed on me, but I was included in the advance team.

A few hours later, everyone here will set off towards the small island in the middle of the lake, that is to say, we must first cross this area where mutated creatures gather.

Even with strong fire support, casualties are inevitable.

And the advance team, as the first team to rush up, is also in the greatest danger, because this team is not only responsible for opening the way, but also needs to protect the safety of the follow-up team.

In such an environment, if they wanted to fight out from the area where the mutated creatures gathered, I'm afraid the advance team might still be wiped out.


But because of what I have experienced these days, I still nodded and agreed.

Unconditionally obey the orders of superiors.If I refuse now, there is no guarantee that this guy will not throw me in to feed the orangutans, so it is really wise to agree temporarily.

The most important thing is because I think that if it was me, the chance of surviving is still relatively high.

After all, it really doesn't work, and I'll just run away by myself when the time comes.

Then, the commander took me to the place where the advance team members were. There were a total of [-] people, equipped with heavy fire weapons and fire support from the rear. If there is no accident, we have an [-]% chance of rushing out of the mutated creatures.

This is what he explained to me, and after I finished listening, I just nodded slightly.

At this moment, there are less than three hours left before our departure.

Three hours later, two hundred members of the advance team and I came to the front of the trench where mutant creatures gather.

I clenched the gun in my hand and put myself on full alert.


At this time, there was a loud noise in the camp, and the bright lights were turned on.

The dazzling light made the mutated creatures a hundred meters away feel deeply uncomfortable, and some of them roared non-stop.

Across a distance of [-] meters, you can feel the shocking feeling.

"set off!"

With a distance of [-] meters, in order to deal with those mutated creatures conveniently, our team can only choose to charge on foot.

Although our team has a full 200 people, facing those tens of thousands of mutated creatures, it seems a bit insufficient.

However, the people behind me are completely fearless, and I don't know if they have been brainwashed by the people in the company. Otherwise, how could they not feel scared at all when facing this situation?
Just as we rushed towards those mutated creatures, there was a muffled sound behind us.

A shell half the size of a person flew straight over our heads, and flew straight towards the densely packed mutated creatures.

Immediately afterwards, several more shells flew past.

Only a few seconds later, the flames in the distance soared into the sky, and half of the sky illuminated by it turned golden yellow.

The aftermath of the explosion whipped up a strong wind and roared towards us.

Those beasts didn't know how to hide, a few shells went down, and immediately blasted a few big gaps for us.

The mutated creatures outside the range of the explosion also turned their attention away from us. The instinct of the creatures made them very flustered after experiencing the explosion.


As soon as I waved my hand, the lead soldiers quickened their pace, while the advance team followed closely behind me.

The few mutated creatures that rushed towards us fell under the guns one after another.

The bullets poured out crazily. In order to shorten the gap between reloading, the empty clips were discarded at will. In less than 10 minutes, we came to the place where the bomb just fell.

Those bombs just now were so powerful that the ground under our feet sank more than ten centimeters.

And the explosion just now made the corpses of mutated creatures all over the place, but fortunately, a vacuum area with no living mutated creatures was formed here.

But we dare not relax our vigilance, because, at this moment, we are in the center of the area where mutated creatures gather.

Except for this crater with a range of [-] meters, there are mutated creatures who are anxious and frenzied all around.

Looking behind us, the follow-up personnel have followed up.

The most eye-catching thing is the few cars in front, the bright lights on the cars directly illuminate the road ahead for us.


I took a deep breath of the mixed smell of blood and gunpowder smoke, and rushed towards us.

"Keep going!"

Those mutated creatures hovered at the edge of the explosion range, staring at us firmly. There is no doubt that as long as we dare to step out of this explosion area, they will swarm up, tear us apart and eat us.

"They. Here they come!"

Just when we were only less than 30 meters away from those mutated creatures, some mutated creatures finally couldn't help it.

They roared, or ran or flew, and rushed towards us.

Da da da……

In an instant, the flames of the guns did not dare to stop for a moment. Facing these countless mutated creatures, more than 200 people felt a lot of pressure and their scalps went numb.

Running on the ground, flying in the sky, everything.

But fortunately, the members of these advance teams are not just for nothing. The gun line was pulled, and they cooperated tacitly. In a short period of time, they barely resisted these mutated creatures flooding in like a tide.

"Breakout! Keep going!"

But I know that if we stay here all the time, the ammunition on our bodies is definitely not enough.

It is impossible to retreat.

The only option is to bite the bullet and fight a bloody path from here.

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