I walked forward, put one hand on the arm of the fire monkey covered with red carapace, and said softly helplessly.

"Let her go?"

Fire Monkey looked at me, then at Martha, and angrily shook off my hand, "Impossible!"

"If it wasn't for her, Wang Shaoyang wouldn't be like that! We wouldn't have encountered so many dangers and traveled around! Even Brother Wang wouldn't be like that!"

These words left me speechless.

But I can't let Martha die in his hands. Since Martha has nothing to do with Wang Shaoyang becoming like this, then she should have a way to restore Wang Shaoyang to his original state. Anyway, she can't die now.

"Even if you kill her now, it won't solve any problems, Wang Shaoyang, just count on her to save you."


The fire monkey's breathing was a little short, and after inhaling several times, he gritted his teeth and let go.

"For your sake, I can move her, but if she can't save Wang Shaoyang, I will definitely not let her go."

In the end, Fire Monkey walked up to Li Xin after putting down some harsh words.

All the while the old professor stood by, as if he knew what was going to happen next.

"You can restore Wang Shaoyang to his original state, right?"

I squatted in front of Martha and asked in as soft a tone as possible.

After all, it was her research that made Wang Shaoyang what he is now, and after we met her, he restored Wang Shaoyang's aging rate back to normal.

I believe that she should be able to restore Wang Shaoyang to his original state.

But what I didn't expect was that Martha denied my thoughts, "I've tried my best, but I can't do it."

As Martha talked, tears welled up, sobbed, and she couldn't even speak clearly.

"Don't embarrass her!"

At this moment, Bilson struggled to get up, supported the wall with one hand, looked at me bitterly and said, "We are only responsible for research, and as for who the research results are used on, that is up to us." Nothing to do!"

"You mean, the thing that makes Wang Shaoyang's body age is developed by you, but the test product that is used is chosen by the company?"

Hearing this, I couldn't help frowning.

If this is the case, it is really not to blame Martha and the others, they just did what they should do.

"Of course!"

Bilson stumbled over, took Martha into his arms, and angrily said, "Besides, at the beginning we were aiming to rejuvenate people, but in the end the experiment went wrong, and the medicines we developed would only speed up the process." The speed at which people age!"
"This kind of harmful thing, you just give it to those people in the company?"

The fire monkey taunted coldly from the side.

"Otherwise? We signed a contract, and all research results belong to the company. We just did what we agreed upon!"

Bilson became agitated when he heard the words, and retorted, "Besides, why is it a harmful thing? If a kitchen knife falls into the hands of a chef, it is a tool for making gourmet food, but if it falls into the hands of a murderer, it is a weapon for killing people. We You just made knives, why do you blame us for the crime!"

What he said made sense, and the fire monkey was so choked that he couldn't say a word for a long time.

"If you don't mind, we can cooperate."

Finally, the old professor spoke. He smiled and offered an olive branch to Bilson and the others, "I believe you have the ability to restore Wang Shaoyang to normal."


The fire monkey didn't understand, but I understood it very well.

The old professor has taken a fancy to Martha and the others' potential, as long as Martha and the others are willing to nod, the benefits they get will not be worse than the benefits they get from the company.

"We don't need your pity."

Bilson said angrily mercilessly.

But the old professor seemed to be convinced of them, "As long as you agree, we can provide you with all the experimental equipment, funds, and manpower, but if you don't agree, I can send you back to the UK now."

"But I can guarantee that as long as you leave here and escape our protection, you will definitely not survive for three days."

"I believe you guys know better than me how the company handles traitors. You will definitely not suffer from this deal. How about it?"

At this point, it's not just an olive branch, it's more of a threat.

But this threat comes from the company.

"Let's make a decision before I change my mind."

The smile on the old professor's face has not changed in the slightest, but it is this kind of harmless smile that gives me an extremely dangerous feeling.

It seems, as if imagining that you are facing a wild beast.


Bilson thought for a long time, then nodded unwillingly, "I promise you."

"very good."

The old professor turned around and beckoned to a staff member, "She will take you to wash up, just ask him if you need anything."

Afterwards, Martha and Bilson followed the staff member away.

Only me and Fire Monkey are left here.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Suddenly, the old professor smiled at us apologetically, "After going through so much, it's time for you to rest for a while. It just so happens that the next step should take a while, so now, you can freely control your own time. You can go anywhere."

"Where's Yucheng Yao?"

I hurriedly asked, I don't care if I rest or not, as long as the people I care about are safe and sound.

The old professor seemed to have expected me to ask such a question, and said with a smile, "You know her room, right?"

"I know, thanks."

I took a deep look at the old professor, turned around and walked out of the laboratory, running towards the place where we settled down.

For a moment, the mood was so complicated that it was hard to describe.

Although Fire Monkey had given me a guarantee before, I still didn't have the courage to ask Yucheng Yao directly, for I was afraid of getting the result I least wanted.

In front of Yucheng Yao's room, I mustered up my courage and knocked on the door.

After a while, no one came to open the door.

Didn't the old professor say that she was in the room?Did it go out?
I frowned slightly, but just as I was about to turn around and leave to look elsewhere, the door opened.


Through a crack in the door, I saw Yu Chengyao's delicate and familiar face.

Down, the loose bathrobe couldn't cover her curvy figure, her wet hair was stuck to her shoulders, it looked like she had just taken a shower.

I opened my mouth, thousands of words poured into my throat but I didn't know what to say.

The moment she saw me, Yucheng Yao was stunned for a moment, but after realizing it, she immediately opened the door, and threw herself into my arms regardless of the envious eyes of the people in the corridor.

"You, you are finally back!"

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