"He is Wang Shaoyang."
I had expected the old professor to react like this. If I were an ordinary person, I would never believe that the centenarian in front of me was actually a child even if I was beaten to death.

After Fire Monkey and Li Xin also nodded, the old professor managed to recover.

"How did he become like this?"

The old professor smiled wryly and shook his head, looking at Wang Shaoyang with pity in his eyes, "Although I have heard that this child's body functions are aging very fast, but I didn't expect it to be so serious!"

"I'm afraid it will be a bit difficult to bring him back to normal!"

The old professor said as he led us to the laboratory.

"It is almost impossible for a person to reverse growth and become younger. It is equivalent to immortality in disguise. For centuries, scientists have been working on this technology, but they have not achieved any results."

In other words, Wang Shaoyang can't be rescued?
I couldn't help frowning and glanced at Martha and Bilson behind me. If the technical difficulty is as difficult as the old professor said, then how did the two of them restore Wang Shaoyang's body aging speed to What about the normal level?

When I walked to the door of the laboratory, I couldn't hold back any longer. I pointed at Martha and Bilson, "The two of them may have a way to save Wang Shaoyang."


When Fire Monkey and Li Xin heard this, they looked at Martha and Bilson in disbelief.

They only know that Martha and Bilson helped us, but they don't know the current situation of Wang Shaoyang, and they don't know what Martha and Bilson have done.

Hearing me say that at this time, one can imagine the shock in my heart.

Then, I told the old professor exactly what Martha and the others had slowed down the aging of Wang Shaoyang's body.


It was said that the old professor was interested, and things related to science have always been able to arouse his interest.

The old professor adjusted his glasses, looked at the two of Martha meaningfully, and asked, "It's the first time we meet, who are you two?"

"Scientists affiliated with the company."

The fire monkey muttered on the side.


The old professor frowned when he heard this, but he wasn't too worried. After all, Martha and the others were brought by us, and this is the base of the organization.

But if Martha and the others make any changes, they will definitely be taken down immediately.

"If it wasn't for them, we wouldn't be able to come back alive, and even Wang Shaoyang couldn't survive until now."

I explained for Martha and the others, "They have helped us a lot, and now they have nothing to do with the company. On the contrary, they are now in a hostile relationship with the company."

"That's it."

The old professor smiled, "An enemy of an enemy is a friend. How did you do it about that child?"


Martha was about to speak, but was stopped by Bilson.

Bilson glanced at me, then stood in front of Martha and said, "We're just trying our luck."

The old professor smiled without saying a word, and walked into the laboratory on his own.

Then we followed him in.

As soon as I entered the laboratory, two men in white coats came over. The old professor whispered to the two of them, and then waved to me, "Just give the child to the two of them, and they will Take him for a checkup."

Out of trust in the old professor, I carefully handed Wang Shaoyang, who was in my arms, to the two men.

Subconsciously, I looked up at the huge cultivation tank not far away.

The tumor-like meat ball inside floated calmly in the green nutrient solution. I don't know if Brother Wang, who is in this state now, can see Wang Shaoyang.

But no matter what, my promise to him was fulfilled.

Inadvertently, I caught a glimpse of Martha and Bilson looking at the culture jar, probably out of habit, their eyes were shining.

"Brother Wang, how is it?"

I asked softly.

"Signs of deterioration."

The old professor sighed, "Even if he can hold on, he probably won't be human."

It's good to be alive...

I looked at the ball of meat that could hardly be described, and I had mixed feelings in my heart. At this point, it doesn't matter whether people are different or not.

"Is he a human?"

Suddenly, Martha asked.

As soon as she finished speaking, Fire Monkey added, "The ball of meat you saw is the father of that child."


Hearing this, Martha staggered back a dozen steps as if struck by lightning. If it wasn't for Bilson's sharp eyesight and quick hands, she would almost hit the wall.

Her expression was full of guilt.

This made me realize that what happened to Brother Wang's family may have a lot to do with her.

I have always had the feeling that the two of them, Martha, are hiding something that I don't know, and now their reaction has confirmed my guess.

The old professor who had been on the sidelines for a long time smiled and said nothing.

"That child... he's aging faster. In fact, it's actually the result of our experiment..."

Martha said in despair.

As soon as this remark came out, we were all stunned.

This matter has something to do with her?
Even, she might be the instigator of this matter?In other words, it was her handwriting that Wang Shaoyang became like this now?
While I was still thinking, the fire monkey had already rushed over. If Bilson hadn't stopped him tightly, blood would probably have been spattered on the spot.

"Damn it, I'll kill you!"

"you dare!"

Bilson confronted the fire monkey, not giving an inch, and firmly protected Martha behind him.

But he is an ordinary person, so he is no match for Fire Monkey.

The angry fire monkey threw him away by a distance of more than ten meters, and with a touch, all the personnel in the laboratory turned their eyes over.

It's just that the old professor didn't speak, and the staff just watched.

"Go away!"

The fire monkey let out a roar, grabbed Martha by the neck, and lifted her up, "It's a shame we took so much effort to rescue you from there, and you are responsible for all these feelings! Bah!"

"Let go of her!"

Bilson fell to the ground, his face pale and sweating profusely, struggling to get up, but he couldn't exert any strength at all due to the impact just now. He could only watch helplessly as the distraught Martha was held in the hands of the fire monkey.

"It's not your turn to speak!"

The fire monkey is full of tyrannical aura at the moment, and I have no doubt that if Martha doesn't say something that can justify herself, she will be torn to pieces by the fire monkey immediately.

And Li Xin also changed from his usual quiet appearance and looked at Martha angrily.

It seems that she can't be counted on to persuade the fire monkey.

"Violence won't solve anything, let her go."

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