"Wang Shaoyang?"

I gently patted his wrinkled face, hoping that he would respond to this, but I still thought about it too well. After a long time, Wang Shaoyang still closed his eyes tightly.

I took a deep breath of the cold, stenchy air, and held him in my arms helplessly.

I hope my insignificant body temperature can make him feel better.

The low temperature and lack of oxygen tortured us all the time. This situation lasted for a long time, and even in the end, because of the lack of oxygen, my mind was blurred.


I don't know how long it took, I heard a very sharp sound, as if a balloon had leaked.

This sound stimulated my nerves, but because of the extreme temperature, my reaction was very slow. After a long time, I twisted my stiff neck and looked outside through the gap in the giant scorpion's carapace.

It's light!No, that is hope!
Together with the body of this giant scorpion, we were transported to the company's branch!

I let out a breath of cold air, and my whole body became excited.

"After the specimens are thawed, you two collect experimental samples as much as possible. I have other handover work to do, understand?"


Faintly hearing a conversation outside, I immediately resisted the urge to yell.

Soon, soon we'll be getting out!

"You will see your father soon..."

I lowered my head and said to Wang Shaoyang in my arms.

Miraculously, he survived this difficult environment with his frail body, and he is still alive.

I just don't know if he can hear what I'm saying.

After feeling Wang Shaoyang's heartbeat, I breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, this poor child is still alive, and my efforts were not in vain.

Now I just need to wait until the surrounding temperature rises and my body can move freely, then I can leave here.

Outside, there was a clanging sound, and I tried to keep quiet.

As the temperature gradually rose, the liquid flesh in the body of the scorpion around me began to melt, and it was sticky all over me, but I didn't feel sick, but I was glad that Wang Shaoyang's heartbeat gradually became stronger.

Suddenly, there was a rumbling sound of machines beside him.

I knew that was the sound of a chainsaw. These people planned to use a chainsaw to dismember the corpse of this giant scorpion!

For them, this is just a very simple small step, but the important thing is that Wang Shaoyang and I are still in the body of the scorpion, if we don't get out now, we will probably be sawed into two pieces together with the body of the scorpion.

Unfortunately, my body has not yet recovered from the low temperature.


As a last resort, I yelled at the top of my throat, and took Wang Shaoyang out through the gap in the carapace.

After staying in the dark environment for a long time, when I encountered strong light in an instant, all I could see was a halo, and it took a few seconds for the pupils to start focusing.

At first glance, I saw the high-rise buildings outside the glass windows, and the bustling buildings made me feel a little strange.

And the place where I am should be the high-rise of a building. This floor, except for the pillars used to support the floor, is empty and covered with white tiles.

where is this?
Before I had time to think about it, I fixed my eyes on a man and a woman in front of me.

Both of them are wearing white coats, and they are from foreign countries, but it is not clear which country they are from.

The man wears gold-rimmed glasses and looks refined, while the woman is also bookish.

"This... is this the larva of a scorpion?"

The man adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses, took out a pen and paper, and continued to write and draw, "They didn't say that this kind of scorpion is viviparous, and the larva looks really..."

"Stupid, didn't you hear he could talk?"

Women are quicker to respond.

I couldn't help frowning. The two people in front of me looked a little different from the people in the company I had met before. The most basic feeling was that they were not so cold-blooded.

Look around again, no one is there.

Behind me, on an iron shelf, was a giant scorpion carcass with a chainsaw stuck in it, the only thing I could see that could be used as a weapon.

Look at the two people in front of them again. They are very young and have no weapons on them.

So, I asked softly, "Where is this?"




The woman replied with a smile.

After confirming again, I patted myself on the forehead hard, suspecting that I had an auditory hallucination.

After all, the bustling and bustling metropolis is just outside the window. How could this be the North Pole?Even if it's nonsense, it should be realistic, right?


The woman in a white coat seemed to have sensed my doubts. She pointed to the beautiful scenery outside the window, then took out a finger-sized remote control from her pocket, and pressed it lightly, "This is just a holographic image. To keep us from feeling alone."

Then, the scenery outside the window turned into a vast desert with scorching sun in the sky.

It's just that the surrounding temperature has not risen.

So far, I have believed her words.

I really didn't expect that the branch we were transported was actually in the North Pole. In this icy and snowy world, even if I escaped from the company branch, how would I go back to China or find Brother Wang?

"who are you?"

Finally, when I was thinking about what to do next, the man who had been silent all this time spoke up. He adjusted his glasses, apparently curious about why I came out of the scorpion corpse.

"Stupid? You can tell by looking at his clothes. It is the unique clothing and equipment of the company's mercenaries."

The woman glanced at the man and said in a slightly mocking tone.

The man shook his head helplessly and said, "Then what about the old man in his arms?"

"He, he is my comrade-in-arms, he just encountered some special circumstances, and then he became like this."

I looked at the woman and made up a lie casually.

Although I can take a violent shot at this time and get rid of these defenseless men and women, but at present, maybe I can use them to accomplish some things that I can't do alone.

"Is that so?"

The woman nodded and said, "Let me take you to wash up first, and then I will help you contact the people at the headquarters to take you back."

"Don't! Don't!"

Hearing this, I was startled, and subconsciously stopped her.

This made the man on the side feel something was wrong, he took two steps back and protected the woman behind him, "Why? Aren't you from the company?"

I gritted my teeth, had an idea, and said, "I'm a deserter!"

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