If Wang Shaoyang was a bad old man in his seventies and eighties when we separated from me before, now he looks like a centenarian.

His face was haggard and his hair was sparse, with only a few strands left.

Pigmented plaques are scattered everywhere on the skin that looks like old bark, and the body is bent, and it is extremely difficult to take a breath every time.


Wang Shaoyang curled up on the ground, and when he sensed my arrival, he slowly raised his head, and stretched out his hands towards me, every movement seemed to be extremely strenuous, seeing me felt really distressed.

At such a young age, he is enduring the consequences of inhuman experiments.

That damned perverted lunatic doctor!
For a moment, I was at a loss. When Wang Shaoyang stretched out his hand in front of me, I could clearly see that there were more than a dozen small white stones in his hand.

No, that's a tooth!
I reacted suddenly, I couldn't believe how old his body had become.

"Uncle... I... am afraid..."

Because of the lack of teeth, Wang Shaoyang's speech was a bit leaky, and his body was trembling uncontrollably, which made it difficult for me to understand what he said.

However, his terrified eyes have already told me all his inner thoughts.

"Don't... don't be afraid, it will get better."

I comforted him.

Actually, will it get better?I don't know, but judging from Wang Shaoyang's physical changes during this period, his body will only get older and older until the end of his life.

What I said was nothing more than self-deception, or it was just to deceive Wang Shaoyang.

Wang Shaoyang didn't speak any more, just lowered his head and curled up into a ball.

If he stays like this, there's no way we can get out of here.

I struggled for a long time between abandoning him and taking him with me. In the end, I bent down helplessly and picked him up. Now he is just a little old man, with no meat on his body, so he is easy to hold.

"I'll get you out of here, okay?"

I looked at Wang Shaoyang in my arms and said softly.

Even when he didn't answer, I made up my mind.

Whether it's dead or alive, I have to take him out, and only in this way can I be worthy of Brother Wang, but I don't know, if Brother Wang saw Wang Shaoyang like this, how would he feel?
Inside the camp, it was already in disarray.

Many armed personnel wore protective clothing and rushed into the fire, hurriedly reported some information and experimental products, and some used a small amount of drinking water to extinguish the raging fire.

I walked in the thick fog outside the camp, watching all this as I walked.

My target is the giant scorpion carcass piled up on the other side of the camp.

As far as I know, these corpses are going to be transported out and sent to the company's branch for research. These scorpions have huge shells. If I can pry open enough gaps for me and Wang Shaoyang to get in, maybe we can Shipped out with the scorpion.

"Hold on."

After walking in front of several scorpions, I gently put Wang Shaoyang down, then pulled out the dagger from my waist, and tried to slash twice at the connection point of the carapace on the abdomen of one of the scorpions.


The smelly liquid is not very attractive, but at this time I can't care so much, I pried open the carapace with a few knives, and made a cavity that can accommodate one person to enter.

Then, I put Wang Shaoyang in first, and let him stretch his body as much as possible, keeping his head in the crack.

In this way, he will not be suffocated to death.

Finally, I got in.

Although the body of this scorpion is relatively large, it is still a bit reluctant to accommodate the two of us. It is a bit crowded, but it is not a problem for us to stay safely inside.

The next thing we have to do is to wait a long time for these people to transport the scorpion's body.

"Are you ok?"

The body is surrounded by sticky, liquid-like substances, which makes me a little worried about Wang Shaoyang's body.

With his now aging body that can no longer age, he doesn't know if he can withstand such a situation.

Wang Shaoyang did not answer my question, as if he was asleep.

The only thing that reassures me is that I can feel his weak heartbeat. Fortunately, as long as his heart is still beating, there should be no problem.

For the first time, I desperately wanted to see Brother Wang.

Because he directly told me that Wang Shaoyang may not have much life left, if he does not see Brother Wang in a short time, then he may only have a dead body when he waits for his son.

I clearly know how important Wang Shaoyang is to Brother Wang. For him, Brother Wang can even risk his life.

Once Brother Wang gets the news that Wang Shaoyang has died like this, who knows what crazy move he will make.

Time, just like this, bit by bit...


I don't know how long it took, but I was wrapped in tiredness and gradually fell asleep.

But for a while, the sound similar to the stream brought me back to my senses in an instant, and I looked down at Wang Shaoyang beside me.

He sent it?he is……

After I found out what Wang Shaoyang was doing, I lost all sleepiness.

This kid is actually sucking the liquid of the scorpion!

My eyes widened. Although I was very hungry after running around for so long, I really didn't want to eat the meat of this mutant creature, and I didn't dare to eat it.

Even I dare not eat something, this child actually...

Alas, maybe I'm too hungry.

I originally wanted to stop him, but I held back after thinking about it. Anyway, it's already like this anyway, so he can do whatever he wants.

There is nothing worse than where we are now.

Maybe one day, or two days, in this dark place, time seems to have lost its concept.

I have some doubts, whether those people gave up these few scorpion corpses.

It's exhausting, I'm fine, but Wang Shaoyang can't live a day less, he can't afford it.

"Quick, pack these things up!"

Finally, when I got a little impatient with waiting, the people from the company finally started to act.

They didn't find us who were hiding in the scorpion's core, so they put the giant scorpion into a tin box together. After sealing it, I heard a sound like an air leak.


With the sound of the drum, I clearly felt that the temperature around me began to drop sharply.

It’s so cold!

I couldn't help shivering, and at the same time understood what the sound I heard just now was.

Liquid nitrogen, this guy plans to use liquid nitrogen to preserve these scorpion corpses so that the corpses will not rot and deteriorate during transportation!
In a few minutes, the temperature has dropped below zero degrees Celsius, and even with my physique, I can't bear it anymore.

Looking at Wang Shaoyang again, he was already physically weak, but now his breathing was so weak that it could almost be ignored.

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