"Thank you... thank you."

The captain breathed a sigh of relief, and his expression was very sincere when he thanked him, but it is unknown whether his heart is as sincere as his expression.

Afterwards, the atmosphere in the container fell into dead silence.

After tossing and tossing all night last night, taking advantage of the fact that it is still safe, Fire Monkey and the others cherish this short rest time very much, and soon curled up in a corner and fell asleep.

After a while, only the captain and I were left awake.

I was a little wary of him at first, but after a long time, I felt that my worries were unnecessary. It had been more than five hours, and he was just squatting on the spot in a daze.

"Originally, this was the last trip."

I don't know how long it was silent, the captain finally spoke, and when he opened his mouth, he could hear his hardships and vicissitudes over the years, "He was clamoring to come out with me to see the world, but unexpectedly got himself involved, he I'm a scholar, so I can't do this..."

"Huh? Do you have any difficulties?"

I don't know if he was talking to me or talking to himself, but from his subsequent reaction, it should be the latter without a doubt.

"I thought that with my years of experience, I could handle everything calmly, but I didn't expect that he was still blinded by money..."

The captain ignored me at all, and muttered to himself, as if hysterical.

In this way, we stayed in the container until the evening.

Before we set off, the captain was still chattering, but his nephew was completely different from before, and he didn't say a word.

He looked at his uncle with hatred in his eyes, but the captain didn't notice it.

Heh... Looks like another white-eyed wolf...

I despise the captain's nephew, but this is someone else's family business. Even if he is a complete white-eyed wolf, it has nothing to do with me. He can do whatever he likes. Anyway, he can't bite at the end to me.

However, unexpected things always happen frequently, but, now I don't know that's all.

The number of night watch patrols on the deck has increased significantly tonight. It is not an exaggeration to say that there are three steps, one guard and five steps, one sentry. Fortunately, the captain is very familiar with the distribution of personnel, and he took us to the stern with ease. , After carefully looking around to confirm safety, he lifted an inconspicuous iron sheet in the corner, revealing a wellhead that was only wide enough for one person, and there was a lock on the well cover.

There is even a secret passage?

None of us expected this. After all, the anatomy diagram given to us by Brother Wang did not indicate that there is a road here. It seems that this was probably installed later.

"This is a channel I opened up selfishly, originally to avoid unexpected situations."

As the captain said, he paused for a moment, and then said, "But it seems that it's an accident now... Only I have the key. From here, I can go straight to my room."

When he said this, I, I even took a special look at his nephew next to him, but it's a pity that this young man has a grudge against him now.

The murderous intent in his eyes was like seeing the killing of his father and his enemy, which even made me wonder if this kid had schizophrenia, after all, he was still that cowardly and soft-hearted before.

Or, hate makes people stronger?
It's a pity that it doesn't matter to me, even if this kid avenges his uncle, for those of us who don't have much to do with it, it's just a dog bites a dog.

"Wait a minute, I'll go first, and then you all come down one by one..."

At this time, the captain had already opened the manhole cover and was about to get out, but I stopped him quickly.

The ghost knows if he will run away after going down alone?

"Then you'd better hurry up, there are at most 10 minutes before someone will come here to patrol."

The captain didn't say much, but silently made room for me.

Following the steel ladder in the well, they quickly climbed to the bottom. As far as the eye can see, it is a small room with only a few square meters. There is only a bed and a bedside table, and on the bedside table are photos of a man and a little boy.

Judging from its appearance, the people above are probably the captain and his nephew.

"Let's go."

Not long after, all of us entered the room, and when Brother Wang's gaze fell on the photo on the bedside table, he couldn't take it away.

I can understand the eagerness to think, and the emotion that touches the scene, but it also takes time.

Now that the situation is urgent, we can't spare much time for brother Wang to be nostalgic.


Brother Wang nodded in disappointment, and forced a smile when he came back to his senses, "My son, he must be here, right?"


Although I don't know the whereabouts of his son at all, in order to reassure him, I still made a guarantee, which also made Brother Wang feel better.

We followed the captain all the way, avoiding the patrol personnel who almost met several times.

Until half an hour later, we came to a rusty place.

"This is where the sewage is treated."

The captain pointed to the metal pipe in the center protected by barbed wire, "Take off the barbed wire, climb down the pipe, and you will reach the third floor."

"Is there no way to go directly to the fourth floor?"

Fire Monkey asked puzzled.

"The fourth floor is independent. If you want to enter, you must go through that door."

When the captain mentioned this, there was a look of fear on his face, "However, the people above are all inside. I went in once, and I almost lost my life just by accidentally seeing something!"

A dignified man, at this moment, actually looks like a little girl, he is terribly afraid.

"Then... what did you see?"

The fire monkey asked again.

But this time, the captain didn't speak, but his eyes told us everything.

No matter what it was, it was extremely terrifying, otherwise it would be impossible for a big man like him to cower like this.

"Don't ask."

I could see that the fire monkey was still very curious, so I couldn't help shaking my head. Anyway, we'll see everything in there in a short time, and it will be clear by then, and asking questions one after another now will only be a waste of time.

"Cut... let's not talk about it.",

The fire monkey was not reconciled, but still closed his mouth, strode to the water pipe, grabbed the outer barbed wire cover, and easily removed it.

This scene obviously shocked these people, and even the captain asked in surprise, "You, what kind of high-tech gloves?"

Hearing this, the fire monkey just snorted and turned away without answering.

But then, as if he had discovered something, he suddenly turned his head and glanced at us, "No, there is one missing! Where did that brat who was scared to pee go?"

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