"It's up to him to ask."

I glanced at the captain with sinister eyes, and sneered, "Sure enough, there is a nest of snakes and rats, and there are such crews as there are captains."

As I spoke, I tore off the cloth that blocked the captain's mouth.

"Rebellion? What rebellion?"

As soon as he could catch his breath, he couldn't help asking.

In fact, with his seasoned experience, he can guess what happened without us telling him. He asked this question just to confirm his guess.

Next to him, the two crew members were making eye contact with his nephew, but after a while, the expressions on their faces became panicked.

It seems that they also thought about what had happened.

"The original second-in-command is now monopolizing the power. I don't need to say more about what happened?"

I smiled, and then untied the rope on his body, "You don't have to think about running away, he covets the smugglers on the boat, if he knows you are still alive, he will definitely try his best to kill you. "

Maybe the others didn't dare to take any action before the captain had an accident.

But now that something happened to him, the value of the smuggled goods on the ship was enough to arouse the greatest greed in the hearts of these desperadoes. They should have done a lot of murder and robbery, and killing the captain is not a big deal for them.

"It's the first mate, isn't it?"

The captain stood up slowly, and asked while flexing his wrist.

His resolute face, which had been weathered for a long time, gradually became gloomy, and it was obvious at a glance that he must be planning something.

The one who knows this freighter best is definitely the captain, otherwise he would not be able to guess who the rebels are based on just a few words from me, which is why I still keep his life until now, just to He can be used in case something goes wrong.

It's just that originally, I planned to use him as a shield when we retreated, but now, I have to change my plan.

"An enemy is a friend, so we are barely allies now."

Things are unpredictable, and just before that, we were intruders on the freighter, sort of sneaking around.

But what's ridiculous is that now we actually want to discuss cooperation with the captain of this freighter.

At this time, it was almost six o'clock, and the last dark hour before dawn was about to pass. We could only choose to stay in the container temporarily, waiting for the night to come, and discuss countermeasures at the same time.

For a short time, those people may not realize that we have left the utility room, but over time, they will definitely notice.

And the ventilation ducts that we started walking have become a thing of the past.

After all, after they found us escaping along the ventilation duct, we couldn't continue to shuttle in it. Once we were discovered, it would probably be a good show of catching a turtle in a jar.

After closing the container, we turned on the flashlight.

Eight people stay in a small space of less than six square meters, which seems a bit crowded, and as time goes by, the oxygen decreases sharply, making people feel dizzy and dizzy, but this is barely enough for us. can bear.

But for the two crew members and the captain's nephew, the effect was more obvious.

The lack of oxygen made them drowsy, and they fell over quickly. Only the captain kept awake with his tenacious willpower.

"I usually don't go to the bottom, but I have the fingerprints to get there, and I know which way to get there safely."

The captain said methodically, "But you need to do one thing for me."

"help you?"

He laughed as soon as he finished talking about the fire monkey, and easily grabbed the captain by the neck and lifted him up, "Not killing you is already the greatest gift I have given you, and you dare to make a request, believe it or not, I will kill you now you?"

"as you like."

The captain didn't panic at all, he stared straight at the fire monkey and sneered, "But no one can take you there except me, if you kill me, you can only wait until the ship reaches its destination, or the ship inside Those people came out on their own initiative."

"Otherwise, you'd better be polite to me."

As expected, he is a person who has experienced great storms. Even in the moment when life is at stake, he can still negotiate clearly and rationally, so I gave him a higher look.

He is a smart man.

He first told us his value, and then he used himself as the biggest bargaining chip to negotiate terms with us.

However, he is already a prisoner, is he qualified to negotiate terms?


Brother Wang immediately slapped the captain's nephew.

Under the severe pain, the right side of the captain's nephew's face swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he himself woke up from his lethargy. He looked at us in confusion, and the slight lack of oxygen made his brain a little slow.

"You can do whatever you are asked to do. You are not qualified to ask for conditions. If you talk nonsense, I will kill him!"

Brother Wang put the knife on the captain's nephew's neck.

Maybe it was because the chill on the blade was too exciting, he woke up all of a sudden, trembling with his back against the inner wall of the container, trembling, begging for mercy in fear, "Please...don't kill me... Uncle, Uncle, you will save me, right? Uncle!"

Seeing that begging for mercy had no effect, he immediately shifted his target to the captain.

Unexpectedly, the captain was uncharacteristically, and said coldly, "If you don't agree to my request, then you will kill if you want."

This made us all a little surprised, but at the same time I also knew that he just wanted to play psychological warfare to test our bottom line.

As for this young man, he will definitely not give up.


Hearing this, the nephew collapsed, and when he curled his mouth, tears flowed down his face.

"Please...don't kill me..."

Suddenly, with his legs trembling, a smell of fishy smell wafted in the small container.

"It's really a stupid bag..."

The fire monkey retreated half a step in disgust, but it didn't have any effect. No one would have thought that this guy, who is more than 20 people, was scared to pee by a small threat.

"go away!"

The fire monkey couldn't take it anymore, and punched him directly, knocking him out.

Seeing this, the captain couldn't help but sigh, his face full of helplessness.

"I...promise you."

In the end, the captain chose to compromise, "But you can't kill him, this is my last request."

'It's not up to me to decide. '
I shrugged, then glanced at the fire monkey.

He definitely has the urge to kill that kid now, as for whether that kid will survive in the end, it depends on the mood of the fire monkey.


As soon as the captain opened his mouth, the fire monkey interrupted him impatiently.

"That's all right, all right, I'm too lazy to do anything to that idiot, as long as he doesn't get in the way, you can do whatever you want."

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