We were very satisfied with this meal.

Except for Yucheng Yao who is like an ice cube and doesn't talk much, everyone is full of praise for the cooking skills of these aborigines.

But at the same time, we always keep in mind the original intention of our coming here.

So, after eating and drinking enough, Brother Wang communicated with the patriarch, while we sat in the open space in the center of the tribe, enjoying the rare quiet time.

Even the now violent fire monkey relaxed.

Not long after, Brother Wang came back. You can tell from the satisfied smile on his face that he must have obtained a lot of valuable information this time.

"Fifty miles to the north, there is a swamp area where there is an old banyan tree. He said that we should be able to find what we want there."

Fifty miles is nothing to us. If there is no accident, it will take less than half a day to arrive.

Early the next morning, we bid farewell to the patriarch and headed north.

But different from what we expected, the journey is not as easy as we used to go.

The further north you go, the denser the vegetation.All kinds of vines and thorns are everywhere, and it is almost impossible to find a place to stay at first glance. It looks like a primitive forest that is inaccessible.

This even made me wonder whether the indigenous patriarch lied to us.

The fire monkey walked in the front to open the way for us, which was his own request, and he also enjoyed it.

Whenever he found some weird bugs, or something else, he would share it with us.

"There are more and more weird things..."

Not long after, the fire monkey held a thumb-sized mouse, shook it towards us, and said half-jokingly, "Does anyone want one with thorns?"

This mouse is different from what we usually see. In addition to its extremely small size, it also has a row of barbs on its spine.

Since leaving the tribe, this strange creature has been seen more and more.

And the only one among us who is not interested in this is Yucheng Yao. She walked in front of me and said softly, "Have you noticed? He seems to be getting more and more anxious..."


I looked at the fire monkey who was leading the way ahead. His mood changes have become more obvious since he started on the road today.

He kept looking around, as if he was looking for something.

It's not that I haven't talked to him about his emotions and strange behavior, but his answer to me is confused, saying that he doesn't know.

"It's so itchy..."

Half an hour later, the fire monkey mumbled, and then it scratched itself non-stop.

At first we didn't pay attention, but as time passed, we realized the seriousness of the problem.

After another hour or so, he was still scratching.

"It's useless!"

Suddenly, as if stimulated, the fire monkey raised its arm and threw it towards the thick tree trunk beside it.

With so much force, a deep hole was directly smashed out.

At this time, the fire monkey seemed to feel better and let out a long breath.

"Been bitten by a bug?"

Brother Wang stared at the deep hole in the tree trunk, speechless again and again.

"Just kidding, what kind of bug can bite through my shell?"

The Fire Monkey rolled up its sleeves while gnashing its teeth to take in the air-conditioning, and saw gray irregular patterns appearing on the original dark red shell, "This thing came out a few days ago, I thought it was nothing things, but now, it's like something is biting my flesh..."

As he said that, in order to relieve the itching, he swung his arms again and slammed the tree trunk a few times.

"I can't bear it, let's go."

In order not to worry us, the fire monkey forced a smile, pretended to be nonchalant, and continued to walk ahead.

But anyone could see that his whole body was trembling.

Only now did I understand why the fire monkey has been uncharacteristically and extremely irritable recently.

It's just that no one knows what the patterns on his arm symbolize, and they don't know what consequences it will bring.

"Maybe it's because of the environment here?"

Brother Wang and I walked side by side, guessing the situation of the fire monkey.


I shook my head. We came to Brazil at the same time. If the changes in the body of the fire monkey were caused by the environment, then the rest of us cannot be safe.

Presumably, this is probably because the Fire Monkey was transformed by the Stone of Origin.

It's just that we know very little about the Stone of Origin. Although Yucheng Yao has handed over the fragments to the organization, it is estimated that they have not made much progress.

Now I can only take one step at a time.

"No, I can't help it!"

Suddenly, the fire monkey seemed to be in a frenzy, and ran desperately, abruptly rushing out of the vine-covered rainforest, out of a path.

Keep up! "

I immediately yelled.

The vegetation here is dense, and the line of sight is blocked a lot. If we are a little later, we may lose the trace of the fire monkey.

But fortunately, the traces on the ground clearly revealed the whereabouts of the fire monkey for us. .
It's a pity that misfortunes never come singly, and people's wishes are not fulfilled. Just when we were about to catch up and cross the river, Yuchengyao found a group of people approaching quietly on our right side, "The situation has changed!"

If we continue chasing Fire Monkey, we will probably be caught off guard by the gang.

So we just stopped.

The traces on the ground are obvious, and it will be too late for us to look for the fire monkey after we clear up these people.


The man's voice sounded from not far away, with an authentic American accent, one could tell that this group of people must be related to the company.

"Surrender, or go to God!"

"A team of at least six people. These are some ordinary mercenaries, and there are no reformers."

After observing for a while, Yucheng Yao deduced the number of enemies.

This is barely good news for us. There are no reformers in the place, which means that the risk factor is greatly reduced.

At least there is no need for Yucheng Yao to use his ability to deal with them.

"Don't shoot, we surrender!"

As I responded loudly, I put down my backpack, "When they get close, annihilate them in one fell swoop."

Throwing three grenades to them together is extravagant, but it is definitely worth it. After all, the fire monkey has run away, and there are only three of us left, including an ordinary person, Brother Wang.

The people in the company definitely have no shortage of heavy weapons. In order to avoid accidents, this is already the best strategy at the moment.

Afterwards, we spread out and waited for the arrival of the company team.

This is a well-trained team, slowly approaching us cautiously and cautiously, and the personnel are extremely scattered.

But the explosion radius formed by our three grenades is enough to wipe them all out.


Seeing that the distance was close, I immediately threw the grenade out, but in the blink of an eye, I saw the hesitation on Brother Wang's face.

Damn it!What time is this, and you still want to arrest someone!

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