This is, treating me as prey?

An adult chimpanzee can easily crush an adult.

But I'm not afraid of these two ugly creatures.

Although I don't know why their fangs are so long and their bodies are still shedding hair, but in the end, they are just strong men with the intelligence of children, and they can't do me any harm.

One of them followed the trunk, climbed to a place two meters away from the ground, and jumped down, making a muffled sound. I felt the vibration from a distance of more than 20 meters.


The shedding beast growled at me, beating its own chest in protest.

It wasn't until this moment that I suddenly realized that there were fine and dense scales growing on the place where its hair fell, and it was so dark that I couldn't really find it unless I looked carefully.

This is not supposed to be found in orangutans.

I put the backpack down, and I don't intend to get too entangled with this hair-shedding beast, so I can get rid of it quickly and waste less time.

Immediately, I dodged in front of it.

The orangutan's eyes were full of confusion, wondering how I got to it, but I wouldn't be polite to it, so I punched it hard in the chest.

But I never thought that this beast weighed more than I expected, and punching it was like tickling it, but it made it back a few steps, but the pain should be quite painful, and it became even more furious It can be seen from the appearance.

The orangutan roared and rushed towards me, and I could only practice avoiding it.

This beast is as thick as a wall. It seems that hand-to-hand combat is not enough, so I can only think of other ways.

I failed several times, and the orangutan became even more irritable. He took out a basin-sized stone from the ground and threw it at me.

You can throw things?

I sneered and took out a grenade from my backpack.

Since I got this backpack, it's the first time I've used the contents inside. Now, let's try what the fire monkey said, whether it's really cool to throw this thing.

Following the instructions, I pressed the top blue button and just threw it.

The bomb fell in front of the orangutan, and the shiny silver-white ball attracted the orangutan's attention. It tried to reach for it, but before its hand touched the silver-white ball, it flew out with the shock wave of the explosion.

The air wave blasted away, and the few trees that were closer were directly broken in the middle.

There was a deep hole in the ground, and there were broken tree roots and the like in it.

Bright red blood was spilled all over the place.

And the beast that was blown out just now was lying dying more than ten meters away.

Not dead?

I couldn't help but admire this guy's tenacious vitality.

It is so close to the bomb, and it is still breathing, which is really abnormal...

However, judging from the scales on its body, it was normal. Those fine scales blocked most of the shock waves for it, which barely prevented it from dying suddenly on the spot.

Unfortunately, he doesn't have much left to live.

In the distance, the orangutan's companion was terrified, and when I glanced over, it had already run away.

"It's very cool."

Thinking of the moment when the bomb exploded just now, I began to agree with Fire Monkey's statement.

Then, I sent the chimpanzee off for the last time, grabbed its thick arms, and slowly dragged it in the direction of the tribe.

When I dragged it, I realized how heavy this mutated beast was. It was covered in muscles, and it weighed several hundred kilograms. If it was mixed with mushrooms, it should be enough for the people in the tribe to eat. God.

When I went back, the fire monkeys hadn't come back yet.

When the middle-aged patriarch saw the prey I brought back, he danced happily, even forgetting that he was still on crutches, and hurriedly asked the women in the tribe to take the prey and dissect it to make a fire, and then said a series of words to me.

It's a pity that what he said to me was no different from Tianshu to me, but I could only smile and nod.

I didn't see Yucheng Yao until it was dark. She brought back a pile of fruits with a tired face, and her face was a little helpless.

"That's all I found."


I smiled and told her about the gorilla I caught.

Hearing this, Yucheng Yao breathed a sigh of relief, a smile gradually appeared on her face, this was the first time she smiled in so many days.

Maybe she noticed my gaze, and she turned her face cold again.

Good guy, made me feel like an enemy...

At night, Fire Monkey and Brother Wang came back late. They were so embarrassed and covered in mud that they thought they had fallen into a pit.

When they got closer, I saw the two of them dragging half of the python.

It is more than eight meters long, thicker than my thigh, very fat, and it weighs a hundred catties after removal.

Moreover, this boa constrictor also has limbs.

"Damn, I was almost strangled to death by this ghost!"

After throwing the belching python to the patriarch, the fire monkey sat on the ground and poured bitter water on us a little angrily, while Brother Wang smiled dryly and nodded from time to time.

It turned out that when they were looking for food, they were accidentally attacked by this python.

After three or two hits, the fire monkey was strangled into a rice dumpling, and he couldn't breathe. Fortunately, Wang Ge stabbed the python several times with a knife, saving the fire monkey's life.

This made me a little unexpected. Originally, Brother Wang was asked to follow Fire Monkey, in order for him to protect Brother Wang, but in the end, it was Brother Wang who protected him.

"Made, I almost died!"

The more the fire monkey talked, the more angry he became. If he had to fight this python head-on, he would win anyway.

But there is no way, being attacked by surprise, which makes Fire Monkey feel extremely aggrieved.

It seems that I am not the only one who encountered the mutated creature, but the strange thing is that we scattered around and searched a large area nearby, but we didn't meet the people in the company, and even the drug dealers didn't see it again. one.

"Isn't this a good thing? If I meet those people when I'm strangled by that beast, I'll be really aggrieved."

The fire monkey muttered angrily.

It's getting late now, and after discussing it, we decided to take a break in this tribe and act tomorrow, and ask for more information about Miller by the way.

Not long after, the air was filled with the smell of meat, which was extremely attractive.

The middle-aged patriarch came over with several indigenous women carrying earthen pots, "The food we brought back is very rich, and it is for us to eat."

We took it with a smile, and the gluttons in our stomachs were finally able to get some comfort.

The fire monkey couldn't help eating it long ago, and Wang Ge and Yucheng Yao couldn't help but be tempted too. After all, after working hard all day, the hot meat at this time is not comparable to compressed biscuits.

The meat in the earthen pot was stewed crispy and fragrant. I don't know what seasoning was put in it. It was very delicious.

One sip will satisfy people's taste buds and stomach, and there is only one word to describe it.


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