Now it's not just me, even Huohou, who has been saying that he trusts the driver, has a few surprises on his face.

I originally thought that the driver was indifferent to us because he was such a person.

But from his communication with the indigenous patriarch just now, it can be seen that the details are like a family.

"Nice to meet you……"

However, the fire monkey didn't seem to think too much, and just echoed a few words dryly.

Then, we were brought into the tribe.

Of course, it is inevitable that other people in the tribe will look at us strangely, just like we look at monkeys in the zoo.

It's just that this kind of thing cannot be avoided, and we can only endure it.

The place where the patriarch settled us to rest is a few grass huts on the edge of the tribe, and a few steps outside is the deep forest, where the sound of frogs and insects can be heard everywhere.
After we settled down, the driver disappeared as usual.

Instead, two indigenous women tiptoed over and brought us some fruit.

"I'm going to make it easier."

After I lied casually, I walked in the direction where the driver disappeared, and I tried my best not to make any noise along the way.

Fortunately, my eyesight is far superior to that of ordinary people, so I won't lose my way in this dark, dark tropical rainforest without electricity.

Not long after, I spotted a light not far ahead.

The moment I saw the light, I cheered up and slowly walked towards the light source.


But before I got closer, the bright light suddenly shone into my eyes, accompanied by an angry shout.

Sure enough, it was the driver. What was he doing here alone?
I'm sure that he has a ghost in his heart, otherwise there is no need to sneak here alone behind our backs.

Soon there were footsteps in front of me, walking towards me.

As the footsteps got closer, the driver's resolute face gradually became clearer in my eyes.

His face was a bit ugly, with a flashlight in one hand and a pistol in his hand.

"What are you doing here?"

he asked coldly.

"Just walk around."

I looked at his slightly nervous appearance, and couldn't help but smile.

Next, he isn't going to kill me to silence me, is he?
"Since you're here, it's just right, come and help me carry things."

But what I expected didn't happen. The driver took back the pistol and led me to where he was before.

When I arrived at the location, I took a look and found a pit on the ground that was more than one meter wide and two meters long.

The surface is covered with a layer of net mixed with leaves, which is very well hidden.

Then, the driver removed all the nets and leaves on the surface, revealing the black box underneath.

When I opened it, there were five bulging backpacks inside.

"This is your equipment, it was checked in separately, please help me get it."


I thought that the only equipment the old professor gave us was the box in the hands of the fire monkey, but I didn't expect that there were other equipment here.

"The rest is up to you."

The driver said, picked up three of them, turned around and left.

This inevitably made me a little disappointed. I didn't discover any secrets, but I did hard work instead.

Could it be that... my doubts all along were wrong?

I picked up the remaining two backpacks and quickly followed the driver's footsteps, trying to get some words out of his mouth, "What's your surname?"

"My surname is Wang."

The driver said coldly.

His reaction was within my expectation, but I always felt that his purpose of coming here was not to help us get things.

When I returned to the Fire Monkey and the others with the driver, they were a little surprised.

"Didn't you go for convenience?"

"It just happened to happen that Brother Wang was busy."

I smiled and said to the driver deliberately.

"So your surname is Wang."

Fire Monkey immediately stepped forward to take the backpack from the driver, "Then let's call you Brother Wang."


After Brother Wang uttered two words coldly, he got into the thatched hut next to him.

Facing his ice-like attitude, Fire Monkey and Li Xin have long been used to it, but Yucheng Yao has remained silent. Even when I handed him the bulging backpack, she didn't say a word talk.

One after another, all the fire monkeys went into the thatched hut to rest, and I was the only one left outside.

By the light of the dying fire, I opened the backpack.

On the top layer of the naked eye is an instruction manual detailing the various items in the backpack.

Most of them are some new-style grenades and explosives.

Although most of them are disposable items, we have five full backpacks.

The combined power is estimated to be enough to hit a large area and razed it to the ground.

Until midnight, the fire had been extinguished, and I stayed outside the thatched hut.

Listening to the chirping of insects, thinking about all kinds of annoying things.


But when it was almost dawn, I suddenly heard a subtle sound, similar to the figure of the wind blowing the leaves.

But I felt very clearly that there was no wind at all.

I immediately became vigilant, moved my body, and completely concealed myself in a dark corner.

Not long after, I saw a figure walking towards me.

Who is it?
But just when I was about to make a move, the man turned his eyes and walked straight to the thatched hut where Brother Wang was.

After a while, there were discussions in Brother Wang's thatched hut.

It was very soft, but I could hear it clearly with my keen hearing.

It's a pity that they seem to communicate in a local dialect. I don't know anything about this language. I can only hear the emotions of the two of them. They seem to be very excited, but they try their best to restrain themselves.

At the end, Brother Wang seemed to say a few threatening words, and then the dark figure left from Brother Wang's thatched hut.

I watched all this from beginning to end.

Until early morning, when Fire Monkey woke up one after another, I was still sitting where I was, staring at Brother Wang's thatched hut.

After Brother Wang came out, he glanced at us lightly, lingering on me for a moment, and then said, "Clean up, we'll be ready to go as soon as the patriarch arrives."


The fire monkey responded and hurried towards the stream in the center of the tribe.

Yucheng Yao glanced at me and walked over.

When we all washed up, we still didn't see the shadow of the patriarch.

Brother Wang's face was a bit ugly, he said coldly, "You guys wait here, I'll go and have a look."

"How about I come with you?"

I could see the anger hidden between his brows, and I had a faint guess in my heart.

"Need not."

Brother Wang flatly rejected my request and left in a hurry alone.

Not long after, the few of us who stayed in place heard a few exclamations, and when we were about to rush over to see what happened, Brother Wang came over with the patriarch.

Rarely, he smiled at us.

"It's time to go."

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