It was noon when we got in the car.

Then he was driven by a truck all the way north, and it was not until midnight that the car stopped in front of a dilapidated motel.

After getting out of the car, the driver took us into the hotel and upstairs without saying a word.

"Two rooms, you can choose by yourself."

This is the first time the driver has spoken since most of the day, "Take a good rest, there is still a long way to go, at least we won't arrive until tomorrow night."

His voice was very calm, which made people feel an inexplicable sense of peace of mind, but he walked away as soon as he finished speaking, leaving only the four of us staring at each other.

After a moment of silence, Yucheng Yao took the lead in pushing open the door of one of the rooms and walked in.

Considering my recent situation with Yucheng Yao, I can only choose to share a room with Fire Monkey.

Two single beds, a bedside table, and a TV.

Nothing else.

As soon as he came in, Fire Monkey took off his windbreaker, collapsed on the bed, and comforted me by the way, "The number of people stationed here in the organization is small, so it's good to have this kind of treatment, anyway, we're not here for vacation. "

"Anyway, it's better than the cell I was in before."

I shrugged indifferently.

As for the place to live, I don't have a choice, anyway, this is just a temporary resting place.

But the driver's attitude towards us made me feel a little awkward.

Hearing this, Fire Monkey immediately became interested, sat up, and asked with a smile, "Tell me?"

"Instead of talking about this, you might as well tell me where we are going."

I rolled my eyes at him.

Brazil is a huge country. I only know that we have been heading north, but I don't know the specific destination.

"I am not sure as well."

But to my surprise, Fire Monkey didn't know either, but he looked very relaxed, "He will tell us when we get there."

I know that the fire monkey refers to the driver.

The night passed like this, and before dawn, we started on the road again.

As for where we were going, I didn't ask either.

After all, it seems that Fire Monkey trusts the driver very much, so there shouldn't be any problems.

When evening came, the truck plunged into the trail next to the road, and the road became bumpy.

There are bare stakes on both sides of the trail, it seems that there is a logging site nearby.

After another two hours of driving, we finally stopped.

The trail ahead is very narrow, the car can no longer drive, and the surroundings are surrounded by deep forests that can't be seen at a glance, which made me feel like returning to a deserted island.

"We can't go in by car, we have to walk on foot. There are a lot of poisonous snakes and insects here, so be careful."

The driver got out of the car and led us to go deeper.

This made me a little anxious, after all we don't know anything about the destination, not even where this is.

"Where are we now? How far are we from our destination?"

I couldn't help asking.

Hearing this, the driver stopped, turned his head and stared at me for a long time, and then said, "Northern Brazil, close to Venezuela, belongs to the Amazon River Basin,"

"I'm going to take you there now, it's the local tribe."


To be honest, when I hear this word, I feel uncomfortable all over.

Tribes, that is to say, there are still many aborigines living here, and aborigines symbolize uncivilized, feudal, and backward civilizations with various strange customs.

I don't really want to get in touch with them if it's not necessary.

"I thought I'd explain it to you when I got to the place, but now that you've asked, I'll tell you first."

While talking, the driver took out a crumpled map from his worn coat pocket, and drew a circle on it with his fingers, "The last place where Miller disappeared is probably near here. According to reliable sources, he is in I have lived here for five years, and finally there is no news."

"He probably died here, but during his lifetime, he must have been connected to one of the tribes, because it is difficult for him to survive here alone."

"And what you have to do is to inquire about Miller within the range of two hundred kilometers."

Two hundred kilometers, on foot, to find a person who has been dead for a hundred years.

A few words, point out our task and difficulty.

But I never expected that the worst was yet to come.

"I'm not very familiar with the environment here, so I contacted a local guide for you in advance, and the guide and I will follow you."

After the driver finished speaking, he threw the map to me and strode forward.

The attitude was cold, and there was a smell of impatience from beginning to end.

But the fire monkey didn't take it seriously.

In his words, there are all kinds of birds in the forest, and some people have this personality, so there is nothing they can do about it.

The driver was walking very fast, and we could only keep up with him as much as possible.

Following the muddy path, we soon reached a relatively open place.

Thatched huts built against trees can be seen everywhere here, the ground has been cleaned up, and a fire is stretched out in front of each thatched hut.

The old and weak women and children are gathered around the fire, looking at us outsiders curiously.

And we're looking at them too.

Tan-skinned, woven bark grass skirts, only a few of them in their current clothes.

But it's just some old short sleeves.

No electronics of any kind, but a handful of modern tools, pots and pans, kitchen knives and whatnot.

At a glance, I have a preliminary understanding of this tribe.

They have contact with modern people, but not deeply, and still retain their own customs, such as dressing, or using paint for decoration.

The driver told us not to walk around casually, and then walked into the tribe.

"We don't even know his last name, do you really trust him?"

After the driver left, I couldn't help expressing my doubts.

However, the fire monkey told me to worry too much.

"As far as I know, he was the only one who agreed to come here to be stationed at the beginning, and he brought his family, wife and children with him when he came."

The Fire Monkey shook his head and said, "If it wasn't true loyalty, who would bring his whole family here to suffer?"

"This is also..."

I nodded and echoed a few times on the surface, but I made up my mind in my heart and kept my mind on it.

I have experienced too much, if I am not fully sure, I will not easily trust a person completely.

Not to mention this first meeting, the driver who still has too many questions for us.

Ten minutes later, the driver and a short-haired man walked out of the tribe talking and laughing.

It can be determined from the way other people in the tribe look at the man.

This man must be powerful in the tribe.

Sure enough, the first sentence the driver brought the man to us told us how special this indigenous man was.

"He is the patriarch of this tribe and will be our next guide. He said that he is very happy to meet you."

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