"Pleasant to work with."

Louise smiled, got up, and walked out, "Until we confirm the news, this is your residence. The servants are at your disposal. You can do whatever you want them to do, but you must abide by one Require."

"any request?"

"Don't leave here."

Louise said calmly.

I laughed after listening to it, why bail me out?

To put it bluntly, it just changed me from one cage to another.

It's just that the environment here is more comfortable.

After a while, only the butler and I were left in the huge living room, and I unabashedly looked at the luxurious decoration of this villa.

Sure enough, there are hidden cameras in every inconspicuous dark corner, and my every move is watched by others.

After thinking for a long time, I think it is still necessary to contact the old professor and report that he is safe.

After all, according to the current situation, there should be no way out for a while.

"I need to make a call."

I whispered to the butler.

He glanced at me indifferently, then took out his phone and strode out.

What do you mean?
I frowned, and wanted to go out with him, but as soon as I got to the door, I was stopped by the bodyguards squatting at the door.

The housekeeper not far outside the house seemed to be communicating with someone. After he whispered a few words, he strode towards me and said indifferently, "Sorry, you are not allowed to use any communication tools."

As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I knew who he was talking on the phone just now.

Louise, it must be that woman.

I had no choice but to go back to the living room again and lie on the sofa.

It's better than falling into the hands of those in the company.

In this way, I spent three days in this villa. I checked every room carefully, but I couldn’t find any communication equipment. Even the only TV in the living room was disconnected from the Internet, and I could only put some old-fashioned CDs to pass the time.

"When will she be back?"

Finally, I couldn't bear it anymore.

If I want to continue wasting time, then I might as well just rush out and fight.

After all, those people in the company have already got the notepad.

So many days have passed, maybe they have cracked the secret, and opened their hearts before me.

However, in the face of my questioning, the housekeeper just shook his head like a paralyzed face, and never spoke.


At this moment, the door of the villa was suddenly kicked open, and a group of bodyguards in black rushed in and surrounded me.

It wasn't until they stood still that Louise came out slowly.

It's just that her face was gloomy, and she looked at me with anger in her eyes, as if I had done something wrong to her.

"you lied to me!"

Louise pointed at my nose, gritted her teeth and said, "They have robots and some monsters, powerful monsters! Most of the people I sent died, and only a few survived! When we send people there again , the building has already been empty.”

"But what does this have to do with me lying to you? Didn't I tell you that they have high technology?"

I shrugged, pretending to be innocent.

In fact, I already knew that most of the people she sent would be killed or injured.

Most of her subordinates are ordinary people. Although there are some excellent mercenaries who take the lead, they will definitely be crushed when facing the company's high-tech artificial humans.

Can an egg hit a rock and it will end well?


Louise laughed back in anger, and waved fiercely, "Chop off his leg!"

As soon as I said this, more than a dozen bodyguards in black swarmed up and wanted to take me down.

I thought I could talk about it calmly, but the matter has come to this point, and I can only use violence to solve the problem.

Although these bodyguards have an advantage in number, to me to deal with them is like cutting melons and vegetables, it is extremely simple.

Anyway, Louise is still here, even if they have heavy weapons in their hands, it is impossible to use them here.

Before the dozen or so bodyguards rushed to me, they fell down.

The housekeeper, who had been keeping a cold face, could no longer hold his breath.

"You, you are also that kind of humanoid monster!"

Louise stared in disbelief.Immediately, I took out a gun from my waist, pointed it at my forehead and pulled the trigger.

Unfortunately, I dodged the flying bullet just by turning sideways a little.

Humanoid monster?

I looked at the woman's frightened expression, smiled lightly and shook my head.

My purpose has been achieved.

Louise, the drug gang, is definitely not small. I told them the address of the company's branch, and they sent people to attack.

Although he had never fought, he was definitely on the company's blacklist. Now Louise and the company are sworn enemies.

With the company's behavior style, they will definitely find a way to get rid of people like Louise.

If she wants to survive, she has to help me deal with those people in the company.

"What do you want?"

As expected of the leader of the drug lord, Louise quickly regained her composure, but her attitude was several times colder than before, "You are so powerful, why are you willing to be imprisoned by me for so many days?"

"Of course, anyway, my goal has been achieved."

I smiled and said, "I can guarantee that it won't take long for them to wipe out your entire organization. They have the ability."

Louise was slightly taken aback, so she reacted, and immediately clenched her fists, "You told me the news on purpose and asked me to send someone there, right?"


I nodded.

If she hadn't played those little tricks then, maybe I would have reminded her.

But now, she has stood on the opposite side of those people in the company, and at least she can help me restrain some company personnel, just in time for me to leave.

"Now, you need me to make a call."

I said slowly, "Otherwise, I can kill you here."

"Give you!"

After Louise sneered a few times, she took out her mobile phone from her bag and threw it over.

I took the phone and dialed a series of numbers skillfully.

"How are you doing now?"

After the call was made, the old professor knew it was me who had called before I even said a word.

"A few days ago, that informant suddenly lost contact. I tried my best to contact you, but none of them worked. I thought you were really dead this time."


I said calmly.

It was just a few days in the drug lord's lair full of poppies.

"It's just that now, you have to think of a different way to get me out of here."

"Then remember to take the mobile phone that I was talking with with you. Our people will find you tonight and take you away."

After the old professor finished speaking, he paused and said, "Be careful, don't have any accidents, there are still things waiting for you to do when you come back."

"it is good."

After dialing the phone, I finally breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Louise who was full of defense against me, and smiled, "Sorry, I'm afraid I have to take your phone away."

"By the way, I would like to remind you, get out of here as soon as possible, and hide as far away as possible, otherwise, those people's methods are very cruel.

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