Big price?
Bail me?
I have heard a little about the laws of the United States, so of course I know what it means.

It is equivalent to someone using money to offset my crimes, and I was acquitted.

However, I have no relatives here, not even half of the people I know, let alone those rich and rich.

Who will pay to bail me out?
Got it wrong.

The man in the jacket ignored my stupefaction, he directly uncuffed my handcuffs, pressed my shoulder with one hand, and pushed me out in a daze.

Until handing me over to a skinny man in a suit.

Wearing sunglasses, he looks a little mysterious.

I looked him up and down, and after confirming that I had never seen this person before, I was even more puzzled.

Could it be the people from the company?
"Sir, please follow me."

But the behavior of this thin man dispelled my thoughts. After all, the mercenaries in the company would not be so polite.

Walking out of the police station, there was a stretched car parked outside the door. I was not familiar with the brand, but its appearance was very eye-catching.

The thin man opened the car door for me in a gentlemanly manner. The space inside is very spacious, the floor is covered with soft carpets, and a faint smell of perfume blows over my face.

who can that be?

When I got in the car, I turned my head to face a familiar pretty face.

"It's you?"

I looked at the blonde in disbelief, I couldn't connect her with the drunk stunner last night.

Her clothes are still cool, with only a black suspender on her upper body and denim shorts on her lower body.

Typical hot girl.

"Otherwise, who would be kind enough to spend money on you?"

She chuckled, although she changed her hairstyle, the wound on her forehead was still exposed inadvertently, but it had already been dealt with, so it was not a big problem.

"You can call me Louise."

"Zhang Qi."

I nodded with a dry smile, "Where are you taking me?"

"You'll find out soon enough."

Louise winked, leaned comfortably on the soft seat, stretched his waist, and had a good view of his curvy figure.

I don't mind if she's sitting across from me.

I looked out the window and realized we were drifting out of town, but anyway they paid a lot of money to bail me out and it wasn't easy to ask.

Two hours later, the car stopped on the mountainside, and a grand European-style villa was in sight.

The flowers in the gardens on both sides are of the same species, blooming brightly.

I recognized that thing as a poppy.

This woman actually planted this in her garden?

Her identity is definitely unusual, if nothing else, she should be a big drug lord.

Normally, I would never want to have anything to do with such a person, but the situation forced me, even if I didn't want to, I couldn't run away now.

Since she can bail me out, I'm afraid she definitely has the means to send me in.

A strong dragon does not overwhelm a local snake, not to mention that I am just a 'stowaway' now.

Louise graciously invited me into the living room, where there are quite a few servants, and the thin man who brought me out of the police station before is here as a housekeeper.

"Don't be restrained, just treat this as your own home."

Louise asked the butler to serve the coffee, and said with a smile, "I haven't thanked you for saving my life before."

"It's easy."

I answered casually.

This woman is very beautiful on the surface, but in fact she is a cruel and merciless person.

I've seen with my own eyes that she didn't care, and shot someone's head off. I don't think that my life, who only met her once, is more expensive than the person whose head was shot by her.

Louise smiled, then waved to the butler.

The butler left quickly, and after a while, came in with a stack of documents and placed them on the table in front of me.

I just took a glance and saw the photo on the A4 paper at the top.

The person in the photo was the one who was headshot by Louise before.

"Tell me how you got into them?"

Louise took a sip of her coffee and asked lazily.

"I don't know."

I shook my head.

This woman really has a purpose, no wonder she spent a lot of money to get me out of there.

Louise seemed to have expected my answer like this, she smiled charmingly, and then continued, "As far as I know, the people who went to the bar last night all came from the same organization."

"And I am very interested in that organization."

"Since you can be hunted down by them, then you must know something. I hope that you can tell me useful news, so as to offset the cost of my bailing you out, otherwise..."

As soon as Louise finished speaking, the butler beside him had a gun in his hand.

"Put it down, he's our guest."

Louise gave a cold snort, and then put on a smiling face, "He has a bad temper, so you'd better cooperate with us."

One sings the red face, the other sings the bad face, I am naturally unmoved by such an old trick.

"Then you must at least tell me, why do you want to know about them?"

I asked with great interest.

Louise raised the corner of her mouth and put down the coffee cup, "They disturbed my business and caused a lot of goods to be lost, so..."

Speaking of this, she didn't go on, but the anger in her eyes was very real.

I understand.

An enemy's enemy is a friend, and it didn't hurt to tell her things that didn't matter.

"They have a lot of advanced technology in their hands, and each of them can be sold for a high price. Moreover, their technology is even more priceless, and they also hold some rare treasures in their hands."

I said a lot of vague words.

The meaning expressed is very clear, the company is very rich, and everything in their hands can be sold for money.

I'm sure a big drug lord is very interested in money.

Sure enough, after hearing what I said, Louise became more interested, but she was a smart person and took a wait-and-see attitude to my words.

"How do I know what you said is true?"

"I can tell you about one of their branches. If you have a way to get in or shoot down, then you will know the truth of the matter."

As soon as I finished speaking, the butler at the side presented me with a map.

After thinking about it.I drew a circle next to a mountain stream on the map.

"Here is a factory, built in the 80s, which has been abandoned for a long time, but it has not been demolished."

As soon as I drew it, the butler explained it aside.

I nodded and said, "Yes, it appears to be abandoned, but in fact, their distribution is hidden underground. I escaped from it. There are five floors underground. I have already drawn the place for you. Can you find it?" Get it, that's up to you."

After listening, Louise became more interested. She bent down, squinted her eyes and said softly, "Perhaps, you can explain in more detail, and I won't treat you badly."

I deliberately showed a joyful expression, and said, "There is a standard next to the underground entrance, just look for the sign and look for it."

"What sign?"

"Material area."

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