We were greeted by a team of scientific researchers in chemical protective suits and goggles.

It even made me doubt for a while whether other than us, there were biological and chemical weapons on the plane...

"The task is completed, and I will leave it to you."

After the leaders and researchers finished the handover ceremony, we were led into the base and sent to a sterile room.

The eyes are white, and the side of the door is thick tempered one-way glass. People outside can see us, but we can't see the outside.

"What exactly is going on?"

I looked at Li Xin helplessly. She was the one who contacted us. It is necessary for her to explain it to us.

"There has never been a record of reforming people in China. It is understandable for them to act cautiously. After they finish testing, they should let us go."

Li Xin said apologetically, "Special circumstances are treated specially."

This treats...

How is it different from a monkey locked up in a zoo?
Soon, our test results came out, but Huohou and Yuchengyao were taken away, and Ouyang Ye was also sent to the infirmary. Only Li Xin and I were left in the sterile room.

Half an hour passed in a flash, which made me a little anxious inside.

"How can I get out?"

I went to the door and tried to open it, but it took me a long time to realize that it was all in vain.

No matter how hard I try, I just can't shake this door.

Seeing my eagerness, Li Xin tentatively said, "How about we wait a little longer?"


I took a deep breath, looked at the cameras in the corners of the four walls, and slammed my fist hard on the door, "Are you a guinea pig waiting for an experiment?"

When those people took Fire Monkey and the others away, they didn't say a word.

Not even explained to us.

Li Xin was taken aback when she heard the words, she understood my thoughts, opened her mouth but didn't speak, just sighed.

But at this moment, some nozzles suddenly protruded from the surrounding walls, followed by thick white mist.

The smell of disinfectant in the weapon barely choked me.

After a full 5 minutes, the smell disappeared.

The door of the sterile room also slowly opened.

"Feel sorry."

The person who came in was an old professor, followed by a female assistant in her thirties, full of charm.

The old professor smiled wryly, "Understand, everything here must be done according to the regulations, and we have no choice."

"Besides, apart from that woman named Ouyang Ye and you, the DNA strands of everyone else have mutated, especially the crystal person. We couldn't even collect her blood sample."

"We do this because we have to."

The old professor said, and without waiting for my reply, he handed the tablet in my hand, "I know what you want to do, there is all the information about Xiao Qing in it, you can read it first and then talk about it."

As expected of a young man, his words are smooth.

But I am not an unreasonable person. Although I am a little dissatisfied with their actions, they are not uneasy.


I nodded and looked at the tablet screen.

It was only then that I realized that their investigations were meticulous to the extreme. Xiao Qing's background, connections and preferences were all displayed in front of me without exception.

There are even information about Xiao Qing's direct blood relatives within three generations.

But these are not what I care about, I kept scrolling down, and finally saw where Xiao Qing is now.

US embassy!
My right eyelid twitched, never expecting Xiao Qing to be taken to this place.

At first, I wondered, since this is the territory of Huaguo, it should not be difficult for them to save Xiao Qing, but after so long, Xiao Qing is still in the hands of those people in the company.

Now that I see the word embassy, ​​I understand it.

"After we found out Xiao Qing's location at first, they kept talking about letting them go, but they secretly transferred the hostages to the embassy."

"Then they changed their tone and refused to admit it."

"We can't rescue the hostages. We can only send people to follow them 24 hours a day. After all, if we send people in, something might go wrong, which is equivalent to declaring war. We can't afford such a big risk."

The old professor sighed and couldn't help shaking his head with a wry smile.

I understand his difficulty, although he promised me that he would rescue Xiao Qing, but at the same time they also have to consider the safety of more than a billion people.

A person's life is nothing compared to such a huge risk.

Besides, even if I blame the old professor for his ineffectiveness, it won't help. The top priority is to rescue Xiao Qing from the embassy first.

"It's strange to say that just one day ago, they suddenly issued a statement."

The old professor suddenly seemed to have thought of something, and said, "They said they want us to hand over a notebook from World War II, and then give us what we want."


I subconsciously touched my pocket, and the notepad was on me now.

But the strange thing is that everyone who knew the existence of this notepad, except us, is dead.

The only one still alive so far is Charlie, the man-made man.

But the exit passage has been blown up by Catherine, and Charlie is also trapped in the underground world. How did the people in the company get this news...

Could it be that there is a ghost among us?

This idea startled me when I first thought about it, but I found it impossible. After all, both Fire Monkey and Li Xin are people who have lived and died with me. I can trust them, and it is absolutely impossible to be traitor.

Ouyang Ye had a mental problem, he was crazy and foolish, so it was impossible for him to tell the truth.

As for Yuchengyao, I have unconditional trust in her, and now she is utterly irreconcilable to those people in the company, and she has no motive to inform, and it cannot be her.

After eliminating them one by one, I breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as there are no moles, I don't want to be an enemy of any of them.

"Did you think of something?"

The old professor is so shrewd, he immediately noticed the change in my mood, he smiled slightly, "That's what you got this time? That kid Fire Monkey doesn't want to say more, and I need you to explain it to me in detail."

"This is it."

I thought for a while, and immediately took out the notepad.

The pages are yellowed and full of English.

The old professor adjusted his glasses, took it carefully, and after roughly reading a few pages, handed it to the assistant at the side.

The assistant walked out quickly with a notepad.

"Our professionals will date it and restore the faded and disappeared text. At most one day, you will see the complete Chinese version."

"Now, you two are going to take notes with me, and I need you to recount everything that happened."

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