The bartender thought for a moment, then quickly ran inside, and after a while, a middle-aged man came out, "I am the boss, what can I do for you?"

"Come and talk."

Li Xin beckoned to the boss, even I couldn't figure out what she was going to do.

The two of them whispered for a long time, and finally the boss took a deep breath and looked up, his eyes couldn't hide the excitement and said, "Okay...but I have to pay an IOU!"

Soon, the bartender brought a pen and paper, Li Xin brushed a few strokes, and then the boss dragged the bartender away from the bar.

I was taken aback by this hand.

Just a few words and the boss ran away?This method is simply... amazing.

"What did you do?"

"10 yuan to rent his tavern for a few days."

"It's that simple?"

I froze for a moment, no wonder the boss' eyes were so excited just now, it turned out to be because of this.

This is just a small town, 10 yuan, plus enough to buy this small bar, let alone just rent it for a few days, I would agree to it.

"The organization will give him money."

Li Xin said embarrassedly.

After a while, we welcomed Yucheng Yao and Fire Monkey in, and then closed the rolling door.

There is no bed, but we didn't pick it up, we just slept on the floor.

Anyway, at least it is still a house, much better than the snow cave on the mountain.

After this series of events, the fire monkey sat in front of the bar all night, drinking wine, but maybe it was because he was no longer human, no matter how much he drank, he didn't feel drunk, but only frequently ran to the toilet.

And Li Xin had already contacted the organization with the landline in the bar. According to her, at most one and a half days, the higher-ups would send someone to pick us up.

I was standing in front of the phone, hesitating whether to call the old professor or not.

After all, the matter of Xiao Qing is still on my mind, but I am afraid that after such a long time, something unexpected may happen to Xiao Qing...

"You are afraid."

The fire monkey glanced at me, looked up and drank a bottle of vodka, burped again, and then said, "I'm afraid it's useless, anyway, it can't change the result, and asking will not lose a piece of meat."

He knew about Xiao Qing, and he also knew what I was worried about.

It's just that he didn't say anything.


I thought what he said made sense, so I picked up the phone and called.

Beep, beep, after three beeps, the old professor's voice rang from the other end of the phone.

"it's me."

I whispered.

The old professor quickly came to his senses, and then asked anxiously, "What happened to the fire monkeys? Previously, Li Xin just said that you all have problems with your bodies and have mutated. What's going on?"

What I didn't expect was that it wasn't me who asked the question first.

"You will know when the time comes."

I smiled wryly, "I called because of Xiao Qing's business."

After finishing speaking, the old professor was silent, so that I could only hear the sound of breathing from the other end of the phone.

A heart sank to the bottom at that time.

If Xiao Qing's current situation is very safe, the old professor will never be silent. If he doesn't speak, it means that Xiao Qing has probably...

After a while, the old professor took a deep breath and finally said, "We have tried our best."


The hand I was holding on to the table fell down uncontrollably in an instant. The poor mahogany table couldn't bear my strength at all, and instantly shattered into slag.

The noise even woke up the three women who were already asleep.


Li Xin opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say, so he could only look at Yucheng Yao eagerly.

"What happened?"

Yucheng Yao asked softly.

I felt like I was holding my breath in my throat, and I didn't want to answer. I just listened to the old professor's voice on the phone.

"I'm sorry...we sent the best negotiators, and they were all about to let go, but in the end...for some reason, they still didn't let her go, but don't worry, Xiao Qing is still safe now..."

The old professor's tone was full of guilt.

But hearing this, I was relieved.

It's's alright...

"Wait when I get back."

I asked about Qian Ke's situation again, and after hearing that they were all safe, I hung up the phone.

"Are you okay?"

Yucheng Yao walked up to me, "I've never seen you like this before."


I smiled wryly.

There are so many things that have happened recently that my whole body seems to be pressed by a mountain, I can hardly breathe, and my mood has become very bad, irritable and irritable.

"Don't worry, it's me."

Yu Chengyao held my hand, raised her head and smiled at me.

The cracks on her face have faded now. According to what she told me, as long as she maintains the crystallized appearance, she can slowly recover by herself, and only after the recovery is complete can she become a normal person.

However, there will be side effects at that time.

Fortunately, we still have two drugs that can delay side effects.

It was almost dawn when I fell asleep, and it was already afternoon when I woke up. Fire Monkey and the others were all ready to go, waiting for the organization to come.

At 03:30, three black jeeps came to the entrance of the bar.

Four men in casual clothes came down from above, and they walked in together.


The leader saw the appearance of the fire monkey as soon as he entered the door, "What are you riding a horse?"

The other three couldn't help but twitch their mouths.

"You're the thing!"

The fire monkey scolded with a smile.

The two exchanged a few words with each other, and they seemed to know each other. The leader didn't ask any more questions, and quickly got us into the car and drove us all the way east.

On the way, those people wisely didn't ask any questions.

It wasn't until more than six hours later that we arrived at an airport, but at this time the airport had already been protected by troops, and there were no ordinary people coming and going.

"We have sealed off here, after all..."

Before getting out of the car, the leader took out two large long gowns and handed them to Huohou and Yuchengyao, "The way you are now is too...strange, in order to avoid unnecessary panic, please forgive me."

Unnecessary panic?

I probably glanced at the troops around the airport. They are heavily guarded here. Even if the people are fools, they can still feel that something is wrong, right?
But it is also understandable, after all, transforming people is beyond human cognition, and it is normal for the higher-ups to value it so much.

At the airport, the plane that took us was already ready.

After boarding the plane, several doctors in white coats began to examine our bodies with instruments. Their eyes were full of exploration, and they were not afraid of a modified human with a huge physical change like the fire monkey.

So I think, if allowed, they even want to dissect the fire monkey for experiment.

Unfortunately, after they checked, they found nothing.

In a few hours, we crossed more than half of the country, but the place where the plane landed was not Jiangyuan City, but an uninhabited deep mountain and old forest.

"Welcome to the 'Hunting Blade' base!"

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