"That's only if you have the chance!"

The fire monkey grinned, and the force of the pliers suddenly increased, easily breaking Serene's neck.

But her body still stood upright, but her head fell off, rolling around on the ground gruntly, then staring at us with a pair of big eyes, half a smile.

"I only need one thought to start the self-destruct program."

Catherine's plain words made the fire monkey stop immediately, and did not trample her head into slag.

Then I saw Catherine's body take two steps forward, bent down to pick up the head that fell on the ground, and reinstalled it on her neck.

Although the crack that was broken just now still exists, it doesn't seem to have any major impact on her.

"Damn artificial man..."

The fire monkey made no secret of its hatred, but Catherine turned a blind eye to all of this, and her winning smile made us feel extremely disgusted.

"So, you'd better do what I say."

Catherine twisted her neck a few times and made a few crisp clicks, "Otherwise, it won't do anyone any good."

I feel a nameless anger that cannot be suppressed in my heart. Ever since I met Catherine and the others, we have been subject to them.

Although I have been suggesting to Fire Monkey, we can only compromise.

But that feeling of aggrieved has also been backlogged in my heart for a long time.

"What do you need us to do for you?"

I said in a deep voice.

"It's simple."

Catherine pointed to the depths of the woods, "Help us get that notepad."

"Fujii fled to the depths of the woods with his things. Charlie has already gone to track him down, but it's hard to find him with Charlie alone."

"What do you need to do, don't I need to say more?"

After listening to Catherine's words, I looked back at Yucheng Yao.

Fujii is still alive. It seems that Catherine and Charlie must have been responsible for those island players. They really have been planning and looking for opportunities to get the notepad we found in the underground palace.

"Yucheng Yao and I will go, you stay here and take good care of Ouyang Ye."

I nodded to Catherine, then winked at the fire monkey, "I will come back to you when I find the notepad."


Fire Monkey nodded reluctantly.

Catherine didn't have any objection to this, she just stood quietly, her smile was suppressed, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Yucheng Yao and I rushed in the direction Catherine pointed.

On the way, Yu Chengyao seemed to see the displeasure in my heart, she said softly, "Actually... maybe we don't have to do what she said."

But if Catherine didn't do what she said, she would blow up the only exit.

At that time, we can only spend the rest of our lives here.

But I didn't say these words, because I know Yucheng Yao well, and I know that since she said this, there must be her reason.

"If we find Fujii, we can help him."

Yu Chengyao stared at me quietly, then said after a pause, "Even if the road that Catherine drove out is blown up, we can still get out."

"How to get out?"

I raised my eyebrows.

Is there any other way out?

"Fujii, he can take us through without any effort."

Yucheng Yao said with certainty.

I was silent.

At first glance, this seems like a really good idea, but let’s not talk about how to deal with Charlie, even if we cooperate with Fujii, how can we guarantee that he will take us out.

Moreover, if I help him survive, then I will definitely get the notepad in his hand.

How things will change by then, no one knows.

"For us, there is not much difference between Fujii and Catherine. No matter who we help, we cannot easily get out of here."

"But obviously, if we help Fujii, the enemy we face will be much stronger."

"You have to give me a reason to help him."

I said in a deep voice.

"He helped us, at least after Noda-kun's death, he was still very friendly to us."

Yucheng Yao said, paused, and said, "And he touched me before."

"we'll see……"

I am vague and don't want to say more on this matter.

I don't have much affection for Fujii, because his position is destined to stand on the opposite side of us.

Moreover, his inexplicable feelings for Yucheng Yao made me feel bad.

As for helping him...

"Where are the traces of fighting?"

Yuchengyao suddenly interrupted my train of thought, following her gaze, I saw countless big trees broken down at the edge of the woods not far away, one of them seemed to be uprooted forcefully, and the trunk remained There are two clear mudras.

It seems that this should be done by Fujii.

With the traces of these battles, it will be much easier for us to find their traces.

However, Yucheng Yao is different from me, she noticed more details.

"he is injured."

Yucheng Yao picked up a stone, with a distressed expression on her crystallized face, "I can feel that this stone fell from him."

"Well, then we have to hurry up."

I said it casually.

To put it bluntly, because of the relationship between Yucheng Yao and me, I hate Fujii very much, even more than I hate Catherine and the others.

My thinking may be selfish, but it's instinctive.

If Yucheng is my woman, I don't want other men to look at her with emotion in their eyes.


Yucheng Yao nodded, quickened her pace, and even overtook me to walk in front at one point.

This makes me very unhappy.

The more anxious she is, the more I hate Fujii.

Even I have decided that even if I don't listen to Catherine's threat, I will never help Fujii.


Countless strange birds suddenly soared into the sky from the depths of the forest, and their sharp and noisy calls echoed in the entire sky. They flew away in all directions, as if they had encountered something terrible.

Yucheng Yao and I looked at each other, and we all ran towards the place where the strange bird flew.

They must be there!

Along the way, many strange birds flying over our heads saw us. They looked at us with light in their eyes and swooped towards us.

Unfortunately, the monster bird didn't hurt us.

Without exception, they were all torn apart by Yucheng Yao in an instant, and the broken internal organs and flesh and blood splashed all over me, and I couldn't even hide.

"Slow down, I can't keep up."

I yelled at Yuchengyao, but I wanted her to slow down so that Charlie could deal with Fujii.

Charlie, who can slaughter the entire island country team, must be stronger than Fujii. As long as we don't get involved now, Fujii will undoubtedly die.

But Yucheng Yao didn't listen to me at all, she even used her own ability, just to hurry up.

Damn Fujii!

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