And every single one of these bodies, we've seen them.

They were all members of the island country team under Fujii, but they all died here without knowing what happened.

I looked around at the tragic situation in this place, but found that there were no traces of Catherine, Charlie, or Fujii.

Where are they still alive!

"The body is still warm, they just died not long ago..."

Yu Chengyao stepped forward, inspected it and couldn't help frowning, "Could it be that Fujii and Catherine are in the same group, and after they came out, they hurt these people to silence them, so as not to let the higher-ups know..."

She said her own speculation, and it does have some credibility.

But I still had doubts in my heart, and couldn't help but walked up to one of the corpses and turned the corpse over.


Seeing this, the fire monkey raised his eyebrows and sneered.

There was a two-finger-wide blood hole on the chest of the corpse, and the area around the wound had become scorched and cracked as if it had been scorched by high temperature.

Several other corpses also looked the same.

"Catherine and the others did it..."

My heart sank. Only the laser weapon on Catherine can cause such a wound. I have fought against her, and I know how powerful such a weapon is.

But since these people were killed by Catherine, did the notepad fall into Catherine's hands?

Thinking of this, I couldn't help shaking my head.

No matter which side the notepad is now in, it is very difficult to find the underground world they have probably left now.

"Beautiful job..."

The fire monkey laughed very relieved.

Yu Chengyao was silent and didn't speak, she could see that she was in a bad mood, after all, these people were her compatriots no matter what.

I knew she was in a bad mood, so I didn't say much.

What we have to do now is to leave here quickly, pass through that canyon, reach the tribe where the Honglu people gather, and finally leave here.

However, after we went down from the mountain, we found that there were traces of fighting everywhere.

Even a deep hole was blown out on the road.

We had to make a slight detour to get through.

When we reached the edge of the canyon, we even saw a giant octopus with only half of its body left. It was dead and gave off a disgusting stench.

"It's miserable."

Fire Monkey sighed.

But it wasn't long before we knew what the real tragedy was.

"The basin is in front, we should be able to rest in their tribe for a while..."

I pointed to the big red trees in front of me.

If I remember correctly, you can go through here to reach the tribe of the Honglu people.

Although they don't welcome outsiders like us, and the patriarch who followed me into the West Queen Mother's Palace died.

But we don't have a choice right now either.

After we entered the interior of the mountain, we couldn't distinguish day and night at that place where the sun was out of sight, but based on rough estimates, it may have been more than a week.

And we have only a handful of breaks.

Even though we are not ordinary human beings now, we are still flesh and blood after all, and we need to take a good rest.


The fire monkey nodded sullenly.

He who walked all the way with Ouyang Ye on his back was the most exhausted.

At this time, I have already figured out how to deal with those Honglu people. The only pity is that accidents always disrupt my plans.

When we walked not far from the basin, we could faintly smell a bloody smell.

The closer the more intense.

By the time we reached the edge of the basin, the smell of blood was already so strong that it was disgusting.

Looking down, it is even more disgusting to vomit.

The scene below can best be described as "transformation". The corpses of countless Honglu people lay in the tribe, including old people and children, and the death conditions were extremely tragic.

It can be seen that they have no way to resist when the crisis comes, and it is completely one-sided massacre.

"Do you still want to go down?"

Li Xin said weakly.


I nodded, and took the lead to walk down the side path.

Even though blood has flowed into rivers here, and it has become a hell on earth, we have no other way to go.

Unless you bypass this basin and enter the woods.

But those weird creatures in the woods are not so easy to deal with. Choose one of the two. I choose the first one. Although I feel very uncomfortable, the safety factor I have seen here is much higher.

But when I went down, I realized that the scene here was far more terrifying than what I saw from above.

I was suffocated by the corpses all over the place.

Most of the bodies were mutilated, as if they had been hit with heavy weapons.

I even saw a woman from the Honglu people. Before she died, she sometimes tightly guarded the child in her arms, but her child died together with her.

There was a bloody hole two fingers wide on its forehead.

By the same means, it is not difficult to judge that this is the 'masterpiece' of Catherine and Charlie.

A nameless anger suddenly rose in my heart. These Honglu people have lived here for generations. Although they reject us outsiders, they are innocent.

Children and women who are powerless will also be killed. How perverted are Catherine and the others!
When I passed by, I carefully checked every residence, but found that there were no survivors.

Our original decision to take a short break here was also dispelled.

Walk slowly towards the entrance that came in here.


The fire monkey scolded as he walked, he had long been at loggerheads with Catherine and the other two, and now seeing this scene, he was even more furious.

If he could, he would take Catherine apart!
In the sky, the red sun was hanging high, and when it gradually slanted westward, we arrived at the place we came from.

But here, we met someone we didn't want to see.

At this time, she looked extremely embarrassed, her left cheek was cracked, revealing the mechanical components inside, and her right arm was broken even at the shoulder, and a few wires could even be seen protruding from inside.

" must be punished."

The fire monkey smiled disdainfully, and slowly tightened its pincers.

"You actually came out alive..."

Catherine was obviously a little surprised when she saw us, but soon she smiled, "It just so happens that I need you all now."

"Want to direct us to do things?"

The fire monkey untied the rope on his body, handed the unconscious Ouyang Ye to me, then stood in front of Catherine, and said condescendingly, "With your current state, I can tear you down right now!"

As the fire monkey said, it stretched out a pincer mercilessly, clamping Catherine's neck.

With a little force, I heard a click.

Then several cracks appeared on Catherine's neck, but the smile on her face did not disappear.

"If you don't do what I say, I will blow myself up. The power is enough to blow up the only channel connecting the outside world. You are all trapped here to death!"

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