"Get to the tree!"

My intuition tells me that something might happen if I stay on the ground again!
No one knows what kind of creature we are about to face.

What's more, this underground world itself is extremely strange, so even if a monster with three heads and six arms appears, I won't be surprised.

"I, I can't go up..."

Ouyang Ye said anxiously, and stretched out his hand.

Full of scarlet liquid!

I was shocked when I saw it.This silly woman can still injure herself by climbing a tree. Am I being a burden?
But then I realized that these were not blood, but secretions from tree trunks.

This also makes the whole tree wet and slippery, and ordinary people can't climb it without tools.

"Listen to me, you'll jump when I count to three, remember to hurry up!"

Feeling the trembling of the ground getting more and more intense, I didn't care whether Ouyang Ye agreed or not, so I put my arms around her waist and threw her up hard.


Ouyang Ye screamed in fright, but fortunately, she still grabbed the branch protruding from the tree trunk.

"I, I can't catch it, I'm going to fall!"

This woman is... stupid!

I had no choice but to drag her ass and push her up.

"what are you doing!"

"Climb quickly!"

Ouyang Ye was a little embarrassed to be caught by me like this.

But I didn't bother to pay attention to her emotions at all,

Especially at this time, no matter how raised the butt is, it is nothing more than two lumps of meat in my eyes.

After a lot of effort, Ouyang Ye finally climbed to a height of four meters above the ground. She hugged the tree trunk tightly, for fear that she would fall.

It's my turn!

With my skills, even if the bark is as slippery as a loach, I can still climb up, but this climbing has left me with a lot of slippery mucus.

But what I didn't expect was that not long after I climbed the tree, the whole tree trembled violently.

Through the gaps between the leaves, I could see the ground in the distance at a glance, and there was a large piece of dark things rushing towards me.

Is that... ants?
I raised my eyebrows, darling, ants bigger than my palm, with powerful front jaws, swarming in groups!
However, what shocked me more was not the number and size of these ants, but the black shadow behind the ant colony!

These ants are there to hide from predators!
I suddenly understood, and kept guessing in my heart, what kind of freak is the creature that can make these big ants afraid?

Before I could figure it out, the big guy who emerged from the woods solved my doubts for me.


Ouyang Ye blinked his eyes, and the expression on his face was not as scared as before.

As she said, the big man presented in front of our eyes really looks like a huge octopus!

However, it is a terrestrial octopus.

The huge body is four meters high, covered with black circular patterns, and countless tentacles surround the bottom of its body. Every time it swings, it can roll up many big ants and stuff them into its mouthparts.

"Don't make a sound!"

I said nervously.

The ants are running towards us, and this octopus will pass us by if it wants to chase the ants!
If it finds us, we'll have to pray that humans aren't on its menu.

Because, I think bullets may not be able to penetrate this guy's skin!

Fortunately, this huge monster only wandered around the edge of the woods for a while, and returned to the depths of the woods after a while.

Even those ants ran away without a trace.

But my heart is still a little heavy.

As far as we can see so far, if we want to climb the mountain where the Queen Mother's Palace is located, we must go through this forest!

However, it seems that the creatures in this forest are beyond imagination...

Just on the edge, you can encounter unimaginable behemoths like terrestrial octopuses, who knows what kind of things you will encounter when you go inside?

Ouyang Ye came down from the tree cautiously, muttering in a low voice, "I don't know what happened to the team leader, they shouldn't be eaten, right?"


I glanced at her and said lightly.

Although when I first came here, I once asked Ursula, are there any other creatures in the underground world?
But even though I already have a deep understanding of Honglu culture, I still didn't understand a single word he said.

"Be careful."

After giving some instructions to Ouyang Ye, I walked in front.

The direction where the terrestrial octopus disappeared was originally the only way we had to go, but I took Ouyang Ye around a big circle specially to avoid encountering it.

But even so, we encountered quite a few weird creatures along the way.

There is even a thing that looks like a stone, except that there is a big mouth with sharp fangs on the stone...

After we had been walking through the woods for a long time, I realized that the days here are longer than outside.

And I feel like we're probably going the wrong way.

Because along the way, I didn't see any traces of people passing by, but the peak where the Queen Mother's Palace is located is indeed getting closer and closer to us.


Just when my mind was full of worries, Ouyang Ye pointed to the place not far away.

Under the tree over there lay a big toad, half a person's height, with its back to us, covered in rotten sores, and looked dying.


Suddenly, the toad seemed to have discovered us.

It turned around slowly, stared at us with two fist-sized eyes, and began to move its thick and powerful limbs.

I immediately stood in front of Ouyang Ye, raised my gun and aimed at the big guy's head.


When the toad climbed to a distance of five meters from us, it slowly opened its mouth, and a soft tongue thicker than my thigh popped out. There was a white bone nail at the top of the tongue.

In the nick of time, I pulled the trigger.

This is the first time I've fired a gun since entering the woods.

For some reason, even though it was equipped with a silencer, the gunshots spread.

In an instant, many strange forest birds with a pair of fleshy wings were frightened and flew up, hovering in the sky, their cries were ear-piercing and unpleasant.

And the big toad in front of us fell to the ground in response, and its body was like a deflated ball, quickly limp, and at the same time, it exhaled a nauseating sour smell.


Ouyang Ye pinched his nose and said in a muffled voice, "Hurry up and go, this smell is really bad, I can't stand it."

I nodded in agreement, and just as I was about to turn around and leave, I heard strange screams from the sky, so I couldn't help but look up.

Good guy, a group of dozens of strange birds swooped down towards us!

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