This... resembles the underground world I am in now!
My mind was so clear that I even knew I was dreaming!But everything here feels very real to me!
I suddenly woke up, suddenly startled into a cold sweat.

I subconsciously raised my head to look at the sky, and those giant eyes also looked at me, and the four eyes met, which actually made me feel an inexplicable feeling in my heart.

If I had to use a metaphor for something, it would be intimacy.

Yes, that's right, intimacy, I actually feel intimacy with a pair of eyes that don't know anything.

The intimacy from the blood and soul controls my body, making me unable to look away for a long time.

"who are you!"

I really wanted to shout, but I found that I couldn't make any sound at all. I tried hard for a long time, but I could only keep absolutely quiet like this world.

Somehow, I suddenly found that I was climbing a mountain.

The mountain I climbed is exactly what I just saw, the mountain peak shrouded in rain and mist in the distance.

I can't control my body, I can only let myself climb the mountain.

On the way, I met everyone I knew.

Whether it's alive or dead, I've seen them all. I've even seen Xiao Qing, Qian Ke, Qian'er, and even the woman who sacrificed her life for me, Yang Hui.

Although each of their faces is covered with a layer of mist, hazy.

But the first time I saw them, I could easily tell who they were. I could only tell myself from the bottom of my heart that this was a dream, this was just a dream, so that I could feel a little at ease.

Not long after, I went through the rain and fog and came to the top of the mountain.

This thing built a simple and magnificent palace, the door was open, and I stood at the door, facing me was a tall statue of a woman, holding a jade bottle, with kind eyebrows and kind eyes, overlooking all living beings.

I know that she is the Queen Mother of the West.

In front of the statue, there is a wooden altar with carved flowers, and green smoke slowly rises from the incense burner on the altar.

A glowing figure was facing away from me, kneeling on the futon, looking devoutly at Queen Mother Xi as if praying for something, but I only knew he was talking, and I couldn't hear what she was saying.


She is begging God!

Suddenly such an idea popped into my mind, I don't even know how it came up, but the fact is, I know exactly what this woman is doing!
Suddenly, I found that I could control my body, so, curious to hear what she was saying, I walked towards the woman lightly.

"Zhang Qi."

The woman with her back to me actually called out my name.

While I was surprised, I quickened my pace, but I found that no matter how I walked, I still couldn't get in front of this woman.

damn it!
This voice is very familiar to me, she is definitely someone I know!
As long as, as long as I see her face, I can recognize who she is...

To my surprise, after this woman bowed three times in front of the statue, she turned around slowly, and I also saw her face, which was very clear, her eyebrows and eyes perfectly coincided with the one in my memory .

It's Yucheng Yao!

How could it be Yucheng Yao?Why does she worship this statue?
I was surprised and delighted, knowing that this was a dream, but I still couldn't help getting excited. I crossed thousands of mountains and rivers to come to the Palace of the Queen Mother of the West. Apart from lifting the curse on my body, I just wanted to find her!
It's a pity, it's a pity that I can't make a sound, I can't speak, and I can't get close to her.

It's so close, but for me, it's like a moat that cannot be crossed.

He could only stand quietly in front of her, looking at her.

However, Yucheng Yao turned around again as if she didn't see me, and she started walking towards the statue step by step
do not go!

My intuition tells me that no matter what, Yucheng Yao must not be allowed to walk in front of the statue, otherwise there will be a result that I don't want to see.

I was very anxious, but there was nothing I could do.

After Yucheng Yao took the last step, her whole body began to separate and disintegrate, turning into little stars and flying into the statue.

And at this time, I actually saw that the kind-hearted stone statue smiled!
Suddenly, my brain buzzed.

It's as if there are countless villains talking in my brain, making my whole brain almost explode!
"stop fighting!"

I can finally make a sound!
But at the same time, everything in front of me disappeared, replaced by Ouyang Ye's sweet face.

At this moment, she looked at me with worry in her eyes and called my name over and over again.

"why you?"

I asked in a daze.

But when I asked, Ouyang Ye was so anxious that she was about to cry. She said in a crying voice, "What are you talking about? Is there something uncomfortable? Tell me, don't scare me... ..."

It wasn't until then that I came back to my senses.

He quickly hugged her in his arms and comforted her softly, "It's okay, I'm fine, I just had a terrible nightmare..."

Is it a dream?
I asked myself over and over again in my heart, but the results I got were the same. It was not a dream, but something that really happened to me. As for why it happened, I don't know.

Maybe, maybe it's because of the curse, maybe, maybe it's because this is the underground world.

In short, everything is possible.

I couldn't help but look towards the peaks outside the layers of woods.

Today, when I get there, can I see what I saw in my dream?

After comforting Ouyang Ye for a while, she finally returned to normal, wiped away her tears, covered her face shyly and ran to me, while I started to pack my things and prepare to go.

When I went out, I realized that Ursula had been waiting for me for a long time, and even invited some people to hold a farewell ceremony for me.

I couldn't help but smile, that's right, it's time to celebrate sending me away, the plague god in their eyes.

Ouyang Ye and I left the tribe and started heading towards the Palace of the Queen Mother of the West.

However, not long after I entered the woods, I discovered something was wrong. There were large scratches on many tree trunks.

Here, there are beasts?
Experience tells me that these scratches should be cut by some kind of animal's claws.

But just by looking at the depth of these scratches, it can be estimated that this kind of animal may be different from what I usually see.

A roar came from the depths of the woods, and the ground trembled slightly.


Ouyang Ye and I looked at each other, then hid next to a tree and stared at the depths of the jungle.

The roar tells me that the 'beast' is very close!
And the shaking of the ground is proof that it is running towards us!

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