Different from their nervousness, I feel that it is normal. After all, it seems that they are just some floating and glowing bones, and they do not pose any threat to us.

"Damn it, what the hell is it!"

Fire Monkey shot and looked at the team leader. This thin man has given each of us a great sense of security in the past two days. Almost no matter what we do, we will subconsciously ask for his opinion.

This time is no exception.

"do not know."

Rarely, the team leader shook his head, staring at those balls of light, his thick eyebrows furrowed.

Is there something this man doesn't know?
I couldn't help laughing, and yes, although the team leader seemed to know everything when he talked about Death Valley, he is also a human being, and there will always be things that I don't know, otherwise I wouldn't be as nervous as I am now.

"Stop shooting, stop wasting bullets."

Suddenly, the team leader stopped everyone. He took a deep breath and said, "Wait and see, don't act rashly without my order!"


The other four team members answered in a low voice.

Fire Monkey also put down his gun, and together with the team members, kept the two women in the middle, while Wei Hang sat in the corner blankly, trembling.

"What the hell are these things?"

The fire monkey said in a deep voice.

"Who knows."

I replied to him casually, and my eyes continued to stay on those light clusters. Some of them were intertwined in three or five, and some of them drifted slowly to one side alone. Although the light was very faint, they gathered together and emitted The light that comes out is enough to illuminate the grass.

These things... seem to be pieced together?
I vaguely guessed their intentions, but I couldn't be sure. After all, this scene was too unbelievable. It was even more nonsense than what I encountered in the ancient city.

These things are all broken bones. If you smash them with a little force, they will turn into slag. What kind of force is supporting them to float and piece together?
Moreover, judging from the countless light clusters, there are quite a few of them!
"It's midnight..."

After a long time, a team member glanced at the watch on his wrist and murmured.

And at this time, not far in front of me, there is a light cluster made up of hundreds of bone fragments, which are almost pieced together into a skeleton!

We can also see what he looks like.

It's about the same as a normal person, but from the perspective of the skeleton, the height of more than two meters is enough to surpass most people, and the most important thing is that behind the pelvis without the skeleton, there is a tailbone that looks like a spine. At the end, there is a ball that looks very hard!
Honglu people!
I was shocked from the bottom of my heart, this skeleton was from the lineage of Honglu people!So the other skeletons here that are about to be pieced together were also Honglu people during their lifetime?

Death Valley, which is infinitely close to Kunlun Mountain, was once the place where Honglu people thrived!
"This is... a person?"

"Have you ever seen someone with a long tail and a ball?"

At this time, the low-pitched communication voices of several team members came over, but they did not distract my attention.

I suddenly thought of Prince Loulan, he wanted to find the God King before he was alive, the God King who was rumored to live in Kunlun Mountain!It was also he who learned of the place where the God King lived, that's why he raised a large army and attacked the residents in the Kunlun area.

Although the God King appeared in the end, what Prince Loulan received was not the divine grace of immortality, but the divine punishment that overthrew the whole country!
Is it possible that the skeletons I see now are the Honglu people who were massacred by Prince Loulan back then?

But their corpses have turned into broken bones. What kind of strength is supporting them to piece together?Thus showing such a weird scene?
I really can't figure it out, and I can only attribute the cause of all this to that unpredictable God King!
The one who can live the dead and bring down the grace of gods, and can also overthrow the dynasty in an instant and bring divine punishment, the king of gods!

Once again, I think of the catastrophe that Gu Loulan encountered in the last words of Prince Loulan. That kind of power is beyond the reach of science now!
Could it be an atomic bomb?

But 500 years ago, most of the races in the world hadn't had time to develop. Even Huaguo, which has a cultural heritage of 5000 years, was only living by farming in the feudal era at that time!
"What are you thinking?"

One of the fire monkeys heard in his ear, and now he is not as nervous as he was at the beginning, and even put a cigarette on it, watching leisurely.

After all, these ghost-like things have not threatened us yet.

"It's nothing."

I came back to my senses and smiled slightly.

"If you don't say it, don't say it."

Fire Monkey rolled his eyes and sat down too.

After another hour, many of the skeletons we saw had been pieced together into human-like appearances. They were like simple residents in ancient times, eating, sleeping, and farming, vividly staged in front of our eyes. A scene from a thousand years ago.

It was astounding to see.

Until the end, we saw the appearance of these dimly glowing skeletons being slaughtered one by one, but then, those who had not been killed all knelt down, looked up at the sky and kowtowed.

"What are they worshiping?"

Ouyang Ye's voice was as thin as a mosquito, she seemed to be afraid that if she made a loud voice, these strange things would be disturbed.

"Ghost knows."

One of the team members sighed, "I really saw a ghost..."

Probably, they are worshiping their beliefs and enshrining the god king.I guessed.

Although these things seem to be invisible to us, but with their existence, we all have no sleepiness, and just sat in place one by one all night.

Until the first ray of dawn in the sky the next day, the bones spread out again, wrapped in light balls, and drifted back to nowhere.

Even the skull I picked up was gone.

We are about to start our journey. However, except for me who is still full of energy, the rest of the team is not in a good state of mind. Only the team leader has a resolute face, showing no trace of fatigue.

But anyone with a discerning eye knows that he is the one who takes the most work in the team, and he is very tired.

When we packed up our things and were about to set off, the team leader counted the number of people as usual, but after counting three times in a row, something was still wrong.

"We're missing someone."


The fire monkey looked left and right, scratched its head and said, "There are not many people, let's go quickly, don't waste time, go a little longer, and then take a rest!"

"There are fewer people!"

The team leader reminded again.

Few people... who could be missing?
My gaze passed over the team leader, the four team members, the fire monkey, and the two women...why does something seem wrong?
Wei Hang!

I suddenly remembered the white-eyed wolf with broken arms!He is gone!

Yes, the white-eyed wolf with broken arms is gone!

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