I couldn't help being curious. Although it took a lot of effort, it was still stiff. I dug it out from the hard frozen soil with my bare hands.

However, after digging it out, I discovered that it was just a fragment of a skull.

Palm-sized, white as jade, with subtle arcs and many small bumps, it looks like a work of art.

"A lot of people have been here before, but most of them died. That's why this place is called a forbidden place for the living. That's how the name Death Valley came about."

The captain saw the skull fragments in my hand and said lightly, "It's nothing unusual, let's continue on our way. Before dark, we must at least get out of this area where the permafrost melts. I think no one wants to sleep in the swamp. Bar?"

"I know."

I nodded and responded with a few words casually, maybe I wanted to find something to entertain me on the boring road, or for some other reason.

During the rest of the journey, I kept looking at this skull fragment.

From the appearance, I can't tell which species this fragment belongs to, but somehow it gives me a very friendly feeling, as if the owner of this skull was a close friend with me during his lifetime.

This unexplainable strange feeling troubled me all the way.

As night fell and we emerged from the swamp and set up camp, I was still playing with the fragment of my skull that had nearly turned me into a corpse.

Maybe it's because I'm so fascinated by my appearance, even Ouyang Ye couldn't help but give me a few blank glances, "Look, can you still see a flower?"

But at this, I just smiled awkwardly.

After she said that, I stuffed the skull into my pocket. After all, I have been looking at it for a whole day, and I really didn't find anything special about this fragment.

Before going to sleep, the team leader gathered us together, "We have reached the center of Death Valley, and we are probably less than two days away from our destination. If the road ahead is easy, we will be there within a day and a half." , now, take a good rest."

As soon as the words fell, a few team members walked into the tent. They had been driving for a day, and they couldn't bear it even if they were beaten by iron, not to mention that they still had nearly two days to go.

And Li Xin and Ouyang Ye were also very tired. The two women were relatively weak, and they couldn't stand the toss.

But for a moment, only me and the fire monkey were left outside the tent.


I don't know where Fire Monkey got a pack of cigarettes, lit one himself, and then handed me another.

"Come on one?"


I shook my head, not in the mood.

He didn't force me. After exhaling a few puffs of smoke rings, he threw the cigarette butt away, and immediately got into the tent.

The environment here is damp and cold, so I don't worry about causing a fire or something.

As soon as the fire monkey left, I was the only one left outside the camp, staring at the knee-deep grassland in a daze. My physique is different from ordinary people. Even after driving for a day, I will not be too tired, but there is always a restraint in my heart. Unstoppable fatigue.

I don't know what happened to Yucheng Yao and Xiao Qing...

Since the last farewell to the deserted island, I have never seen Yucheng Yao again.

And the strong magnetic environment in Death Valley made it impossible for me to contact the old professor, let alone know Xiao Qing's current situation.

Although I know it's useless to worry, when I think of them, my heart can't help being touched.


I got up with a long sigh, narrowed my eyes slightly, felt the cold wind from Kunlun, and planned to go back to the tent to rest.

In any case, it is better to maintain the best condition first, and then talk about it after finding Yucheng Yao.

But before I took two steps, I felt a bit itchy on my thigh, so I stopped abruptly and scratched subconsciously, but what my finger touched was not my leg, but a hard object in my trouser pocket.

Skull fragments?

I was slightly shocked in my heart. If I didn't feel wrong, just now, the palm-sized skull seemed to shake.

Yes, it is shaking!Like the vibrate mode of a mobile phone.

But this is just a fragment of a skull that was left over from many years ago!
I suppressed the shock in my heart and took it out, only to find that it was exuding a strange, pale green shimmer. Although it was so dim that it could be ignored, it was indeed glowing.

It trembled in my hand, as if it was about to leave my palm.

I frowned slightly and put it on the ground.

But just when I wanted to observe what would happen to it, people rushed out of several other tents one after another. The first one to come out was a special operations team member, his number was four, and he was at the bottom of the team.

His expression was flustered with a hint of solemnity, and he was holding a gun.

He looked terrified.


I was a little puzzled, didn't he enter the tent with another team member to sleep?Why are you so scared? Did you see a ghost?

But when I just opened my mouth, I closed my mouth again.

No. [-], who slept in the same tent as No. [-], also rushed out. His face was as ugly as No. [-], he was panting heavily, and his forehead was slightly sweating.


Immediately afterwards, there was a woman's uncontrollable scream, which was particularly ear-piercing in this empty Death Valley.

Ouyang Ye and Li Xin also came out.

"Yes, there are ghosts!"

Ouyang Ye's tender little face was filled with horror, his whole body was trembling, and he hugged Li Xin's arm tightly, as if this could give her a sense of security.

But Li Xin was not much better.

Normally, I would feel that they were making a fuss, and that they must be dazzled, but when all the people gathered in the center of the camp, I realized that something was unusual.

"Everyone is on alert!"

The team leader pulled off his winter clothing and took out a bright flashlight from inside. He turned it on, but turned it off again.

What is this for?
Suddenly, Fire Monkey turned his head to look at me. I clearly saw his pupils shrank and his expression became more tense. He took a step towards me, grabbed my shoulder and pulled towards him.

"Here, too!"

The other team members were shocked when they heard this, and aimed their guns at my back.

have what?
I suddenly discovered that I seemed to be the only one here who was confused and didn't know the situation.


The fire monkey pursed its lips behind me, and I subconsciously looked over, but as soon as I put my gaze on it, I understood why they were so nervous.

The skull I threw on the ground just now floated up strangely, surrounded by a faint, hazy green light group, and looking at the distance, large and small green light groups are moving towards us Float!

Even in our tent, many light clusters flew out.

Without exception, each light cluster is wrapped with a bone, leg bone, spine, finger bone!


When the leader gave an order, gunshots rang out, and most of the surrounding light groups were shot down in an instant, but it seemed that this had little effect.

In less than half a minute, the light ball that was shot down floated up again!

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