Wang Gang's anger has reached its peak. Seeing him like that, he really wants to tear me apart.

I did not choose to explain or resist.

The matter has come to this point, no matter how much you say, it is impossible to bring the dead back to life, so it is better to let him vent his emotions, so that he can feel more comfortable after venting his emotions.

But Fire Monkey and Yang Hui didn't think so.

"You didn't know what was going on at the time? The number of gas masks was not large, and it was not enough for so many people, and the situation was urgent. How did you ask us to hand over the gas masks to you? Life and death are destiny, that's all Life!"

The fire monkey pulled away Wang Gang's hand from my collar, and looked at him coldly.

What he said were all the truth, but it was these big truths that were most unpleasant.

Wang Gang was stimulated.

He was slightly stunned, staring blankly at the gas mask on the ground.

Suddenly, he smiled, with a bit of misery in his ferocious smile, his already chapped mouth was dripping with blood, and his laughter made people's heart shudder, "I don't even have a whole corpse for so many brothers, you Tell me this is fate? Oh, thanks to your words..."

Wang Gang looked a little crazy at this time, almost like a mental patient, and no one was sure what kind of crazy things he would do next.

Even, the fire monkey has already picked up the gun.

Is this going to be a fight?

I didn't want to see such a result, so I hurriedly shook my head, signaling him to put the gun down.

Even if Wang Gang is really crazy, it is impossible to do anything to us.

After all, Wang Gang, who was extremely dehydrated, even had weak fists, let alone the three of us. Even if he really fought, it would be easy to subdue Wang Gang, and there was no need to use a gun to add to the tension.

Fire Monkey also understood this, he frowned, and put down his gun despite some reluctance.

It was at this time that Wang Gang fell to the ground with a plop and passed out.

"team leader!"

The guard stepped forward two steps hastily, helped Wang Gang up, and only breathed a sigh of relief when he found out that Wang Gang was still breathing.

"He just passed out from dehydration."

I picked up the water bottle that Wang Gang threw on the ground and put it in the hands of the team members, "Just feed him some water, let's spend the night here tonight, maybe we can wait for someone like you and Captain Wang to survive .”

Although we lost most of our supplies, we are not in a hurry.

Moreover, this is also a decision after the three of us discussed together.

"Thank you."

He glanced at me gratefully, and then said hesitantly, "Captain Wang is a very nice person... It's just that he has encountered too many things this time, and many brothers have died. Captain, he won't be able to accept it for a while..."

Saying that, he sighed.

The fire monkey Yang Hui and I were left relatively silent.

Before the accident, Wang Gang left an excellent impression on us and took great care of us. We can understand how he is now.

The night passed like that.

But the endless yellow sand in all directions tells us that even if there are still a few people alive, we will not be able to wait for a while.

We can waste a day or even two here, but every part of the food and water consumed makes the rest of the journey more difficult.

Wang Gang woke up at noon.

No matter what we said to him, he kept his head down and said nothing.

"If we can't wait for any more people today, we should set off. The remaining water and food can't bear the consumption. It won't last more than three days. We have to kill a camel for rations."

I looked at the guards squatting beside Wang Gang, and said flatly.

He smiled wryly, "It's just up to you to decide."

"We are still about [-] kilometers away from the place where the previous team sacrificed. If we hurry up, we should arrive the day after tomorrow, but..."

Yang Hui took out a map and pointed to the red triangle mark in the center.

"Since when are you still playing tricks?"

Fire Monkey frowned, a little puzzled.

I took a look at the map, and compared our location, and I probably understood Yang Hui's hesitation.

"We may not be able to find the location where the advance team died. The sandstorm has probably wiped out all traces."

The triangular marker on the map looks like the size of a thumb, but its actual extent is surprisingly large.

With only a few of us, it is too difficult to find the location where the advance team was destroyed from such a large area, and the possibility is very slim.

But we seem to have no way out.

The remaining food is not enough to support us to go back the same way, but there should be enough supplies in the place where the advance team was wiped out. If we are lucky enough to find the things left by the previous team members, the journey can continue .

Although many things are lost, it is not difficult to determine the direction. You only need to find the North Star in the clear night sky to discern the approximate position.

Fortunately, I have already marked it in advance, so it will not deviate too much from the destination.

Since we have wasted two days in place, we set off before dawn on the second day, and traveling when it is cool can save us from consuming some water.

And, the rewards along the way make us feel closer and closer to where the advance party falls.

"This is already the fourth flashlight I've picked up..."

The Fire Monkey licked his dry lips and threw the flashlight aside.

This portable model is the same as the model we have equipped. Obviously, this is something left by the previous team. It can be seen that we should be very close to the destination.

But sometimes, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

One day, two days, until midnight on the third day, there was still a plain of sandy land around us. During this period, we picked up a lot of daily necessities used by the advance team, probably blown by the sandstorm.

But so far we haven't found a place.

Today is the longest day we have traveled, because it is already eleven o'clock in the evening, and we still haven't stopped.

But according to the specific distance, we should have arrived early.

"Are you sure you haven't misjudged the direction? If you go on like this, I will be useless. We haven't drunk water for at least twelve hours. It's not good, it's really not good..."

Panting heavily, the fire monkey sat down against the camel.

"The direction must be right."

"However, if we don't replenish water, let alone find the place where the previous team sacrificed, we may not even survive tomorrow..."

Yang Hui lied on the back of the camel and said weakly, she has been unable to walk since yesterday, but we had to unload some useless things and let her ride on the camel.

But even so, her physical condition plummeted.

The physical condition of Wang Gang and his team members is also very bad, but they have been gritting their teeth to hold on.

Each of us is so dehydrated that I can't even think mentally, this is not going to work, it's time to act!

I took the gun, aimed it at the head of one of the camels, and pulled the trigger.

At this moment, if we want to survive, we must replenish water, and in order to obtain water, we can only find a way from these camels.

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