I don't know how long this sandstorm lasted, I can only feel a large amount of sand constantly accumulating around my body.

The space for my body to move is extremely limited. Even with a gas mask that assists in breathing, it is difficult for my lungs to expand. Only by speeding up my breathing rate can my lungs have enough oxygen.

Every breath will bring a great burden to my body. After a period of time, I will feel tired.

I finally passed out uncontrollably.

When I woke up, my whole body was buried under the sand. Fortunately, the burial was not deep, and the oxygen in the gas mask had not been exhausted.

With great effort, I crawled out of the sand.

I remember very clearly that before the sandstorm swept over, we were in a depression surrounded by sand dunes, but now it is a flat land with soft yellow sand under our feet.


I took off my gas mask and took a deep breath.

There is still a smell of sand and dust in the air, and the hot sun is extremely dazzling, but my mood is extremely relaxed and comfortable.

It feels so good to be alive!
I didn't have much time to feel emotional, because I found that there was no one around me except me.

Right next to the sandpit I climbed out of, there was a camel's head. Its big nostrils closed and closed, making the sound of airflow. There were several camels showing their heads around them. They were all alive, but buried in the sand. When it reaches the neck, it cannot move, so it is no wonder that it is called the ship of the desert.

If my guess is right, Fire Monkey and Yang Hui should be in front of me.

Women are preferred, and in terms of physical strength alone, I believe that a big man like a fire monkey can definitely last longer, so I roughly estimated the position of the camel's hind legs, and dug it down with two bare hands.

The soft sand is not easy to dig, and every time a handful of sand is dug out, there will be sand flowing in from the surrounding area.

It is a thankless job, not to mention time-consuming and labor-intensive, and it has to be exposed to the vicious sun.

The sand baked by the sun is a bit hot to the touch, and a rush of high temperature hits my face when I bend down, making people want to give up, but I still hold back.

After only 10 minutes, my clothes were soaked with sweat, but I also saw a glimmer of results from my actions.

I've already seen Yang Hui's hair!

I saw her wink at me through the gas mask as I dug away the sand covering her head.

"I thought I was going to hang up."

she said half-jokingly.

Because it was separated by a gas mask, it sounded muffled.

I shrugged and worked with her to pull her out of the sand with all my strength. At this moment, the ground on our right hand suddenly trembled, and then I stretched out a hand.

Fire monkeys are also alive.

Yang Hui and I also looked at each other and smiled, without taking a breath, we hurried forward to rescue the fire monkey.

By the way, the camel that saved our life was also pulled out of the sand.

At this time, we were able to breathe a sigh of relief, leaning against the camel, sitting on the scorching sand to rest.

This camel has a good temper and is very docile. After it came out, it even rubbed my hand affectionately.

And the two big bags on its back were still there. Yang Hui rummaged inside for a while and took out two bottles of water. Her face was a little ugly, but she forced a smile.

"Most of them are tools. There is no food, and there are only these two bottles of water. Let's make do with it first, and dig out the others after taking a breather."

For the three of us hungry and thirsty adults, two bottles of less than a liter of water were pitifully small.

But something is better than nothing.

Fire Monkey and Yang Hui knew that I put in the most effort, so they gave me a bottle of water without hesitation. At this time, I was not polite and drank it all in one gulp.

But I was still thirsty, thirsty as hell.

After resting for a while, we set out to rescue the others, digging from noon till night, resting a little in the shade under the camels when we were tired.

But at the end of the whole day, we only found a few hard corpses, and we didn't even see a living person.

The noses, mouths and ears of several corpses were filled with sand, and their deaths were miserable.

Moreover, there are several camels that are missing even people. What's worse, the missing camels carry most of our water and food, which is the basis for our survival in the desert.

We have no choice but to expend some more effort to push the body back into the bunker and bury it. This is the minimum respect for the dead.

"Damn it, after working hard for a long time, none of the living people were saved..."

Huohou sat down on the ground and let out a long breath.

"And there is not much food and water, probably only enough to last us for three days."

This sad news is heartbreaking.

It was also the first time that I was a little panicked when faced with this situation. After all, this is a desert, not a rainforest like a deserted island.

In the hinterland of the Taklimakan Desert, there are so few living species that it can be said that there are no species.

Even if we still have guns on hand, there is no way to hunt to satisfy our hunger.

Yang Hui's mentality is very optimistic.

"It's okay, at least we still have four camels now. It's really not good. We can eat camel meat and drink camel blood. It shouldn't be a big problem to survive for a while."

Indeed, when I saw the four camels standing beside us, the fluster in my heart disappeared.

"Only you are optimistic."

Yang Hui shook her head helplessly.

Night came soon, but tonight we didn't have tents or sleeping bags, so we could only lie dry on the sand, with the sky as our quilt and the ground as our bed, and fell asleep looking at the stars.

The three of us leaned together to keep each other warm.

"Do you think I have hallucinations? Or do I see ghosts?"

When everything was terribly quiet, Fire Monkey spoke suddenly, with a hint of self-mockery in his tone.


Yang Hui and I followed his gaze at the same time, and we were also surprised.

In the distance, several dark things are slowly approaching us. Although we can't see them very clearly, judging from the outlines, they must be people!
"There are still people alive!"

Yang Hui was a little excited, and immediately stood up and waved.

But Fire Monkey handed me a gun slowly, I understood what he meant.

Since approaching the hinterland of the desert a few days ago, strange things have happened one after another. Those few seem to be human, but who can guarantee that they are ours?

The speed of those black shadows was not fast, and it took more than an hour before they came to us.

We breathed a sigh of relief when we saw people.

It was Wang Gang and another guard.

The two of them looked tired and their lips were chapped. It seemed that they were taken to other places by the sandstorm, but fortunately they were not far from us, and they were lucky enough to find us after surviving.

"You're still alive, huh, that's great, I thought there were only three of us left."

Fire Monkey put down the gun in his hand, laughed a few times in relief, and then strode over, making a gesture to pat Wang Gang on the shoulder.

Wang Gang forced a smile, looked at the corpses lying not far from us, with a bit of bitterness on his lips.

I took out a small amount of water and handed it to him.

However, when I just handed the water to him, his whole body froze, and the hand holding the water bottle was shaking, so he threw the water bottle on the ground, raised his bloodshot eyes and stared at me. , suddenly grabbed my collar and yelled at me.

"You son of a bitch! I and my brothers tried their best to protect you, but you have to hide even this kind of thing! If you took out the gas mask earlier, so many of my brothers would not be able to live longer died!"

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