"Actually, there are still legends about you, but thousands of years have passed, and not many people believe in the legends anymore."

Seeing that the little volcanic natives were quite excited, I hurriedly spoke up, so as not to cause a lot of trouble if this group of people got excited and wanted to fight us again.

Seeing what I said now, Wang Jin and the others also nodded one after another. Everyone's words finally stabilized the emotions of these little natives a lot.

After the group of people stabilized, my mind was on Sister Man.

"Dare to ask what to call this person, is she your leader?"

I tried to ask the bearded man who looked a little humble.

Since we tried to contact these aborigines, Sister Man has been silent, just staring at us indifferently, which makes me feel a little puzzled.

What is her status among this group of natives?

But at this moment, after hearing my question, the aboriginal bearded man's eyes became vigilant, "You want to plot against our saint?"


After I heard it, I felt very strange, why Sister Man became their saint again, I really wanted to arrest all these people and torture them.

But at this moment, in this place full of high-temperature steam, it is obviously not good for us to do it immediately. Even if we want to exterminate them, we will lose a lot.

If it was only me, I would definitely do this, but I guess it is impossible for Wang Jin to give such an order in order to take the overall situation into consideration.

We must preserve our strength, because now, the company's people don't know where they are, and we must guard against them.

I tried to talk to Sister Man in Chinese, but I shouted a lot to her, but she stared at me in confusion, as if she didn't understand what I was talking about.

It left me, too, confused and heartbroken.

Is she Miss Man?
Is it just two people who look very similar?
Legend has it that two people who look exactly the same can be found in the world, and two similar flowers will always bloom in the world.

Isn't this so-called volcanic saint, sister Man, just a flower similar to sister Man?

Or, what happened to Sister Man, and she lost her original memory?

You know, after Sister Man fell into the underground river, she must have experienced a lot underground. The underground of this weird desert island is too mysterious. Until now, we cannot explain many of its secrets with science.

Sister Man's chances of surviving are very slim.

She survived now and became the saint of the volcano natives. There must have been many, many things that happened that I couldn't even think of.

It is very possible that she has changed, had an accident, and no longer recognizes me.

I was thinking like this in my heart, but I heard the bearded man say this.

"I advise you to take care of yourself and leave here quickly. The annual catastrophe is coming soon, and the devil will also exert its power. Not many people will survive by then!"

The bearded man said to us indifferently, and then he was not going to continue talking to us, but started to retreat vigilantly, not knowing where they were going.

"We must continue to move forward and find the eruption vent of this underground volcano. According to the detector, we should go this way!"

After discussing with the group of scientific researchers, Wang Jin chose the direction, which was very close to the direction the little natives left.However, there are also slight deviations.

We continued in that direction, and it didn't take long for everyone to feel a little confused.

Because, as we moved forward, the surrounding temperature actually began to drop slightly, and the terrifying high-temperature steam around us also began to disappear.

Could it be that we are heading in the wrong direction and are starting to move away from the center of the volcanic eruption?

"This direction is not wrong, but you see, the composition of the rocks at the bottom of our feet has changed a lot compared to before. If I guessed correctly, the rocks under our feet should be formed after the magma solidified, and the rocks here The magma seems to be different from the composition of the outside world, these rocks are very special!"

Li Xin said with a serious face, while also scraping off a lot of powder from the rock surface, and packed them up, it seems that he is going to take it back and study it.

"Since this kind of volcanic rock has appeared, it means that we are almost close to our destination. This is the area covered by volcanic eruptions over the years. We are infinitely close to the truth!"

Wang Jin said excitedly.

There is excitement in our team.

Only I feel very dangerous. This place is full of this kind of volcanic rock, which means that once the volcano erupts, this area will be flooded by magma.

Aren't we all going to die at any moment?

Wang Jin must have concealed something from me. How can they get that source from the magma?
Regarding the source, Wang Jin and the others must have not told me many details.

Amidst my suspicions, our group continued to head towards the center of the volcano. After walking for a long time, a strange stone forest appeared in front of us.

Huge stones like towering ancient trees towered from the ground, forming a forest of stones.

"If I'm not wrong, this should be a forest in ancient times. I don't know why the whole thing became a fossil, and then fell into this magma zone, and was constantly wrapped in cooling magma, forming a natural forest. Miracle!"

Li Xin pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said professionally.

As far as I know, if plants become fossils, they will become so-called coal, oil, etc., which can maintain the shape and texture of plants. The outside world only knows petrified wood?
So the forest in front of us is composed of petrified wood and cooled magma?

Of course, I'm not an expert in this area, and I don't know much about it, and there may be some mistakes or omissions.

Perhaps the core of these stone forests is not petrified wood, but some other unknown material.

The more we know, the more we marvel at the uncanny craftsmanship of nature, some things are really unimaginable.

However, the point is not how these miraculous underground stone forests were formed. The key now is that we found that there are many artificial traces above these stone forests.

There are various carvings on the top of many stone forests.

If it weren't for a researcher who happened to pick up a special telescope with a searchlight and look up, I'm afraid it would be difficult to find.

"Look, most of the carvings on these stone forests are gathered at positions above eight meters, and there are no carvings on the stones and trees below eight meters. This is definitely a great discovery that is very beneficial to us!"

Wang Jin shouted excitedly.

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