The weapons of this group of aborigines are some kind of poisonous darts. Although they are far less powerful than guns, at this moment, with the help of those high-temperature steam, the aborigines barely have the upper hand.

Of course, I know that this is likely to be temporary, because there are two very terrifying biochemical humans on the side of the little devil. The strength of those two guys, coupled with the power of modern weapons, is really terrifying.

Perhaps among this group of small volcano natives, there are guys with strong individuals like me, but compared to the little devils, they lack powerful modern weapons, and they will definitely suffer.

I thought, I have to help Sister Man.

I shouted Sister Man's name loudly, and rushed towards the little natives.

But something happened that surprised me. Sister Man looked at me very indifferently, as if she was looking at a stranger. Those little natives seemed to regard me as an enemy like the little devils in the island country. A poisonous arrow was shot at me.

I never thought that Sister Man and the others would attack me.

Although they avoided some of the arrows, they still got hit on the thigh and waist. Fortunately, their arrows are actually closer to darts. They don't rely on sharp arrows to hurt people, but rely on with some kind of toxin.

And I happen to be the kind of person who is not afraid of toxins.

Although my appearance has been modified by Lie Shanqiu and the others, and my voice has also changed slightly, but if I don't deliberately lower my voice, people who are familiar with me can still recognize my voice.

And even if Sister Man really doesn't recognize me, her expression shouldn't be so indifferent when she hears someone shouting her name.

I have a vague feeling that there seems to be some change in Sister Man's body that I don't know about.

The fact that she became the leader of this group of volcanic natives is also very strange in itself.

Although it was only for a moment, I had already thought of many things in my mind. At this moment, those little natives were attacking me crazily, but it made me feel a little tricky.

Although I am not afraid of those poisonous arrows, behind me, when those islanders found me, they also yelled and wanted to attack me.

It seems that these little devils must have information about me, and they know me.

All of a sudden, I feel like I am being attacked from the back.

So, I simply stepped back a few steps, and killed the group of little devils from the side.

This group of little devils may be at a disadvantage for the time being, but if the two cyborgs come over later, it is still a question of whether these natives can hold back.

So, I decided to kill some islanders first.

The weapons in the hands of those islanders are undoubtedly very advanced and lethal, but the current environment is too complicated for them to shoot properly.

And my reaction speed is not comparable to these ordinary little devils.

Of course, more importantly, behind me, Wang Jin and the others have already raised their guns and aimed at those little devils one by one.

The sound of gunshots instantly resounded throughout the battlefield.

And seeing me rushing towards those little devils, those volcano natives stopped attacking me. After all, their primary target at the moment should be those little devils.

So, the current situation is that me, Wang Jin, and the volcano natives have begun to form a pincer attack on the little devils.

Although the little devils were powerful, they couldn't stand such an attack, and were soon beaten to pieces, screaming again and again.

In a short while, five or six people died, and there were probably seven or eight seriously injured.

This made them unable to hold on any longer, and they screamed strangely one by one, and then retreated towards the distance.

Seeing that the little devils ran away, we didn't chase them. The main reason is that the terrain in the underground magma is too weird. If we continue to chase them, if we accidentally encounter some natural trap, maybe those little devils will seize the opportunity to attack us.

Moreover, the two cyborgs among them are also very powerful, we don't want to fight them yet.

And after those little devils left, those volcano natives didn't continue to attack us for a while.

It's not that Sister Man recognized me again. Judging from their appearance, it seems that because we also attacked their enemies, those little devils, their hostility towards us has weakened a lot.

"We have no malice, who are you, can we talk to you?"

I shouted in the native language, and at the same time motioned for the little native Mera and the lizard brother Abu to come over.

The volcanic aborigines immediately softened their faces when they saw the people with tails among us, but they still did not put down their weapons, and watched us warily from a distance.

"Outsiders, this is not the place you should come to. This is the resting place of the devil. Didn't the elders of your clan teach you?"

Beside Sister Man, a gray-skinned aborigine with a beard who looked a little older said this.

"The resting place of the devil? We haven't heard of it. Who are you?"

This time it was Mira who spoke.

Meira's words made the faces of the group of aborigines a bit ugly, but the bearded man shook his head and said with great heartache, "It's unexpected that people outside have already forgotten about us!"

When he said this, he seemed to be very sorry for the pain, and even a little angry, "We Tuke clan, for the safety of all living beings, have endured for thousands of years in this vicious hell of flames, and never dare to forget our mission. The devil buried in the flames reappeared in the world, if it weren't for us, you people on the ground would have died in the hands of the devil long ago, and now you say you have never heard of us?"

The more this guy talked, the more excited he became. These little volcano natives all looked at us with cold faces.

This made us feel a little bad, but what he said made the people in our team look at each other in blank dismay, which was a bit of a pleasant surprise.

The devil in the flames this guy said is very likely the "source" we are looking for!
Buried deep in this subterranean flame is nothing but the source.

However, what this old guy said gave me a very bad premonition. Logically speaking, Lu and Huang both used Yuan to bestow divine favors back then.

Later, Huang spent a huge price and buried the source in an underground volcano, probably because he discovered something wrong with the source.

This is also why these volcanic natives will call Yuan the devil in the fire, and want to destroy the existence of the world.

But now, our task is to take this source out of the ground and reappear in the world.

Is it right for us to do this?

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