
Li Xin finally bit his lip in silence, but reached out and took out a black magnetic card from his pocket, "You take this thing with you..."

At first glance, the black magnetic card that Li Xin gave me is very similar to the information storage magnetic card that Eve gave me back then, but if you look carefully, you will find that the style of the magnetic card that Li Xin gave me is simpler, not as different as Eve’s. There are so many subtle circuits on the one Fu gave me.

"This card is a status symbol. If you encounter any trouble in the country in the future, you can contact us with this card."

It turns out that Li Xin's card is a status symbol, which is indeed very different from the one Eve gave me.

Although I feel that I may never use this card unless I have to, once I use it, doesn't it mean that I will contact their organization again?

However, thinking that this was Li Xin's wish, I still chose to accept it.

If this thing was given to me by Lucy or Wang Jin, I would definitely not accept it. Those two women seem to be very scheming, maybe there is some kind of positioning system installed in the card.

Seeing that I had accepted this card, Li Xin turned around and went back into the snow cave without saying a word.

I looked at the snow field she walked through, but found that a few crystal drops of ice trembled slightly in the wind. They were the tears she shed, condensed in the freezing weather, and they appeared under the aurora Glittering like pearls.

It is said that sharks will cry beads to the moon, because their tears will turn into pearls. In this extremely harsh environment, Li Xin shed pearl-like tears just like the legendary sharks...

"Goodbye, Li Xin, maybe we can see each other again, I hope that by then, we will all be ordinary people..."

I turned around and continued to walk towards the horizon step by step, thinking silently in my heart.

At this moment, my heart was filled with an inexplicable sense of depression.

Not only because of Li Xin, but also because, at this moment, the sky was getting darker and darker. It was supposed to be noon, but it felt like it was evening.

A huge snowstorm is coming!

If it is in other places, it will make people feel a little depressed and irritable at best, but in a place like Siberia, it will kill people!

Today, my physical fitness has already far surpassed that of ordinary people, but I am still a mortal after all. I still have a deep awe of nature. This kind of blizzard in a severe cold zone can drown many things, including me naturally.

I must find a shelter as soon as possible.

A safe and warm place far away from Li Xin and the others.

However, such a place is definitely not easy to find, because the road I am walking now is roughly the place we have been to before. If there is a suitable place to rest, Wang Jin and the others will definitely not let it go.

My wilderness survival experience is quite rich, but compared to Wang Jin and the others who have undergone professional training, it is still much worse.

In this way, I walked for about half an hour, but I still couldn't find a suitable place, but the sky became more and more gloomy.

The icy and biting wind also began to blow more and more. My face was already deeply hidden in the mask, but it was still very, very painful, as if a knife was constantly cutting.

Not long after, I suddenly felt some white things appeared in front of my eyes, which were small at first, but gradually became larger and larger.

The snow is starting to come!
In just a few minutes, the violent wind and snow drifted all over the world. The huge snow flakes seemed to fill everything up. They blocked my sight, and the violent wind was blowing crazily. They blinded my eyes. Ear.

The wind was so strong that every step I took was like a tug-of-war with someone else.

The horror of this arctic blizzard is beyond my imagination!
You know, my current strength is far beyond what ordinary people can match. If I were an ordinary man here, I am afraid that I would have been blown away by the snowstorm or buried by this time.

"Continue to walk like this, I am afraid that once my physical strength is exhausted, even I will die here."

I began to regret my recklessness. Of course, I didn't regret that I left Wang Jin and the others, but regret that I didn't stop earlier. Even if the place is not suitable, I should dig a snow cave for myself first.

My previous thought was that my strength was far beyond ordinary people, and I might be able to survive the blizzard for a while. Now it seems that I still overestimated myself and underestimated the mighty power of nature.

Not daring to delay any longer, I immediately squatted on the ground and started digging in the snow with a shovel.

In a snowstorm, it is extremely difficult to dig out a snow cave.

It takes a lot of strength for me to keep my feet, and I need to swing a shovel to dig snow.

And the hole I dug, the blizzard in the sky will rush to bury it.

If you are just an ordinary person, please don't learn from me.

When I finally successfully dug a snow cave and lay down to rest, I was so exhausted that I didn't even have the strength to move my fingers.

This is even more difficult than escaping from the mouths of those tongue worms yesterday!

In the midst of extreme fatigue and cold, I curled up and fell asleep shivering.

This sleep was very dark, as if he had already slept in this wind and snow forever.

I don't know how long I have been asleep, I only know that I woke up in the midst of hunger, cold and a suffocating pain!

Hunger and cold seem bearable to me now, as they are so common in regions like Siberia.

But that sense of suffocation made me swell up all over, and the great pain grabbed me tightly.

In the great pain, my head turned very quickly, and I immediately wanted to understand the reason.

In an emergency, the terrain of the snow slope I chose was not good. During the blizzard, too much snow accumulated on me, so that the snow cave I dug was buried!
This prevents the outside air from getting in, and the ice holes that I left like air holes are gone.

Fortunately, the snow cave has only been buried and has not yet collapsed, which means that the snow covering me is still very thick, and I still have a chance!

With all my strength, I struggled hard and planed frantically towards my right hand.

This is the direction where I left the ventilation hole. When I dug the snow cave, I considered this situation. According to the structure of the snow cave, digging from here will prevent the snow cave from collapsing, and the wind and snow covered here should be the least. .

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