Seeing my intimate behavior, Lucy blushed slightly, but she didn't resist.

Come to think of it, she agreed to Wang Jin last night, and she also knew that sooner or later we wanted something like that.

Thinking of this, this woman simply gave me a charming smile, and blew warmly into my ear, deliberately trying to seduce me, but it's a pity that it's so cold in a place where you can freeze into ice with just one breath, doing that kind of thing It is absolutely impossible.

I had no choice but to vent to her moving lips and kiss her...

Pretty soon, we're all a little emotional, but so what?In such a world of ice and snow, no matter what you do, you can only hold back. I think it's better not to be too intimate with Lucy, or you will force yourself to hold back later, and it will be too uncomfortable if you can't get up or down.

"We will continue when we reach the research base!"

Lucy whispered in my ear, the breath from her mouth and nose made me feel itchy and numb.

When she said that, I really wanted to go to their research base.

But I thought about it carefully, or forget it, what research base to go to?
At that time, even if we get along with Lucy, I'm afraid I still won't be able to escape the fate of being studied. A small agent like Lucy may not have much power in that kind of base, even if she sees our dewy love, I'm afraid there's nothing I can do to help.

This woman, Wang Jin, is even more of a research madman. If she says she wants to study me, she will be the first to jump out and support her.

As for Li Xin, I feel that this girl is the only one who might help me.But this girl is only doing academic research, and it must be very attractive to think that Li Xin is researching papers with glasses on.

Apart from this matter, Li Xin's abilities in other areas are relatively average, and she can't help me much.

So, I have made up my mind, I must leave tonight.

When they are all rested and asleep, I must go.

Everyone is exhausted tonight, and I'm sure they will sleep very deeply.

I quickly closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep.

Time passed bit by bit, and I squinted myself for a little while, but later, I kept listening to their breathing. It was about noon, and I felt that everyone must have fallen asleep very soundly.

Wang Jin's plan for everyone is to sleep directly for a day and a night, get up again in the daytime the next day, and wait until the sun comes out before trekking on the snow field.

After all, in a place like Siberia, if you want to drive on the snow field at night, it is no different from courting death.

Therefore, judging from people's sleep habits and psychology, this time is the time when they sleep most deeply.

I tentatively tried, called their names, and found that no one answered me, so I carefully pushed away Lucy's hand on my lap.

This woman is also used to be a little strange, fortunately we are wearing thick clothes, otherwise...

Okay, enough gossip, anyway, I quietly left the snow cave without being noticed by them.

After returning to the wilderness, there is endless white everywhere, and it is difficult to distinguish the direction, but now I have a very strong ability to survive in the wild.

I quickly judged east, west, north, south by observing the sun and shadows.

I chose to go north, and I'm going to walk back the way we came.

It will undoubtedly be colder in the north, and of course I am not looking for death, because my goal is to return to the coastline.

I want to walk along the coastline. Although the weather in Siberia is very cold and there are almost no people everywhere, there are many exceptions in the coastal areas of the Arctic Ocean.

Some warm ocean currents pass through the coastline, so there are some ice-free ports along the coast of the Arctic Ocean, forming cities that rely on ports.

For example, the famous ice-free port of Murmansk.

It is the capital of Russia's Murmansk Oblast and the largest port city along the Arctic Ocean. It is not frozen all year round and is quite prosperous.

My goal is this city.

This route is actually much safer than the route that Lucy and Wang Jin chose to go deep into Siberia.

It's just that Wang Jin is worried that once we appear in Russia, the research materials in our hands, such as the huge corpse of the withered king, are inexplicable and can easily fall into the hands of the Russians.

Anyway, there is their research institute in Siberia, so Wang Jin simply decided to cross this dead zone directly.

After all, for them, crossing Siberia is not like ordinary people, who are close to death.

However, I walked a few steps towards the north, and Li Xin shouted angrily behind me, "You bastard, where are you going!"

As soon as I heard her voice, I immediately felt a little bad. How did this woman find me, holding the grass, and shouting so loudly, wouldn't it wake up others?
I quickly turned my head and signaled her not to yell.

But seeing Li Xin looking at me with tears on her face, she cried and asked me, "Are you going to leave us and run away?"

I looked at her tears and was speechless for a moment, because at this time, an aurora appeared in the dark sky of Siberia.

The incomparably gorgeous light shone in Li Xin's eyes, making her at this moment as beautiful as a fairy in the sky.

Originally, even if the aurora appeared during the day, it would be covered by the sun's light, and it was so indifferent that it could hardly be seen. But at this moment, the sky in Siberia was very gray and covered with dark clouds, and it was obvious that a snowstorm was about to usher in.

In this case, even in the daytime, the aurora is so beautiful and breathtaking.

Of course, what is more touching is the person in front of me.

In the sky covered with dark clouds, the gorgeous aurora came from the horizon, under the aurora was endless white snow, and it was Li Xin's face with tears.

At this moment, she gave people a charming and charming taste, which was very pitiful.

She asked me if I could stay, she asked me why I was leaving, she didn't understand.

I really want to hug her and tell her that I will not go, I will accompany you to continue to go deep into Siberia.But I still shook my head violently at her. This woman still doesn't understand my situation.

I told her directly, "I have to go, the research base is very friendly to you, but I am different, don't you understand, I will be used by them and the corpse of the dry queen to study together."

Li Xin didn't think of this at all, and now hearing what I said, her face turned pale.

As one of the important members of their organization, Li Xin naturally understands the style of some people in their research base. It's fine if I don't talk about it. Now that I mention it, she immediately understands.

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