Food shortage is a big problem, but Wang Jin is an expert in wilderness survival. I have learned a lot from this woman. Under her leadership, although we are not too full, we will not be hungry.

I thought that our days would be so monotonous, but obviously I was wrong.

As we continued on our way, I suddenly smelled a bloody smell. I asked everyone to wait, and then followed the smell to find the past. As a result, I found a corpse in the snowdrift not far away.

This is the body of a man. Judging by the degree of freezing of the body, he should have been dead for less than five hours.

He was killed directly by cutting his throat.

Judging by his attire, he should be a native of Siberia.

This surprised us very much.

We have known for a long time that there are indigenous people in Siberia, and it is no secret in the world. In addition to the eternally frozen snow-capped mountains and bitterly cold areas, Siberia also has a fertile plain.

On the plains, live Khakass, Yakuts, Buryats, and northern minorities and other ethnic groups.

These people have created some very special civilizations there, and the scenery is beautiful and unique.

Of course, on the plains of Siberia, the most people are still Russians.

And the area we are in is the extremely cold area in northern Siberia. There are generally no people living here, and even if there is, it should be in the southerly area.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Wang Jin and his organization to secretly build a base here.

Because Lucy has a lot of research on culture and folk customs, we asked Lucy if we could tell what nationality this man is from through his clothing.

Lucy stared at the dead man's clothes for a long time, but she couldn't see why.

"I don't know, this man's clothes are very special, unlike any known ethnic minorities in Siberia."

Lucy's answer makes us even more surprised.

However, we are only a little curious. A corpse does not represent anything, nor can it stop us from moving forward.

However, the matter did not end like this. We walked for about ten minutes, and I smelled a smell of blood again.

Following the smell, I found another corpse, this time it was a female corpse, and the costume was very similar to that guy just now.

"The same is the throat cut to death, and the time of death is very similar."

Wang Jin checked it and said so.

A group of us continued to move forward, and soon found the corpse again. Back and forth, within an hour, we found seven or eight of them, both male and female, who died in the same way, and dressed in standard clothes.

"Could someone have caused a massacre nearby?"

Li Xin couldn't help but said.

"It may not be a massacre, but more like some kind of sacrificial ceremony."

Lucy frowned and said.

"The sacrificial ceremony?"

Wang Jin's complexion also became a little ugly, because the nation that can sacrifice in such a barbaric way is very likely not a friendly guy.

Moreover, since the outside world has never heard of this kind of nation, it is very likely that their attitude towards outsiders is to kill them directly.

"Everyone cheer up and be careful!"

Wang Jin couldn't help reminding.We temporarily put aside the discovery of the strange rituals of the ethnic minorities and continued to move forward in the snow, but it didn't take long for us to make new discoveries.

I felt from a distance that there was someone's breath in the snow in front of me, and there should be someone in front of me.

However, what made us feel very strange was that when we looked around, the snow field was completely white, and there was no sign of anyone at all.

I believe in my feeling that there must be someone in front of me, but now our eyes tell us that there is no one in front of us.

"Let's not go now, take out the binoculars, and take another look!"

Wang Jin took my words very seriously.

Lucy and Li Xin felt that we were making a fuss.

"Did Zhang Qi feel wrong? There seems to be no one in the snow."

Li Xin couldn't help muttering.

I couldn't help but smiled, and I said, my senses are very sensitive, far beyond ordinary people, since I feel someone, there must be someone in front of me, it can't be wrong.

Li Xin was dubious, but according to Wang Jin's request, he took out the binoculars and observed carefully.

Soon, Lucy exclaimed, "There are really people in front, and there are more than one. A group of them are all wearing white cloaks, wriggling slowly in the snow, looking very weird!"

Under normal circumstances, even against a white background, a group of people wearing white clothes can still distinguish clearly with the sensitivity of human eyes.

But in the snow-capped mountains, there are very dazzling white everywhere. Under the sun, the snow will reflect light. Once it stays for a long time, it is very easy to cause visual fatigue, and sometimes it can even make people hallucinate.

Many people survive in the snow, because of this, they lose their way and eventually die.

Although the few of us are spies, we are mortals after all. The heavy white snow still affected our eyes.

Because of this, we failed to discover the group of people crawling in the snow before.

At this moment, after seeing these people, we all feel very strange in our hearts, what are these people doing?

In this winter, crawling in the snow, wriggling like bugs, this is really weird.

"This should be those ethnic minorities who kill and sacrifice. They should still be doing some rituals. I suggest that it is best to bypass them. Once the special rituals of these ethnic minorities are disturbed by outsiders, they are likely to arouse their strong resentment."

Lucy said so.

We all nodded, and felt that one more thing is worse than one less thing, so let's just bypass it.

We walked through the snow on the side of the group, preparing to stay away from the group.

However, I am still very curious about these people. As I walk, I often observe them with a telescope. I want to know what they are doing crawling in the snow.

I watched for a while, but I still didn't understand. The movements of this group of people were very stiff. If I didn't know that there are no ghosts in the world, I would have thought that they were all ghosts. It was very weird.

However, although I didn't understand what they were doing, I made another discovery that shocked me.

"We can't go, we have to get in touch with this group of people."

I suddenly grabbed Wang Jin and said like this.

Everyone looked at me in surprise and asked me what was wrong. I said, look carefully. Does the logo on the chest of those people’s white clothes look familiar?

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